The Attraction of Uzbekistan


The eastern country of famous madrassas, mosques, silk and karakul is located in the heart of the Central Asian region, in a picturesque oasis. It is impossible not to fall in love with this fabulous state at first sight. Amazing nature, blue domes, ancient monuments, oriental palaces fascinate. Travelers are fascinated and the national colors of the country: the customs and traditions of the locals, cuisine, distinctive culture. You will have a chance to get acquainted with all the peculiarities of Uzbekistan during our spring tour. You can book a date convenient for you in March, April or May.

What attracts Uzbekistan

The Central Asian country today attracts the same thing that many years ago attracted Alexander the Great to its territories, than fascinated the Arabs – its expanses are two important rivers of Asia – the Amu Darya and Syr Darya, built oasis cities with artisans and skilled craftsmen.

Tourism in the country usually evokes associations with cities that are UNESCO World Heritage sites – Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva. We will visit them during our spring tour to Uzbekistan with you.

In pearl Bukhara you will see the amazing Kalyan Minaret, which amazed the Mongols that even the heartless Genghis Khan forbade its destruction.
In Samarkand during the tour tourists will visit the Mausoleum of Amir Timur and his family tomb.
In Khiva everyone will have a chance to touch the history, because its old part – the city-museum, is preserved almost in its original form.
Every city in Uzbekistan has a lot of reasons to visit it. In Tashkent, Kokand, Fergana you can get acquainted with modern oriental fairy tale, communicate with locals.

Amazing Nature

Uzbekistan is not only sights, cuisine and local color. Its vast expanses are extraordinarily attractive and fascinating. From the ski resort of Beldersay to the sandy Karakum Desert, it has everything for a unique experience.

The Karakum and Kyzylkum deserts are located in most of the country. We are going to see the last one with you during our trip to Uzbekistan, which is going to take place this spring. The Amudarya River flows there, which gives us incredible landscapes.

The mountains in the country are not high, like, for example, the Himalayas or the Alps, but if you want to go on a fascinating hike, the height of Khazret-Sultan Mountain, which reaches 4643 meters, is quite suitable.

In different parts of Uzbekistan there are preserved rock paintings, which have survived until our time and have come a long way, counted in tens of years.

A variety of types of tourism

There are different types of tourism in Uzbekistan, so it will not be difficult to choose a trip tailored to your interests. This is what attracts many travelers, who are looking for new impressions and emotions, each time trying to make the trip special, colorful and unforgettable:

Cultural and historical in Bukhara, Samarkand, Khiva.
Ethnic – allows you to fully immerse yourself in the culture, worldview, life. During our trip tourists have an opportunity to visit master-classes on cooking national dishes.
Active. If you do not want to walk with a guide, you can always go to the mountains or Charvak reservoir, which is located near the capital. The Kyzylkum desert, Lake Aidarkul, the Nurata Mountains, the Aral Sea amazes with its grandeur.
In addition, the country has ecological, therapeutic and business tourism. A trip to Uzbekistan is a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in its history, identity and culture. Let’s go on a tour with us in spring – warm spring days are not far off, prepare in advance and book your seats. The thought of traveling is sure to warm you up in the frosty winter days.

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