Things To Do Astana


Astana is a unique place, because it is a unique symbiosis of east and west traditions and history. You will find a lot of things to do in Astana.

After arriving in Astana, you can go for some fabulous sightseeing of historical monuments and the most significant architectural constructions.

  • You must visit the Khan Shatyr a unique shopping and entertainment center.
  • Then visit the famous Astana-Baiterek monument and go for more sightseeing and enjoy the tour.
  • Kazakh food is centered on horse meat and mutton. We admit it doesn’t sound that appealing, but you can’t come to Kazakhstan and not try the national dish ‘Besbermak’.
  • Besbermak is a famous dish in Astana, basically besbermak is boiled horsemeat or mutton, chunks of fat, and flat noodles. Horsemeat is considered fragility in Kazakhstan, so if you are served it in a family home pretends some excitement!
  • The huge, luminous tent Khan Shatyr is another thing you must-see.
  • A bowl of toe-curling broth mixed with yoghurt is served with the dish, to cleanse the stomach after your meal.
  • You will find a very famous dish of Astana, Besbermak (which is actually the horse meat)in some traditional Kazakh restaurants, but you can get the tasty Besbermak only in a Kazakh family at home.

Admire Astana’s Modern Architecture

Astana consists of some of the most innovative and over-the-top buildings we have ever laid eyes on. There are some monuments youwouldn’t want to miss, the Bayterek monument, a huge tower topped by a nest of white metal and a giant golden orb.

Drink At AKazakh Microbrewery

There’s a growing appreciation for craft beer in Astana—a number of microbreweries are popping up across the city. You can take a nice change from vodka and fermented horse milk.

The steak and the brews, thefavorite in Astana. But there are plenty of other options including Pivovaroff and The Barley. Enjoy!

Visit the National Museum of Kazakhstan.

The National Museum of Kazakhstan has recently been renovated and is quite impressive. You can spend a lot of time in theexhibitions, which tell the story of Kazakhstan from pre-historic to modern times.

The final exhibition hall is a rather strange propaganda-ish ode to president Nursultan Nazarbayev, Kazakhstan’s only leader since independence in 1991.

Elections in Kazakhstan are going on from the independence, but the elections never met an international standard. Nazarbayev’s share of the vote exceeded a laughable 97% at the last election. Take the exhibits in this hall with a pinch of salt!

The most moving exhibit for us was a simple lump of bread. The exhibit told of a Kazakh grandmother who survived the famine of 1930-33.

Get in touch with us to plan your trip to Astana.

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