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                            [1] => Overview
                            [2] => Itinerary
                            [3] => Includes / Extra
                            [4] => Dates
                            [5] => FAQs
                            [6] => Map

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                            [1] => fas fa-list
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                            [9] => 9
                            [10] => 10
                            [11] => 11
                            [12] => 12

                    [field_id] => Array
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                            [2] => Group Size
                            [3] => Maximum Altitude
                            [4] => Accomodation
                            [5] => Fitness level
                            [6] => Arrival on
                            [7] => Departure from
                            [8] => Best season
                            [9] => Guiding method
                            [10] => Tour type
                            [11] => Meals
                            [12] => Language

                    [field_icon] => Array
                            [1] => fas fa-bus
                            [2] => fas fa-user
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                    [cust_notif] => 1
                    [booking_notification_subject_admin] => New Booking Order has been received ({booking_id})
                    [booking_notification_template_admin] => 

New Booking

Dear Admin,

A new booking has been made on your website. Booking details are listed below.

Booking Trips ({booking_trips_count})


Billing Details

Name {fullname}
Email {user_email}
Billing Address {billing_address}
City {city}
Country {country}
View booking on your website site
[sale_subject] => Payment has been received for {booking_id} [sales_wpeditor] =>

A Payment has been received for {booking_id}

Dear Admin,

A payment has been received for {booking_id}. The payment details are listed below.

Booked Trips ({booking_trips_count})


Billing Details

Booking Name {fullname}
Booking Email {user_email}
Billing Address {billing_address}
City {city}
Country {country}

Payment Details

Subtotal {subtotal}
Total {total}
Discount {discount_amount}
Paid amount {paid_amount}
Due {due}
Total {price}
View booking on your website site
[name] => [from] => [booking_notification_subject_customer] => New Booking Order has been received ({booking_id}) [booking_notification_template_customer] =>

Booking Confirmation

Dear {name},

You have successfully made the trip booking. Your booking information is listed below.

Booking Trips ({booking_trips_count})


Billing Details

Name {fullname}
Email {user_email}
Billing Address {billing_address}
City {city}
Country {country}
[subject] => Your payment has been confirmed for {booking_id} [purchase_wpeditor] =>

Your booking has been confirmed.

Dear {name},

Your booking has been confirmed. Your booking and payment information is listed below.

Booked Trips ({booking_trips_count})


Billing Details

Booking Name {fullname}
Booking Email {user_email}
Billing Address {billing_address}
City {city}
Country {country}

Payment Details

Subtotal {subtotal}
Total {total}
Discount {discount_amount}
Paid amount {paid_amount}
Due {due}
Total {price}
) [currency_code] => USD [currency_option] => symbol [thousands_separator] => , [default_gateway] => booking_only [paypal_id] => [trip_minimum_age_icon] => fas fa-male [trip_maximum_age_icon] => fas fa-male [payment_debug] => no [bank_transfer] => Array ( [title] => Bank Transfer [description] => Make your payment directly into our bank account. Please use your Order ID as the payment reference. Your order will not be shipped until the funds have cleared in our account. [instruction] => Please make your payment on the provided bank accounts. [accounts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [account_name] => "Unique Travel" [account_number] => 20208840500677150002 [bank_name] => AKB "Kapital Bank" Bukhara Branch [sort_code] => [iban] => [swift] => KACHUZ22 ) ) ) [check_payment] => Array ( [title] => Check payments [description] => Please send a check to Store Name, Store Street, Store Town, Store State / County, Store Postcode. [instruction] => Please send a check to Store Name, Store Street, Store Town, Store State / County, Store Postcode. ) [enable_checkout_customer_registration] => no [disable_my_account_customer_registration] => no [generate_username_from_email] => yes [generate_user_password] => yes [amount_display_format] => %CURRENCY_SYMBOL%%AMOUNT% [decimal_digits] => 2 [decimal_separator] => . [travelers_information] => yes [show_trip_facts_sidebar] => yes [hide_powered_by] => no [disable_fa_icons_js] => no [book_btn_txt] => Book Now [query_subject] => Enquiry received [person_format] => /person [confirmation_msg] => Thank you for booking the trip. Please check your email for confirmation. Below is your booking detail: [gdpr_msg] => By contacting us, you agree to our [feat_trip_num] => 3 [tax_images] => 1 [show_excerpt] => 1 [group] => Array ( [discount] => 1 [discount_availability] => [discount_guide_title] => [discount_guide_open_title] => ) [departure] => Array ( [section_title] => [hide_availability_section] => yes [section] => 1 ) [currency_converter] => Array ( [enable] => yes [sticky_enable] => yes [show_before_bkg] => yes [title] => Currency Converter [api_key] => 3bc40fead91a5255448b [key_type] => free [geo_locate] => 0 [auto_update] => yes [code] => Array ( [0] => USD ) [rate] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) ) [form_editor] => Array ( [grecaptcha_site_key] => [recaptcha_v2_secret_key] => ) [itinerary_downloader] => Array ( [enable] => on [mailchimp_api_key] => [download_button_main_label] => Want to read it later? [download_button_main_description] => Download this tour's PDF brochure and start your planning offline. [popup_form_main_label] => Almost there! [popup_form_main_description] => Please enter your email address and click the button below to get itinerary sent directly to your email address. [user_consent_info] => After signing up for the newsletter, you will occasionally receive mail regarding offers, releases & notices. We will not sell or distribute your email address to a third party at any time. [user_consent_always_required] => off [replyto_emailaddress] => [email_subject_text] => Please Find The Itinerary PDF Attached [email_body_message] => Hello, Please find the requested PDF of #trip attached. Thanks & Regards [pdf_content_logo] => 654 [email_contact_us_label] => Quick Questions? Email Us [pdf_content_email] => [company_address_label] => Address [pdf_company_address] => 70, Eshoni pir str., Bukhara city, Uzbekistan [pdf_base_theme_color] => [pdf_company_telephone_address] => +998936203300 [enable_talk_to_expert_section] => on [pdf_talk_to_expert_text] => Talk To an Expert [pdf_expert_email] => [pdf_content_expert_img] => 1912 [pdf_expert_telephone_address] => +998936591107 [whattsapp_available_for_contact] => on [pdf_company_info_last_page_bg_image] => [add_availability_into_pdf] => on ) [fsd_dates_layout] => dates_list [trip_dates] => Array ( [number] => 3 [pagination_number] => 10 ) [wte_advance_itinerary] => Array ( [chart] => Array ( [show] => 1 [alt_unit] => m [data] => Array ( [color] => #1be896 ) [bg] => ) ) [extra_service_title] => Extra services [trip_search] => Array ( [destination] => 0 [activities] => 0 [trip_types] => 0 [trip_tag] => 0 [difficulty] => 0 [duration] => 0 [budget] => 0 [apply_in_search_page] => 0 ) [user_history] => Array ( [cookie_consent] => Array ( [position] => bottom-left [layout] => block [banner_bg] => #000000 [button_bg] => #f1d600 [content_text_col] => #ffffff [button_text_col] => #000000 [learn_more_link] => [consent_message] => This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. [dismiss_button_text] => Got it! [policy_link_text] => Learn more ) ) [trip_reviews] => Array ( [summary_label] => Overall Trip Rating: [company_summary_label] => Overall Company Rating: [reviewed_tour_text] => Reviewed Tour: [excellent_label] => Excellent [vgood_label] => Very Good [average_label] => Average [poor_label] => Poor [terrible_label] => Terrible ) [trip_highlights] => [show_taxonomy_children] => no [partial_payment_enable] => yes [partial_payment_option] => amount [partial_payment_percent] => [partial_payment_amount] => 200 [file_downloads] => Array ( [wte_file_download_label] => [wte_file_download_global_check] => 1 [wte_file_download_click_download] => 1 [file_downloadable_max_count] => 0 ) [enquiry] => 1 [show_related_trips] => no [related_trips_section_title] => Related trips you might interested in [no_of_related_trips] => 3 [related_trip_show_by] => trip_types [wte_sticky_tabs] => yes [hide_term_description] => no [tax_enable] => no [tax_type_option] => exclusive [tax_percentage] => 13 [enable_social_login] => no [enable_facebook_login] => no [facebook_client_id] => [facebook_client_secret] => [enable_google_login] => yes [google_client_id] => [google_client_secret] => [enable_linkedin_login] => no [linkedin_client_id] => [linkedin_client_secret] => [booking] => 1 [set_duration_type] => nights [default_trip_facts] => Array ( [minimum-age] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Minimum Age [field_icon] => fas fa-child [field_type] => minimum-age [input_placeholder] => Minimum Age from Trip Settings [enabled] => yes ) [maximum-age] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Maximum Age [field_icon] => fas fa-male [field_type] => maximum-age [input_placeholder] => Maximum Age from Trip Settings [enabled] => yes ) [group-size] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Group Size [field_icon] => fas fa-user-group [field_type] => group-size [input_placeholder] => Minimum and Maximum praticipants from Trip Settings [enabled] => no ) [difficulties] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Difficulties [field_icon] => fas fa-shoe-prints [field_type] => difficulties [input_placeholder] => Trip Difficulty [enabled] => no ) [seasons] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Seasons [field_icon] => fas fa-person-hiking [field_type] => taxonomy:seasons [input_placeholder] => List of Seasons [enabled] => no ) [destination] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Destinations [field_icon] => fas fa-person-hiking [field_type] => taxonomy:destination [input_placeholder] => List of Destinations [enabled] => no ) [activities] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Activities [field_icon] => fas fa-person-hiking [field_type] => taxonomy:activities [input_placeholder] => List of Activities [enabled] => no ) [trip_types] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Trip Type [field_icon] => fas fa-person-hiking [field_type] => taxonomy:trip_types [input_placeholder] => List of Trip Type [enabled] => no ) [difficulty] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Difficulty [field_icon] => fas fa-person-hiking [field_type] => taxonomy:difficulty [input_placeholder] => List of Difficulty [enabled] => no ) [trip_tag] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Trip Tag [field_icon] => fas fa-person-hiking [field_type] => taxonomy:trip_tag [input_placeholder] => List of Trip Tag [enabled] => no ) ) [display_new_trip_listing] => no [display_slider_layout] => 1 [show_featured_tag] => 1 [show_wishlist] => 1 [show_map_on_card] => 1 [show_difficulty_tax] => 1 [show_trips_tag] => 1 [show_date_layout] => 1 [show_available_months] => 1 [pricing_section_layout] => layout-1 [wte_sticky_booking_widget] => no [related_display_new_trip_listing] => no [show_related_trip_carousel] => 1 [show_related_featured_tag] => 1 [show_related_wishlist] => 1 [show_related_map] => 1 [show_related_difficulty_tax] => 1 [show_related_trip_tags] => 1 [show_related_date_layout] => 1 [show_related_available_months] => 1 [show_trip_facts] => yes [show_trip_facts_content_area] => no [hide_term_title] => no [show_featured_trips_on_top] => yes ) [post_meta] => Array ( [availability_title] => [departure_dates] => Array ( ) ) )

Tour to Uzbekistan – The Tales of Omar Khayyam

Days 9

Trip Facts

  • Language
    English, Russian, Chinese, German, Korean, French, Japanese
  • Group Size
    Minimum 2 persons, Maximum 20 person
  • Best season
    Year around
  • Fitness level
    Medium, normal physical shape and good appetite
  • Tour type
    Group Travel, Private Travel

Trip code: WTE-16267

    [id] => Array
            [1] => 1
            [2] => 2
            [3] => 3
            [5] => 5

    [field] => Array
            [1] => wp_editor
            [2] => itinerary
            [3] => cost
            [4] => dates
            [5] => faqs
            [6] => map

    [name] => Array
            [1] => Overview
            [2] => Itinerary
            [3] => Includes / Extra
            [4] => Dates
            [5] => FAQs
            [6] => Map

    [icon] => Array
            [1] => fas fa-list
            [2] => fas fa-map-location
            [3] => fas fa-check
            [4] => fas fa-calendar-days
            [5] => fas fa-circle-question
            [6] => fas fa-map-signs

    [enable] => Array
            [1] => yes
            [2] => yes
            [3] => yes
            [4] => yes
            [5] => yes
            [6] => no


Uzbekistan Travel Package

Cultural and Historical trip covering ancient cities Tashkent – Khiva – Bukhara – Samarkand – Tashkent – Chimgan, Charvak.

From VI century to XXI century along the Great Silk Road in the footsteps of the legendary Tamerlane, Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great.

History of the most ancient cities that are a thousand years old, marvelous architectural monuments, beautiful nature – the majesty of mountains, boundless deserts, mountain rivers, lakes and waterfalls, and even dry sea, authentic culture and crafts, delicious Uzbek cuisine, fruits, sweets and, of course, hearty and hospitable people – all in one trip. Join a great company and you will have a dream trip, the impression of which will remain in your memory for a lifetime! (And also, with this trip, you will surprise your friends.)

We will visit a sunny country where you will be welcomed in every home and enjoy a rich dinner, we will dive into the ancient history of Khorezm and Sogdiana, we will see if Tamerlane has chalk in his right hand, we will visit Hoji Nasreddin, We will try on Bukhara Emir’s robes (chapan), take selfies on Registan Square in Samarkand (day and night), taste the fruits of juicy and fragrant melons, watermelons and take home the recipe of the real Uzbek pilaf.

Uzbekistan travel highlights

  • Trips to legendary cities: Samarkand, Tashkent, Bukhara, Khiva
  • Famous Madrassas and Mosques
  • The Culture and Hospitality of the East
  • Unique architecture
  • History and sights from the times of Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great to the present day
  • National cuisine, pilaf, samsa, lagman
  • Seasonal Uzbek fruits, vegetables, berries
  • Tour-to-Uzbekistan---The-Tales-of-Omar-Khayyam
    [trip_code] => WTE-16267
    [trip_duration] => 9
    [trip_duration_unit] => days
    [trip_duration_nights] => 8
    [trip_cut_off_time] => 
    [trip_cut_off_unit] => days
    [trip_minimum_pax] => 
    [trip_maximum_pax] => 
    [overview_section_title] => Uzbekistan Travel Package
    [tab_content] => Array
            [1_wpeditor] => Cultural and Historical trip covering ancient cities Tashkent - Khiva - Bukhara - Samarkand - Tashkent - Chimgan, Charvak.

From VI century to XXI century along the Great Silk Road in the footsteps of the legendary Tamerlane, Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great.

History of the most ancient cities that are a thousand years old, marvelous architectural monuments, beautiful nature - the majesty of mountains, boundless deserts, mountain rivers, lakes and waterfalls, and even dry sea, authentic culture and crafts, delicious Uzbek cuisine, fruits, sweets and, of course, hearty and hospitable people - all in one trip. Join a great company and you will have a dream trip, the impression of which will remain in your memory for a lifetime! (And also, with this trip, you will surprise your friends.)

We will visit a sunny country where you will be welcomed in every home and enjoy a rich dinner, we will dive into the ancient history of Khorezm and Sogdiana, we will see if Tamerlane has chalk in his right hand, we will visit Hoji Nasreddin, We will try on Bukhara Emir's robes (chapan), take selfies on Registan Square in Samarkand (day and night), taste the fruits of juicy and fragrant melons, watermelons and take home the recipe of the real Uzbek pilaf.

    [trip_highlights_title] => Uzbekistan travel highlights
    [wte_services_ids] => 
    [trip_itinerary_title] => Itinerary: Tashkent - Khiva - Bukhara - Samarkand - Tashkent - Chimgan, Charvak
    [itinerary] => Array
            [itinerary_title] => Array
                    [1] => Your city ✈ Tashkent
                    [2] => Tashkent - arrival
                    [3] => Tashkent ✈ Urgench - Khiva
                    [4] => Khiva - Bukhara (by car)
                    [5] => Bukhara
                    [6] => Bukhara - Samarkand (by train)
                    [7] => Samarkand
                    [8] => Samarkand - Tashkent (by train)
                    [9] => Tashkent - let's go to the mountains
                    [10] => Tashkent / Flight to your city

            [itinerary_days_label] => Array
                    [1] => Day 0
                    [2] => Day 1
                    [3] => Day 2
                    [4] => Day 3
                    [5] => Day 4
                    [6] => Day 5
                    [7] => Day 6
                    [8] => Day 7
                    [9] => Day 8
                    [10] => Day 9

            [itinerary_content] => Array
                    [1] => Departure from the home city
Arrival in Tashkent

It will take you maximum 1 hour to clear customs.
At the exit you will be met by our driver with a sign "Minzifa Travel".

Transfer to the hotel, check in and check out, rest
Free day !!! ( pick up day )

Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner By yourself
Overnight in Tashkent hotel
                    [2] => From 8:00 to 9:30 Breakfast at the hotel

10:00 Sightseeing tour in Tashkent:
Tashkent Old City
Hast Imam complex where the most famous Koran, Koran of Osman, is kept.
Chor-Su Bazaar,
Kukaldosh Madrasah
Museum of Applied Arts
From 13:00 till 14:00 Lunch at local chaikhana.

Continuation of sightseeing tour in Tashkent:
Monument of Courage,
Amir Temur Square, Tamerlane Museum
Visit Independence Square,
Tashkent Broadway
Tashkent Metro stations.
18:00 to 19:00 Dinner at local teahouse

Duration of sightseeing program: 5-6 hours.
Transfer to the hotel!
Free time after the tour.
Overnight in Tashkent hotel
                    [3] => 05:00 Light breakfast at the hotel or Lunch boxes for the road
Checkout and hotel and 
05:40 Transfer to Tashkent airport
07:00 flight from Tashkent to Urgench
08:30 Arrival in Urgench

You will spend maximum 1 hour to go through customs.
09:30 Presumable departure from the airport. At the exit you will be met by our driver with MInzifa Travel sign.

11:00 Khiva - Sightseeing in Khiva
Museum "Ancient Khorezm". (Palace "Kukhna Ark").
Interior of "Kazikhan".
Museum "History of Khiva Khanate. (Madrasa Muhammed Rakhimkhan II).
Museum of Khorezm music history. (Kasi Kalyan madrassah).
House Museum of K. Khwarizmi.
Museum of madrasah history. Museum of medicine in Khorezm. (Shergazikhan madrassah).
Museum of Applied Arts of Khorezm. (Madrasa Islam Hajj).
From 13:00 till 14:00 Lunch at local chaikhana.

Further on the itinerary;

Photo-exhibition of H. Divanov and "Popular Education of Khorezm" (New-method school).
Juma Mosque.
"Exposition of masterpieces of Khorezm scriptures" (Matpanabai Madrasah.)
Museum 'Nature of Khorezm' (Abdullakhan Madrasah).
Museum 'Fine Arts of Khorezm' (Kutlug Murad Inak Madrasah).
Museum "Handicrafts of Khorezm" (Tash Hauli Palace).
Interior of "Harem of Khan" (Tash Hauli Palace).
Museum of German Mennonites in Khorezm.
Duration of the tour 4 - 5 hours

17:30 - 19:00 Dinner at local tea-house

For dinner you will have a master class, famous dish of Khorezm cuisine - Shivit oshi. It is noodles mixed with dill and bright red gravy (waju).
Transfer to hotel, accommodation, rest.

Extras in Khiva (not included):

Sheikh Bobo Lookout Tower (Kunya Ark Palace).
Minaret of Islam Khuja.
Walking on top of fortress wall Ichan Kala. (Bakhcha darvaza).
Night in Khiva
                    [4] => From 8:00 to 9:30 Breakfast at the hotel
Checkout at hotel
10:00 Departure from Khiva to Bukhara by car
Picnic en route:

Compliment of Minzifa Company: fruit, dried fruits, Uzbek sweets, assortment of food and drinks.

Lunch on the way at local tea house where they cook delicious fish
Proceeding to Bukhara via Kyzylkum Desert (Red Sands) - the 11th largest desert in the world.
Along the way there will be a stop at the Amudarya River for you to enjoy the beautiful scenery and take beautiful pictures as a keepsake
16:00 Arrival in Bukhara

Transfer to the hotel, check in, time for rest
Free evening for walking around the city

18:00 Master class on cooking plov in a guest house

Optional in Bukhara: evening out (needs to be coordinated in advance)
  1. Master class on cooking plov in a guest house
  2. Bozori Kord Telpak furushon- Eastern men bath.
  3. Hamam Kunzhak- Eastern women's bath near Kalyan Minaret.
  4. Folklore show in Madrasah Nodir Divan Begi.
  5. Puppet theater and puppet workshop.
  6. Karakul workshop
  7. Embroidery workshop Suzane
  8. Bukhara carpet workshop
  9. Ceramics workshop in Gijduvan (70 km outside Bukhara by reservation )
Overnight in Bukhara hotel [5] => 8:00 - 9:30 Breakfast at the hotel 10:00 Beginning of sightseeing tour in Bukhara. Visit to Ismail Samani mausoleum. Visit Chashma Ayub Mausoleum (Well of Job) located next to Samanid Mausoleum. A visit to the Bolo House Mosque of the 18th-20th centuries. The Ark Fortress, citadel of Emir of Bukhara. From 13:00 to 14:00 Lunch at local teahouse. Continuation of sightseeing tour: Poi Kalyan complex includes - Kalyan Mosque and Kalyan Minaret, Mir-Arab Madrassah, Ulugbek and Abdulazizkhan madrassahs, Ancient Trading Domes, The 12th century Magoki-Attori Mosque. Lyabi House complex, consisting of three architectural monuments: Kukeldash Madrasah, Nodir Divan Begi Madrasah and Hanaka Madrasah of the 17th century. Duration of the tour program 6 - 7 hours. Folklore show in Nodir Divan Begi Madrasah 18:00 - 19:00 Dinner in the Madrasah of Nodir Divan Begi with Folklore show Optional in Bukhara: Evening entertainment (at the request of the customers, you have to agree in advance for extra charge) Bozori Kord Telpak furushon- Eastern men's bath. Hamam Kunjak- Eastern women's bath near Minaret Kalyan. Folklore show in Madrasah Nodir Divan Begi (on availability). Master class on cooking plov in guest house Puppet theater and puppet workshop. Karakul workshop Bukhara carpet workshop Embroidery workshop Suzane Ceramics workshop in Gijduvan (70 km away from Bukhara by advance reservation) Overnight in Bukhara hotel [6] => From 8:00 to 9:30 Breakfast at the hotel, Checkout at hotel. 10:00 Sightseeing tour out of town. Trip to "Sitorai Mohi Khosa" summer palace of Emir of Bukhara. Mausoleum of Bahouddin Naqshbandi - founder of Naqshbandiya Sufi order, "Chor Bakr" - Necropolis, a unique monument "Chor Minor" dated 1807 -1809 Sightseeing tour lasts for 4 hours From 13:00 till 14:00 Lunch at a local tea-house Lunch at a local cafe, where they cook the most delicious shashlik in Uzbekistan! Transfer to Bukhara railway station 14:50 Departure from Bukhara 17:20 Arrival in Samarkand Transfer to hotel, check in, rest Free time in Samarkand 18:00 - 19:00 Dinner - Master class on making manty in "U Ilkhom" guest house Extras in Samarkand: (on client's demand, it is necessary to coordinate in advance for extra charge) Museum of winemaking at Khovrenko Winery and tasting of Uzbek wines Kunya Meros Paper Factory (reconstructed handmade manufacture of ancient paper from mulberry tree, you will see the whole process of paper making) The Khujum Carpet Factory (production of silk carpets and other silk products) Master class on making manty "U Zarifa" Visit to El Merosi historical costume theater Overnight in Samarkand [7] => From 8:00 to 9:30 Breakfast at the hotel 10:00 Sightseeing tour in Samarkand: Visit the famous Mausoleum of Amir Timur - "Gur Emir" and his family tomb - a masterpiece of 14th century architecture. Visit legendary Registan Square, Ulugbek Madrassah - 15th century, Sher Dor Madrassah - 17th century (1619-1636), Til Kori Madrassah and Mosque - 17th century (1646-1660). From 13:00 to 14:00 Lunch at local teahouse. Bibi-Khanum Mosque (1399-1404) built in honor of wife of Amir Timur. The famous Samarkand Syeb Bazaar. Where you can buy dried fruits and national sweets. Continuation of the tour you will visit the necropolis of Shahi Zinda from the times of Timurids. Extras in Samarkand: (on client's request, it is necessary to coordinate in advance for extra charge) Museum of wine making at Khovrenko Winery and tasting of Uzbek wines Kunya Meros Paper Factory (reconstructed handmade manufacture of ancient paper from mulberry tree, you will see the whole process of paper making) The Khujum Carpet Factory (production of silk carpets and other silk products) Master class on making manty "U Zarifa" Visit to El Merosi historical costume theater Overnight in Samarkand [8] => From 8:00 to 9:30 Breakfast at the hotel Check-out from hotel 10:00 Country excursion 30km from Samarkand: Kunya Meros Paper Factory (recreated handmade ancient mulberry tree paper production, here you will see the whole process of paper production Mausoleum of Prophet Daniel - a holy place of worship for three religions Muslim, Christian and Jewish Visit to the Ulugbek Observatory - a unique 15th century building for the study of astronomy. 15:00 - 16:30 Museum of wine making at Khovrenko Winery and tasting of Uzbek wines 17:00 Transfer to the train station Departure from Samarkand to Tashkent. Compliments from Minzif Company: fruit, dried fruits, Uzbek sweets, assortment of drinks. 19:44 Arrival in Tashkent 20:00 - 21:00 Dinner at local tea-house Transfer to hotel, check in, rest Overnight in Tashkent hotel [9] => From 8:00 to 9:30 Breakfast at the hotel 10:00 Drive to Chimgan mountains: The road winds through beautiful mountain scenery, Survey of the surrounding area. 12:00 Approximate Time of Arrival in Amirsoy Drive to Amirsoy area, where you can ride the chairlift. ATV rides on request (optional). From 13:00 till 14:00 Lunch at local tea-house. Proceeding by road to Charvak reservoir surrounded by mountainsides. Arrival to the reservoir Charvak reservoir is the perfect place for rest and active sport including paragliding (optional). A few minutes of flight can turn out to be one of the most vivid memories in your life. The flight lasts 5-10 minutes 17:00 Return to Tashkent 19:00 to 20:00 Grand dinner at local restaurant Transfer to hotel, rest Overnight in Tashkent hotel. End of tour! (Optional) Night time departure Meeting with driver at hotel and transfer to Tashkent International Airport! [10] => From 8:00 to 10:00 Breakfast at the hotel Free day, separation by flights Meeting at hotel with driver and transfer to Tashkent International Airport Departure from Tashkent ) ) [cost_tab_sec_title] => [cost] => Array ( [includes_title] => The price includes: [cost_includes] => - Entrance fees to museums and for sightseeing. - Transport during the whole excursion route. - Transfers; meeting and seeing off to the airport and train station according to the schedule of flights. - Guide - a guide to accompany the route (1 or 2 categories). RSG - Russian speaking guide. - Hotel accommodation, according to order - Tour package - Full board - breakfasts / lunches / dinners (local teahouses and restaurants offering national Uzbek cuisine) - Air tickets Tashkent - Urgench (economy class) - Express train tickets Bukhara-Samarkand, Samarkand-Tashkent (economy class) - Dinner / Master Class in cooking the famous dish of Khorezm cuisine - Shivit oshi. -1 - Dinner / Master class on cooking plov in a guest house - 1 - Dinner in Madrasah Nodir Diwan Begi with Folklore show - 1 - Dinner / Master class on cooking manty at "U Ilkhom" guest house - 1 - Grand Dinner in Khiva Restaurant - 1 - Compliments from Minzifa Company: fruit, dried fruits, Uzbek sweets, assortment of drinks. - Museum of winemaking at Khovrenko winery and tasting of Uzbek wines - Kunya Meros paper factory [excludes_title] => Price is not included: [cost_excludes] => - International tickets to Uzbekistan and back (our company can provide you with this service on special request) - Additional services in hotel - Photo and video shooting fee is paid additionally at museums - Tips for guides and drivers are appreciated! - Additional services. - VAT 15 % ) [trip_facts_title] => [trip_facts] => Array ( [field_id] => Array ( [12] => Language [2] => Group Size [8] => Best season [5] => Fitness level [10] => Tour type ) [field_type] => Array ( [12] => text [2] => text [8] => text [5] => text [10] => text ) [12] => Array ( [12] => English, Russian, Chinese, German, Korean, French, Japanese ) [2] => Array ( [2] => Minimum 2 persons, Maximum 20 person ) [8] => Array ( [8] => Year around ) [5] => Array ( [5] => Medium, normal physical shape and good appetite ) [10] => Array ( [10] => Group Travel, Private Travel ) ) [map_section_title] => [map] => Array ( [image_url] => [iframe] => ) [faq_section_title] => FAQs [trip_highlights] => Array ( [26805853] => Array ( [highlight_text] => Trips to legendary cities: Samarkand, Tashkent, Bukhara, Khiva ) [92275660] => Array ( [highlight_text] => Famous Madrassas and Mosques ) [50910462] => Array ( [highlight_text] => The Culture and Hospitality of the East ) [77815626] => Array ( [highlight_text] => Unique architecture ) [2897269] => Array ( [highlight_text] => History and sights from the times of Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great to the present day ) [38226936] => Array ( [highlight_text] => National cuisine, pilaf, samsa, lagman ) [25909568] => Array ( [highlight_text] => Seasonal Uzbek fruits, vegetables, berries ) ) [faq] => Array ( [faq_title] => Array ( [1] => Requirements for a guest [2] => Features ) [faq_content] => Array ( [1] => Regular physical shape, good appetite and excellent mood [2] => If you have dietary, religious or belief food restrictions, please let us know in advance so that we can prepare for them. ) ) [partial_payment_enable] => no [partial_payment_amount] => [tab_8_title] => )

Itinerary: Tashkent - Khiva - Bukhara - Samarkand - Tashkent - Chimgan, Charvak

Departure from the home city
Arrival in Tashkent

It will take you maximum 1 hour to clear customs.
At the exit you will be met by our driver with a sign "Minzifa Travel".

Transfer to the hotel, check in and check out, rest
Free day !!! ( pick up day )

Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner By yourself
Overnight in Tashkent hotel

From 8:00 to 9:30 Breakfast at the hotel

10:00 Sightseeing tour in Tashkent:
Tashkent Old City
Hast Imam complex where the most famous Koran, Koran of Osman, is kept.
Chor-Su Bazaar,
Kukaldosh Madrasah
Museum of Applied Arts
From 13:00 till 14:00 Lunch at local chaikhana.

Continuation of sightseeing tour in Tashkent:
Monument of Courage,
Amir Temur Square, Tamerlane Museum
Visit Independence Square,
Tashkent Broadway
Tashkent Metro stations.
18:00 to 19:00 Dinner at local teahouse

Duration of sightseeing program: 5-6 hours.
Transfer to the hotel!
Free time after the tour.
Overnight in Tashkent hotel

Duration: 5 hour

05:00 Light breakfast at the hotel or Lunch boxes for the road
Checkout and hotel and
05:40 Transfer to Tashkent airport
07:00 flight from Tashkent to Urgench
08:30 Arrival in Urgench

You will spend maximum 1 hour to go through customs.
09:30 Presumable departure from the airport. At the exit you will be met by our driver with MInzifa Travel sign.

11:00 Khiva - Sightseeing in Khiva
Museum "Ancient Khorezm". (Palace "Kukhna Ark").
Interior of "Kazikhan".
Museum "History of Khiva Khanate. (Madrasa Muhammed Rakhimkhan II).
Museum of Khorezm music history. (Kasi Kalyan madrassah).
House Museum of K. Khwarizmi.
Museum of madrasah history. Museum of medicine in Khorezm. (Shergazikhan madrassah).
Museum of Applied Arts of Khorezm. (Madrasa Islam Hajj).
From 13:00 till 14:00 Lunch at local chaikhana.

Further on the itinerary;

Photo-exhibition of H. Divanov and "Popular Education of Khorezm" (New-method school).
Juma Mosque.
"Exposition of masterpieces of Khorezm scriptures" (Matpanabai Madrasah.)
Museum 'Nature of Khorezm' (Abdullakhan Madrasah).
Museum 'Fine Arts of Khorezm' (Kutlug Murad Inak Madrasah).
Museum "Handicrafts of Khorezm" (Tash Hauli Palace).
Interior of "Harem of Khan" (Tash Hauli Palace).
Museum of German Mennonites in Khorezm.
Duration of the tour 4 - 5 hours

17:30 - 19:00 Dinner at local tea-house

For dinner you will have a master class, famous dish of Khorezm cuisine - Shivit oshi. It is noodles mixed with dill and bright red gravy (waju).
Transfer to hotel, accommodation, rest.

Extras in Khiva (not included):

Sheikh Bobo Lookout Tower (Kunya Ark Palace).
Minaret of Islam Khuja.
Walking on top of fortress wall Ichan Kala. (Bakhcha darvaza).
Night in Khiva

Duration: 5 hour

From 8:00 to 9:30 Breakfast at the hotel
Checkout at hotel
10:00 Departure from Khiva to Bukhara by car
Picnic en route:

Compliment of Minzifa Company: fruit, dried fruits, Uzbek sweets, assortment of food and drinks.

Lunch on the way at local tea house where they cook delicious fish
Proceeding to Bukhara via Kyzylkum Desert (Red Sands) - the 11th largest desert in the world.
Along the way there will be a stop at the Amudarya River for you to enjoy the beautiful scenery and take beautiful pictures as a keepsake
16:00 Arrival in Bukhara

Transfer to the hotel, check in, time for rest
Free evening for walking around the city

18:00 Master class on cooking plov in a guest house

Optional in Bukhara: evening out (needs to be coordinated in advance)

  1. Master class on cooking plov in a guest house
  2. Bozori Kord Telpak furushon- Eastern men bath.
  3. Hamam Kunzhak- Eastern women's bath near Kalyan Minaret.
  4. Folklore show in Madrasah Nodir Divan Begi.
  5. Puppet theater and puppet workshop.
  6. Karakul workshop
  7. Embroidery workshop Suzane
  8. Bukhara carpet workshop
  9. Ceramics workshop in Gijduvan (70 km outside Bukhara by reservation )

Overnight in Bukhara hotel

Duration: 7 hour

8:00 - 9:30 Breakfast at the hotel

10:00 Beginning of sightseeing tour in Bukhara.
Visit to Ismail Samani mausoleum.
Visit Chashma Ayub Mausoleum (Well of Job) located next to Samanid Mausoleum.
A visit to the Bolo House Mosque of the 18th-20th centuries.
The Ark Fortress, citadel of Emir of Bukhara.
From 13:00 to 14:00 Lunch at local teahouse.

Continuation of sightseeing tour:
Poi Kalyan complex includes - Kalyan Mosque and Kalyan Minaret, Mir-Arab Madrassah,
Ulugbek and Abdulazizkhan madrassahs,
Ancient Trading Domes,
The 12th century Magoki-Attori Mosque.
Lyabi House complex, consisting of three architectural monuments: Kukeldash Madrasah, Nodir Divan Begi Madrasah and Hanaka Madrasah of the 17th century.
Duration of the tour program 6 - 7 hours.

Folklore show in Nodir Divan Begi Madrasah
18:00 - 19:00 Dinner in the Madrasah of Nodir Divan Begi with Folklore show

Optional in Bukhara: Evening entertainment (at the request of the customers, you have to agree in advance for extra charge)
Bozori Kord Telpak furushon- Eastern men's bath.
Hamam Kunjak- Eastern women's bath near Minaret Kalyan.
Folklore show in Madrasah Nodir Divan Begi (on availability).
Master class on cooking plov in guest house
Puppet theater and puppet workshop.
Karakul workshop
Bukhara carpet workshop
Embroidery workshop Suzane
Ceramics workshop in Gijduvan (70 km away from Bukhara by advance reservation)
Overnight in Bukhara hotel

Duration: 7 hour

From 8:00 to 9:30 Breakfast at the hotel, Checkout at hotel.

10:00 Sightseeing tour out of town.
Trip to "Sitorai Mohi Khosa" summer palace of Emir of Bukhara.
Mausoleum of Bahouddin Naqshbandi - founder of Naqshbandiya Sufi order,
"Chor Bakr" - Necropolis, a unique monument "Chor Minor" dated 1807 -1809
Sightseeing tour lasts for 4 hours
From 13:00 till 14:00 Lunch at a local tea-house
Lunch at a local cafe, where they cook the most delicious shashlik in Uzbekistan!
Transfer to Bukhara railway station 14:50 Departure from Bukhara 17:20 Arrival in Samarkand
Transfer to hotel, check in, rest
Free time in Samarkand
18:00 - 19:00 Dinner - Master class on making manty in "U Ilkhom" guest house

Extras in Samarkand: (on client's demand, it is necessary to coordinate in advance for extra charge)
Museum of winemaking at Khovrenko Winery and tasting of Uzbek wines
Kunya Meros Paper Factory (reconstructed handmade manufacture of ancient paper from mulberry tree, you will see the whole process of paper making)
The Khujum Carpet Factory (production of silk carpets and other silk products)
Master class on making manty "U Zarifa"
Visit to El Merosi historical costume theater
Overnight in Samarkand


From 8:00 to 9:30 Breakfast at the hotel
10:00 Sightseeing tour in Samarkand:

Visit the famous Mausoleum of Amir Timur - "Gur Emir" and his family tomb - a masterpiece of 14th century architecture.
Visit legendary Registan Square, Ulugbek Madrassah - 15th century, Sher Dor Madrassah - 17th century (1619-1636), Til Kori Madrassah and Mosque - 17th century (1646-1660).
From 13:00 to 14:00 Lunch at local teahouse.
Bibi-Khanum Mosque (1399-1404) built in honor of wife of Amir Timur.
The famous Samarkand Syeb Bazaar. Where you can buy dried fruits and national sweets.
Continuation of the tour you will visit the necropolis of Shahi Zinda from the times of Timurids.

Extras in Samarkand: (on client's request, it is necessary to coordinate in advance for extra charge)
Museum of wine making at Khovrenko Winery and tasting of Uzbek wines
Kunya Meros Paper Factory (reconstructed handmade manufacture of ancient paper from mulberry tree, you will see the whole process of paper making)
The Khujum Carpet Factory (production of silk carpets and other silk products)
Master class on making manty "U Zarifa"
Visit to El Merosi historical costume theater
Overnight in Samarkand


From 8:00 to 9:30 Breakfast at the hotel
Check-out from hotel

10:00 Country excursion 30km from Samarkand:
Kunya Meros Paper Factory (recreated handmade ancient mulberry tree paper production, here you will see the whole process of paper production
Mausoleum of Prophet Daniel - a holy place of worship for three religions Muslim, Christian and Jewish
Visit to the Ulugbek Observatory - a unique 15th century building for the study of astronomy.

15:00 - 16:30 Museum of wine making at Khovrenko Winery and tasting of Uzbek wines
17:00 Transfer to the train station
Departure from Samarkand to Tashkent.

Compliments from Minzif Company: fruit, dried fruits, Uzbek sweets, assortment of drinks.
19:44 Arrival in Tashkent
20:00 - 21:00 Dinner at local tea-house

Transfer to hotel, check in, rest
Overnight in Tashkent hotel

Duration: 6 hour

From 8:00 to 9:30 Breakfast at the hotel
10:00 Drive to Chimgan mountains:

The road winds through beautiful mountain scenery,
Survey of the surrounding area.
12:00 Approximate Time of Arrival in Amirsoy

Drive to Amirsoy area, where you can ride the chairlift.
ATV rides on request (optional).

From 13:00 till 14:00 Lunch at local tea-house.
Proceeding by road to Charvak reservoir surrounded by mountainsides.

Arrival to the reservoir
Charvak reservoir is the perfect place for rest and active sport including paragliding (optional).

A few minutes of flight can turn out to be one of the most vivid memories in your life. The flight lasts 5-10 minutes

17:00 Return to Tashkent
19:00 to 20:00 Grand dinner at local restaurant

Transfer to hotel, rest
Overnight in Tashkent hotel.

End of tour!

(Optional) Night time departure
Meeting with driver at hotel and transfer to Tashkent International Airport!

Breakfast | Dinner
Duration: 6 hour

From 8:00 to 10:00 Breakfast at the hotel

Free day, separation by flights
Meeting at hotel with driver and transfer to Tashkent International Airport

Departure from Tashkent




8 breakfast, 1 dinner

The price includes:

  • - Entrance fees to museums and for sightseeing.
  • - Transport during the whole excursion route.
  • - Transfers; meeting and seeing off to the airport and train station according to the schedule of flights.
  • - Guide - a guide to accompany the route (1 or 2 categories). RSG - Russian speaking guide.
  • - Hotel accommodation, according to order
  • - Tour package
  • - Full board - breakfasts / lunches / dinners (local teahouses and restaurants offering national Uzbek cuisine)
  • - Air tickets Tashkent - Urgench (economy class)
  • - Express train tickets Bukhara-Samarkand, Samarkand-Tashkent (economy class)
  • - Dinner / Master Class in cooking the famous dish of Khorezm cuisine - Shivit oshi. -1
  • - Dinner / Master class on cooking plov in a guest house - 1
  • - Dinner in Madrasah Nodir Diwan Begi with Folklore show - 1
  • - Dinner / Master class on cooking manty at "U Ilkhom" guest house - 1
  • - Grand Dinner in Khiva Restaurant - 1
  • - Compliments from Minzifa Company: fruit, dried fruits, Uzbek sweets, assortment of drinks.
  • - Museum of winemaking at Khovrenko winery and tasting of Uzbek wines
  • - Kunya Meros paper factory


“Please note that we use a local supplier for your arrival airport transfer. As tourism is a growing industry in Central Asia, your driver may not speak English.”


Requirements for a guest

Regular physical shape, good appetite and excellent mood


If you have dietary, religious or belief food restrictions, please let us know in advance so that we can prepare for them.

Timur Alimov

Dear friends!

My name is Timur Alimov, and I represent our group of travel experts in Uzbekistan and Central Asia. Our travel experts will guide you through Uzbekistan and Central Asia. For the past ten years we have been gathering and guiding groups of more then 10000 happy travelers. We can show the country through the eyes of the locals, as if you come not as a tourist, but as a guest visiting friends. We give to our travelers only the routes that we checked personally or it was checked by our guides. Some members of My team has traveled this route more than 10 times, and during these trips we have made a lot of friends in each cities who become our friends and help us.

Our travel company office is based in Bukhara, but our travel experts are set in each country we represent. Company is officially registered and has certificates and tourist licenses # T-0087 Unique Travel issued by state gov of Uzbektourism.

I look forward to seeing you as our clients!

How to reserve a seat

You can book your seat through the booking form , click on "Book now" and follow the process. You can also contact me or our team to get the consultation.

My contacts


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