Exotics Of The East


Uzbekistan which is a blend of rich natural environment and ancient architectural monuments is one-of-a-kind travel destination located in the core of Central Asia. The Eastern part of Uzbekistan which is prominently located in the core of Great Silk Road and is characterized by centuries old breathtaking monuments was once of the important region in Central Asia. The cities in the region were affluent and ruled by powerful dynasties. Our 15 days tour will take you through these notable cities where you can see for yourself why they are called “Exotics of the East.”

This Tour Covers The Following Exotic Cities All Located In Eastern Uzbekistan:


The city of Tashkent will talk you back and forth between a cosmopolitan world and an ancient medieval worldas you’ll be seeing old monuments from even before the medieval period situated besides state-of-the-art skyscrapers.Tashkent which used to be one of the important cities situated in the Great Silk Road route is now a modern metropolis city serving as the capital of Uzbekistan.


Nukus which is the sixth largest city of Uzbekistan is surrounded by three deserts which makes it visually isolated from the rest of the cities in the Silk Road route. It is currently the capital of the autonomous Republic of Karakalpakstan and is well known primarily of the Savitsky Art Museum which houses over 90,000 fine piece of artwork.

Muynak, Mo‘ynoq

Located in the northern Karakalpakstan, the city of Muynak is a prime example of catastrophe that human activities can cause. A tour through the deserts of this city will let you see for yourself a never-before sight of “cemetery of ships” which once used to serve a thriving fishing town.


Khiva is a city which is split into two parts with an inner city seemingly enclosed by brick walls, and an outer city comprising of rest of the area. The walls which are of 10 meters in height are supposedly built to fortify the city against enemies as it was the capital of Khiva Khanate. The old town retains more than 50 ancient monuments which were constructed somewhere between 18th and 19th Century.


The city of Bukhara is as exotic as a city located in the Silk Road route can get. It is a 2,000 years old ancient city which had a strong cultural and economic influence on entire Central Asia. The city stands out from the rest in that it has over 140 eye-catching architectural marvels that adorn the city because of which it was inscribed into the UNESCO World Heritage Site list.

Sentyab Village

The quiet and remote village of Sentyab which is nestled in the river valleys of the Nuratau Mountains is truly an off-the-beaten-path travel destination in Uzbekistan which at first sight may seem like a place situated outside of Uzbekistan. That is primarily because of the high Tajik population that inhabits this small village. The greenery and the slopes of Nuratau Mountains are main reason you should cover this place in your Uzbekistan tour.


Samarkand which was perhaps the most important city located in the Silk Road route (at least from an scholarly standpoint) is evidently a gem in Uzbekistan which was previously the capital of Timurid Empire. It was the second most important Islamic intellectual center, only next to Baghdad, of which Registan complex is firm evidence. Registan is now a public square which accommodates many madrasahs and mausoleums.

All these cities and towns that are covered in this tour are considered cream of Uzbekistan which will take you by storm and leave an indelible ever lasting impression on you.

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