Turkmenistan which is one of the countries of the Central Asian republics is among the countries receiving lowest number of tourists despite having some enthralling tourist destinations in the world. It is bordered with landforms from all side, with the exception of the western part where it borders with Caspian Sea. Just like all countries in Central Asia, Turkmenistan despite being a young country is rich in culture and local tradition, while the historical sightseeing opportunities are limited but significant. In Turkmenistan combined tours visit the best of Central Asia with trip to Turkmenistan along with combined tours to other neighboring countries.

Central Asian Region
The Central Asian region consists of republics which were previously part of the bigger Soviet Union, and later got split up after its collapse. The central Asian countries are: Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan. These together are colloquially referred to as ‘The Stans’ with sometimes Afghanistan and Pakistan being included. Historically, the region was an important crossroad through which the Silk Road route passed. After the opening of the route, trade between the civilizations of East and West florished. As a result, some of the cities in the region that were located along the Silk Road route grew in prominence. At one time, they were the biggest and richest cities in the world, were inhabited by influential thinkers and scholars, had numerous monuments, and advanced in many ways. Today, the cities and the ruins of the monuments are major archaeological sites and tourist spots.
Because of the location, the region was the melting pot of various faiths and cultures. Iranian and Turkic nomads were the first to have settled in the region where they founded various tribal empires. In pre-Islamic and early Islamic times, the region was predominantly Iranian. Various ancient civlization like the Bactrians, Sogdians, Chorasmians, Scythains emerged out of it. After the influx of the Turkic population, Turkic languages replaced the Iranian language and Central Asia became the homeland for Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Tatars, Turkmen, Kyrgyz, and Uyghurs. The region also had Chinese, Korean, and later, Russian influence. The region itself is less visited as compared to some other famous tourists places, but has lot of potential and because of rich cultural heritage, mesmerizing landscape, and varied landforms has a bright future in tourism sector.
Turkmenistan which is much closer to the Persian world than the other countries is a bit different in its tradition and culture. As opposed to neighboring countries which were inhabited by farmers who practised farming, it was inhabited by nomads who continued on with their nomadic lifestyle. This shaped the culture of modern day Turkmenistan which is palpable in various parts of the country.
Below Are Our Combined Tour Packages:
Turkmenistan-Kazakhstan Combined Tours
Take a trip to the ancient cities of Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan in a single tour package.
Turkmenistan-Tajikistan Combined Tour
A trip through the historical sites of Turkmenistan and Tajikistan.
Turkmenistan-Kyrgyzstan Combined Tour
A combined tour to the best of both worlds of Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan.
Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan Combined Tour
A combined tour package to the historical sites of Uzbekistan and major destinations of Turkmenistan.