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                            [4] => dates
                            [5] => faqs
                            [6] => map

                    [name] => Array
                            [1] => Overview
                            [2] => Itinerary
                            [3] => Includes / Extra
                            [4] => Dates
                            [5] => FAQs
                            [6] => Map

                    [icon] => Array
                            [1] => fas fa-list
                            [2] => fas fa-map-location
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                            [9] => 9
                            [10] => 10
                            [11] => 11
                            [12] => 12

                    [field_id] => Array
                            [1] => Vehicle
                            [2] => Group Size
                            [3] => Maximum Altitude
                            [4] => Accomodation
                            [5] => Fitness level
                            [6] => Arrival on
                            [7] => Departure from
                            [8] => Best season
                            [9] => Guiding method
                            [10] => Tour type
                            [11] => Meals
                            [12] => Language

                    [field_icon] => Array
                            [1] => fas fa-bus
                            [2] => fas fa-user
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                            [11] => 
                            [12] => 


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                    [cust_notif] => 1
                    [booking_notification_subject_admin] => New Booking Order has been received ({booking_id})
                    [booking_notification_template_admin] => 

New Booking

Dear Admin,

A new booking has been made on your website. Booking details are listed below.

Booking Trips ({booking_trips_count})


Billing Details

Name {fullname}
Email {user_email}
Billing Address {billing_address}
City {city}
Country {country}
View booking on your website site
[sale_subject] => Payment has been received for {booking_id} [sales_wpeditor] =>

A Payment has been received for {booking_id}

Dear Admin,

A payment has been received for {booking_id}. The payment details are listed below.

Booked Trips ({booking_trips_count})


Billing Details

Booking Name {fullname}
Booking Email {user_email}
Billing Address {billing_address}
City {city}
Country {country}

Payment Details

Subtotal {subtotal}
Total {total}
Discount {discount_amount}
Paid amount {paid_amount}
Due {due}
Total {price}
View booking on your website site
[name] => [from] => [booking_notification_subject_customer] => New Booking Order has been received ({booking_id}) [booking_notification_template_customer] =>

Booking Confirmation

Dear {name},

You have successfully made the trip booking. Your booking information is listed below.

Booking Trips ({booking_trips_count})


Billing Details

Name {fullname}
Email {user_email}
Billing Address {billing_address}
City {city}
Country {country}
[subject] => Your payment has been confirmed for {booking_id} [purchase_wpeditor] =>

Your booking has been confirmed.

Dear {name},

Your booking has been confirmed. Your booking and payment information is listed below.

Booked Trips ({booking_trips_count})


Billing Details

Booking Name {fullname}
Booking Email {user_email}
Billing Address {billing_address}
City {city}
Country {country}

Payment Details

Subtotal {subtotal}
Total {total}
Discount {discount_amount}
Paid amount {paid_amount}
Due {due}
Total {price}
) [currency_code] => USD [currency_option] => symbol [thousands_separator] => , [default_gateway] => booking_only [paypal_id] => [trip_minimum_age_icon] => fas fa-male [trip_maximum_age_icon] => fas fa-male [payment_debug] => no [bank_transfer] => Array ( [title] => Bank Transfer [description] => Make your payment directly into our bank account. Please use your Order ID as the payment reference. Your order will not be shipped until the funds have cleared in our account. [instruction] => Please make your payment on the provided bank accounts. [accounts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [account_name] => "Unique Travel" [account_number] => 20208840500677150002 [bank_name] => AKB "Kapital Bank" Bukhara Branch [sort_code] => [iban] => [swift] => KACHUZ22 ) ) ) [check_payment] => Array ( [title] => Check payments [description] => Please send a check to Store Name, Store Street, Store Town, Store State / County, Store Postcode. [instruction] => Please send a check to Store Name, Store Street, Store Town, Store State / County, Store Postcode. ) [enable_checkout_customer_registration] => no [disable_my_account_customer_registration] => no [generate_username_from_email] => yes [generate_user_password] => yes [amount_display_format] => %CURRENCY_SYMBOL%%AMOUNT% [decimal_digits] => 2 [decimal_separator] => . [travelers_information] => yes [show_trip_facts_sidebar] => yes [hide_powered_by] => no [disable_fa_icons_js] => no [book_btn_txt] => Book Now [query_subject] => Enquiry received [person_format] => /person [confirmation_msg] => Thank you for booking the trip. Please check your email for confirmation. Below is your booking detail: [gdpr_msg] => By contacting us, you agree to our [feat_trip_num] => 3 [tax_images] => 1 [show_excerpt] => 1 [group] => Array ( [discount] => 1 [discount_availability] => [discount_guide_title] => [discount_guide_open_title] => ) [departure] => Array ( [section_title] => [hide_availability_section] => yes [section] => 1 ) [currency_converter] => Array ( [enable] => yes [sticky_enable] => yes [show_before_bkg] => yes [title] => Currency Converter [api_key] => 3bc40fead91a5255448b [key_type] => free [geo_locate] => 0 [auto_update] => yes [code] => Array ( [0] => USD ) [rate] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) ) [form_editor] => Array ( [grecaptcha_site_key] => [recaptcha_v2_secret_key] => ) [itinerary_downloader] => Array ( [enable] => on [mailchimp_api_key] => [download_button_main_label] => Want to read it later? [download_button_main_description] => Download this tour's PDF brochure and start your planning offline. [popup_form_main_label] => Almost there! [popup_form_main_description] => Please enter your email address and click the button below to get itinerary sent directly to your email address. [user_consent_info] => After signing up for the newsletter, you will occasionally receive mail regarding offers, releases & notices. We will not sell or distribute your email address to a third party at any time. [user_consent_always_required] => off [replyto_emailaddress] => [email_subject_text] => Please Find The Itinerary PDF Attached [email_body_message] => Hello, Please find the requested PDF of #trip attached. Thanks & Regards [pdf_content_logo] => 654 [email_contact_us_label] => Quick Questions? Email Us [pdf_content_email] => [company_address_label] => Address [pdf_company_address] => 70, Eshoni pir str., Bukhara city, Uzbekistan [pdf_base_theme_color] => [pdf_company_telephone_address] => +998936203300 [enable_talk_to_expert_section] => on [pdf_talk_to_expert_text] => Talk To an Expert [pdf_expert_email] => [pdf_content_expert_img] => 1912 [pdf_expert_telephone_address] => +998936591107 [whattsapp_available_for_contact] => on [pdf_company_info_last_page_bg_image] => [add_availability_into_pdf] => on ) [fsd_dates_layout] => dates_list [trip_dates] => Array ( [number] => 3 [pagination_number] => 10 ) [wte_advance_itinerary] => Array ( [chart] => Array ( [show] => 1 [alt_unit] => m [data] => Array ( [color] => #1be896 ) [bg] => ) ) [extra_service_title] => Extra services [trip_search] => Array ( [destination] => 0 [activities] => 0 [trip_types] => 0 [trip_tag] => 0 [difficulty] => 0 [duration] => 0 [budget] => 0 [apply_in_search_page] => 0 ) [user_history] => Array ( [cookie_consent] => Array ( [position] => bottom-left [layout] => block [banner_bg] => #000000 [button_bg] => #f1d600 [content_text_col] => #ffffff [button_text_col] => #000000 [learn_more_link] => [consent_message] => This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. [dismiss_button_text] => Got it! [policy_link_text] => Learn more ) ) [trip_reviews] => Array ( [summary_label] => Overall Trip Rating: [company_summary_label] => Overall Company Rating: [reviewed_tour_text] => Reviewed Tour: [excellent_label] => Excellent [vgood_label] => Very Good [average_label] => Average [poor_label] => Poor [terrible_label] => Terrible ) [trip_highlights] => [show_taxonomy_children] => no [partial_payment_enable] => yes [partial_payment_option] => amount [partial_payment_percent] => [partial_payment_amount] => 200 [file_downloads] => Array ( [wte_file_download_label] => [wte_file_download_global_check] => 1 [wte_file_download_click_download] => 1 [file_downloadable_max_count] => 0 ) [enquiry] => 1 [show_related_trips] => no [related_trips_section_title] => Related trips you might interested in [no_of_related_trips] => 3 [related_trip_show_by] => trip_types [wte_sticky_tabs] => yes [hide_term_description] => no [tax_enable] => no [tax_type_option] => exclusive [tax_percentage] => 13 [enable_social_login] => no [enable_facebook_login] => no [facebook_client_id] => [facebook_client_secret] => [enable_google_login] => yes [google_client_id] => [google_client_secret] => [enable_linkedin_login] => no [linkedin_client_id] => [linkedin_client_secret] => [booking] => 1 [set_duration_type] => nights [default_trip_facts] => Array ( [minimum-age] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Minimum Age [field_icon] => fas fa-child [field_type] => minimum-age [input_placeholder] => Minimum Age from Trip Settings [enabled] => yes ) [maximum-age] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Maximum Age [field_icon] => fas fa-male [field_type] => maximum-age [input_placeholder] => Maximum Age from Trip Settings [enabled] => yes ) [group-size] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Group Size [field_icon] => fas fa-user-group [field_type] => group-size [input_placeholder] => Minimum and Maximum praticipants from Trip Settings [enabled] => no ) [difficulties] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Difficulties [field_icon] => fas fa-shoe-prints [field_type] => difficulties [input_placeholder] => Trip Difficulty [enabled] => no ) [seasons] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Seasons [field_icon] => fas fa-person-hiking [field_type] => taxonomy:seasons [input_placeholder] => List of Seasons [enabled] => no ) [destination] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Destinations [field_icon] => fas fa-person-hiking [field_type] => taxonomy:destination [input_placeholder] => List of Destinations [enabled] => no ) [activities] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Activities [field_icon] => fas fa-person-hiking [field_type] => taxonomy:activities [input_placeholder] => List of Activities [enabled] => no ) [trip_types] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Trip Type [field_icon] => fas fa-person-hiking [field_type] => taxonomy:trip_types [input_placeholder] => List of Trip Type [enabled] => no ) [difficulty] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Difficulty [field_icon] => fas fa-person-hiking [field_type] => taxonomy:difficulty [input_placeholder] => List of Difficulty [enabled] => no ) [trip_tag] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Trip Tag [field_icon] => fas fa-person-hiking [field_type] => taxonomy:trip_tag [input_placeholder] => List of Trip Tag [enabled] => no ) ) [display_new_trip_listing] => no [display_slider_layout] => 1 [show_featured_tag] => 1 [show_wishlist] => 1 [show_map_on_card] => 1 [show_difficulty_tax] => 1 [show_trips_tag] => 1 [show_date_layout] => 1 [show_available_months] => 1 [pricing_section_layout] => layout-1 [wte_sticky_booking_widget] => no [related_display_new_trip_listing] => no [show_related_trip_carousel] => 1 [show_related_featured_tag] => 1 [show_related_wishlist] => 1 [show_related_map] => 1 [show_related_difficulty_tax] => 1 [show_related_trip_tags] => 1 [show_related_date_layout] => 1 [show_related_available_months] => 1 [show_trip_facts] => yes [show_trip_facts_content_area] => no [hide_term_title] => no [show_featured_trips_on_top] => yes ) [post_meta] => Array ( [availability_title] => [departure_dates] => Array ( ) ) )

Tour to Uzbekistan “Art and Craft”

Days 12

Trip Facts

  • Vehicle
    Train, car
  • Group Size
  • Language
    Russian, English, Spanish, Turkish, German
  • Accomodation
    3* ; 4*
  • Fitness level
  • Arrival on
  • Departure from
  • Best season
    Spring,summer, autumn
  • Tour type
    Cultural, traditional, historical tour
  • Meals
    Half board

Trip code: WTE-514

    [id] => Array
            [1] => 1
            [2] => 2

    [field] => Array
            [1] => wp_editor
            [2] => itinerary
            [3] => cost
            [4] => dates
            [5] => faqs
            [6] => map

    [name] => Array
            [1] => Overview
            [2] => Itinerary
            [3] => Includes / Extra
            [4] => Dates
            [5] => FAQs
            [6] => Map

    [icon] => Array
            [1] => fas fa-list
            [2] => fas fa-map-location
            [3] => fas fa-check
            [4] => fas fa-calendar-days
            [5] => fas fa-circle-question
            [6] => fas fa-map-signs

    [enable] => Array
            [1] => yes
            [2] => yes
            [3] => yes
            [4] => yes
            [5] => yes
            [6] => no


Art and Craft

Tour to Uzbekistan (Art and Craft). Uzbek culture is famous around the world for its original style and ornaments in arts and crafts. Local trades are important elements of national and world culture. Many connoisseurs of antique come to our country especially to see and appreciate works of both ancient and modern crafts and take the opportunity of meeting the families of hereditary artisans. The main purpose of the tour is to familiarize you with the traditional trades of Central Asia. You will learn a lot about arts and crafts that Uzbek people are doing throughout centuries. Skills of Suzani embroidery, silk weaving, carpet making, ceramics and smith, calligraphy and miniature paintings are passed down to the present generation from the ancient times.
You will learn the history and development of local workmanship and meet hereditary craftsmen. You will have a chance to take part in process of making Uzbek traditional embroidery – Suzani, world-famous silk paper, carpet and ikat fabrics. And you will have a lucky opportunity to purchase authentic Suzani embroidery, carpets and unique textile at lower prices directly from craftsmen. We may assure that you will hardly find such unique articles of handmade patterned artistic weaving and embroidery in any other place. In addition, you will visit majestic and marvelous monuments of Tashkent, Bukhara, Samarkand, Khiva, Shakhrisabz, Kokand.
Art and crafts tours are 12 days/11 nights with starting and finishing in Tashkent

Uzbekistan travel highlights

  • Trips to legendary cities: Samarkand, Tashkent, Bukhara, Khiva
  • Famous Madrassas and Mosques
  • The Culture and Hospitality of the East
  • Unique architecture
  • History and sights from the times of Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great to the present day
  • National cuisine, pilaf, samsa, lagman
  • Seasonal Uzbek fruits, vegetables, berries
    [trip_duration] => 12
    [trip_duration_unit] => days
    [trip_duration_nights] => 11
    [trip_cut_off_time] => 
    [trip_cut_off_unit] => days
    [trip_minimum_pax] => 
    [trip_maximum_pax] => 
    [overview_section_title] => Art and Craft
    [tab_content] => Array
            [1_wpeditor] => Tour to Uzbekistan (Art and Craft). Uzbek culture is famous around the world for its original style and ornaments in arts and crafts. Local trades are important elements of national and world culture. Many connoisseurs of antique come to our country especially to see and appreciate works of both ancient and modern crafts and take the opportunity of meeting the families of hereditary artisans. The main purpose of the tour is to familiarize you with the traditional trades of Central Asia. You will learn a lot about arts and crafts that Uzbek people are doing throughout centuries. Skills of Suzani embroidery, silk weaving, carpet making, ceramics and smith, calligraphy and miniature paintings are passed down to the present generation from the ancient times.
You will learn the history and development of local workmanship and meet hereditary craftsmen. You will have a chance to take part in process of making Uzbek traditional embroidery – Suzani, world-famous silk paper, carpet and ikat fabrics. And you will have a lucky opportunity to purchase authentic Suzani embroidery, carpets and unique textile at lower prices directly from craftsmen. We may assure that you will hardly find such unique articles of handmade patterned artistic weaving and embroidery in any other place. In addition, you will visit majestic and marvelous monuments of Tashkent, Bukhara, Samarkand, Khiva, Shakhrisabz, Kokand.
Art and crafts tours are 12 days/11 nights with starting and finishing in Tashkent

    [trip_highlights_title] => Uzbekistan travel highlights
    [trip_price_per] => per-person
    [trip_prev_price] => 1979
    [trip_price] => 
    [multiple_pricing] => Array
            [adult] => Array
                    [label] => Adult
                    [price] => 1979
                    [sale_price] => 
                    [price_type] => per-person

            [child] => Array
                    [label] => Child
                    [price] => 990
                    [sale_price] => 
                    [price_type] => per-person

            [infant] => Array
                    [label] => Infant
                    [price] => 396
                    [sale_price] => 
                    [price_type] => per-person

            [group] => Array
                    [label] => Group
                    [price] => 
                    [sale_price] => 


    [trip_itinerary_title] => Itinerary
    [itinerary] => Array
            [itinerary_title] => Array
                    [1] => Tashkent
                    [2] => Tashkent-Khiva
                    [3] => Khiva-Bukhara
                    [4] => Bukhara
                    [5] => Bukhara
                    [6] => Bukhara-Nurata
                    [7] => Samarkand
                    [8] => Samarkand-Shahrisabz-Samarkand
                    [9] => Tashkent
                    [10] => Tashkent-Margilan-Rishtan-Kokand
                    [11] => Kokand
                    [12] => Tashkent

            [itinerary_days_label] => Array
                    [1] => Day 1
                    [2] => Day 2
                    [3] => Day 3
                    [4] => Day 4
                    [5] => Day 5
                    [6] => Day 6
                    [7] => Day 7
                    [8] => Day 8
                    [9] => Day 9
                    [10] => Day 10
                    [11] => Day 11
                    [12] => Day 12

            [itinerary_content] => Array
                    [1] => Arrival to Tashkent. Our driver / guide will meet you at airport.
Accommodation at the hotel and rest after the flight.

The research of Uzbekistan will begin from visit to the Museum of Applied Arts. More than 7000 rare works of applied art are kept in depository of the museum.We invite you to have national dinner at one of the most famous restaurants in Tashkent.

Overnight In Tashkent.
                    [2] => Depart Tashkent, fly to Urgench - the capital of the Khorezm Province in order to get to Khiva (35 kms to the southeast), whose old city, known as Ichan Kala, is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Our driver / guide will meet you at airport. Transfer to the Hotel

Visit carpet workshop.

Guided Sightseeing Program In Khiva :

You will see palaces with the rich mosaic
Unique beautiful minarets
  • Madrassahs And Mosques Such As :
  • Kunya-Ark Fortress
  • Pahlavan Mahmud Complex
  • Tash-Khowli Palace (Harem)
  • Kalta-Minor Minaret
  • Islam Khoja Complex
Lunch In Chaikhana.
  • Visit woodcarving and ceramic workshop.
Continuation Of Sightseeing Program :
  • Juma Mosque and Minaret
  • Karavan-Saray
  • Minaret and Mosque of Khodja-Islam
  • Tim of Ala-Kulikhan
  • Madrassah of Abdulla-Khan
  • Seyyid Allauddin Mausoleum
  • Madrassah of Muhamad Amin-Khan
  • Madrassah of Muhamad Rakhim-Khan
  • Nurullbay Palace
Walls and gates. Overnight In Khiva [3] => Depart Khiva, drive to Bukhara (470 kms, 9-10hrs). Our driver / guide will meet you at lobby of your hotel. You will take long trip through the Kyzyl Kum desert, the 11th largest desert in the world.During the trip you can admire Amu Darya River, as one third of the road is parallel to the course of this great Central Asian river, and communicate with a family of local shepherds that have installed their yurt (nomads' tent) close to the highway. Lunch en route at teahouse. Arrival To Bukhara. Check in at the hotel. Evening at leisure. Night At The Hotel In Bukhara. NOTE : In case the flight Urgench-Bukhara is opened the transfer Khiva-Bukhara will be arranged by plane. [4] => The fourth day of our trip will begin from visit to Embroidery workshop to meet with Arabov family-prominent Suzane craftsmen. Shahlo Abdullaeva, the member of Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan, will hold seminar, where you can learn the traditional embroidery patterns of Suzane in order to embroider by your own hands (4 hrs). Lunch At Chaikhana. Guided Sightseeing Tour In Bukhara: Visit Ismail Samani - one of the most esteemed sights of central Asian architectures is the burial place of Samanid dynasty dated 9 century
  • Chashma Ayub (Job's well)
  • Arc Fortress
  • Kalon mosque and minaret
  • Madrassah Miri-Arab
  • Magoki-Attori mosque.
  • Master Class by famous Bukhara gold embroidery (1.30hrs)
Continuation Of Sightseeing Program:
  • Madrasah Ulugbek and Abdulazizkhan.
  • Trading domes.
  • Lyabi Hauz Complex.
  • Divan Begi Madrassah and Khanaqa
  • Madrassah Chor-Minor
Visit blacksmiths' museum- workshop. The museum-workshop is a living museum. Not only could one learn there the history of the ancient blacksmith's craft, but also participate in making blacksmith products. The senior researcher of the museum is Usto Shokir Kamolov, who comes of a family of blacksmiths. National dinner (Bukhara cuisine) Night At The Hotel In Bukhara [5] => Visit Carpet workshop. Seminar and master class will be held by Bukhara well-known craftsman Ulugbek Rahimov (2.30hrs) And we will also visit several carpet workshops organized under the aegis of UNESCO.Visit world -famous Chor-Bakr Necropolis (8 km) -the burial place of the descendants of the prophet Muhammad. Lunch At Chaikhana. Trip to summer palace of Bukhara emir's Sitorai-Mokhi-Khosa and Central Asian Mecca- Bakhoutdin Naqshbandi mausoleum. Visit miniature workshop. Master class by Medieval Eastern Miniature and calligraphy (2.30 hrs)Folklore fashion show will give you an idea about Uzbek traditional costume. As in all Muslim countries, Islamic values in Uzbekistan were reflected in the style of dress. At the end of the twentieth century, Western fashion dominated, but fashionable styles are still produced with native design elements and in traditional multi-colored textile patterns. Night At The Hotel In Bukhara. [6] => Depart Bukhara, drive to Nurata via Gijduvan (200 kms , 2.30 hrs) A small town of Gijduvan is situated in 46 km northeast from Bukhara. Gijduvan ceramics take the special place among the large number of crafts produced here. Gijduvan embroidery is the other distinctive craft regenerated and developed by the master Mustabshira Barakayeva. The craftswomen of the Narzullaev family (Mustapshira Barakaeva, Gulbakhor Narzullaeva and Mavluda Narzullaeva) embroider in silk on cotton fabric in the style traditional to Gijduvan. In Gijduvan we will visit the Ceramic workshop and the Museum of Ceramics founded by Narzullaev Family. Nurata is one of the most important centers of traditional Uzbek embroidery. Nurata embroidery cannot be mistaken for any other school of embroidery due to its unique styles.We will visit Village Embroidery (1.30 hrs) Lunch At Chaikhana. Continue driving to Yurt camp in Kyzyl Kum desert. Arrive at Yurt camp, accommodation in Yurts. Camel riding and free time. In the evening dinner near the camp fire with Kazakh akin singing folk songs. Overnight At Yurt Camp. [7] => Early in the morning depart Nurata, drive to Samarkand ( 130 kms ,2 hrs) Check in to the hotel. Breakfast. Visit Abdulla's carpet workshop "Hojom" - famous Samarkand carpet factory where 400 girls weave hand-made silk carpets. You will have the opportunity to see the full process of carpet making from the very beginning to the end and (2.30 hrs) Lunch At Chaikhana. Guided Sightseeing Tour Around Samarkand : Visit fabulous Registan Square and Bibi-Khanum Mosques, the 15th century Ulugbek observatory, Guri-Emir mausoleum, Shakhi-Zinda Complex. Visit Koni Gil paper mill (10 kms from Samarkand, 2 hrs) -revival of old technology paper production. Visit Afrasiab - the oldest part and the ruined site of ancient Samarkand ( 7 km) National dinner with Uzbek Fashion show. Overnight At The Hotel In Samarkand. [8] => Early in the morning depart Samarkand, drive to Shakhrisabz ( 160 kms, 4 hr)
  • Visit kilim workshop in Shakhrisabz. Sightseeing Tour Around Shakhrisabz :
  • Ak Sarai Palace, Kok Gumbaz Mosque and Doru Saodat Complex Crypt of Temur. The area is also famous for its distinctive embroidery style and the stalls around the Kok Gumbaz have excellent pieces considerably cheaper than Samarkand.
  • We will also visit craftsman's workshop of Iroki embroidery to watch different techniques of embroidery,
Dinner at local family is a good chance to learn more about customs of Uzbek family. Back to Samarkand. Overnight at the hotel In Samarkand. [9] => Check in to the hotel. Breakfast at hotel. Depart Samarkand to Tashkent ( 300 kms, 2.10 hrs) by fast train Afrosiyab After lunch visit Rahimov's ceramic studio Rahimov's dynasty has over six generation of ceramic masters. A lot of great ceramic products created by the family are stored in museums around the world, including Hermitage and Museum of East ( 2 hrs). Visit center of Tashkent, Amir Temur Square, Independence Square, Kukeldash Madrasah and of course Hast-Imam Complex which contains the most famous Koran in the world - the Othman Koran .It is considered to be the oldest in the world! The book written in the 7th century has traveled a lot: Medina, Damascus, Baghdad, Samarkand, St. Petersburg and Ufa. Now it is kept in the Library of Hast Imam. Overnight At The Hotel In Tashkent. [10] => Early in the morning depart Tashkent, drive to Margilan ( 350 kms, 5 hrs) Today you will visit "Yodgorlik'? silk making factory with master class by weaving and dying fabrics (2.30 hrs) National lunch in the open air. After lunch we will visit Ikat fabric workshops: Abdurasul's (30 min) and Asadulo's (2.30 hrs) Depart Margelan, drive to Rishtan ( 50 kms, 1 hr) Visit hereditary ceramist R. Usmonov in Rishtan Depart Rishtan, drive to Kokand ( 35 kms, 1 hr) Check in at the hotel. Overnight At The Hotel In Kokand. [11] => After breakfast visit the 19th century Khudayar Khan's Palace. After losing rule over his city state, Khudayar Khan spent all of his money and energies beautifying his city with many graceful mosques, madrassahs and his great palace with its 113 ornately decorated rooms - 19 of which are now open as a museum. We will also visit Jami Mosque, Narbuta-bey Madrassah, Modari-khan Mausoleum- the burial vault for all the women of the khan's kin. After Lunch Depart Kokand, Drive To Tashkent (300 Kms, 4 hrs) Overnight At The Hotel In Tashkent. [12] => Visit Chor-Su Bazaar. We will get the market by Tashkent subway. Several stops will give you an idea about the beauty and unique design of its stations. Lunch At Chaikhana. Visit Museum of Fine Arts. Farewell dinner at well-known Tashkent restaurant. The End of Tour. Transfer to Tashkent  International Airport for further departure you homeland. ) ) [cost_tab_sec_title] => [cost] => Array ( [includes_title] => [cost_includes] => Accommodation throughout the tour 12 day/11nights; Transportation throughout the tour, including airport pick-up and drop-offs on the 1st, 12th and 13th days of tour. NOTE: If you arrive earlier or leave later, there will be an additional transfer fee of $15 per car each way). English speaking guide - tour leader from Minzifa Travel; Guide at Museum of Fine Arts; Air-ticket Tashkent-Urgench; Visa support for Uzbekistan; Camel Tour with overnight in the yurt camp; Folklore fashion Shows in Bukhara and Samarkand; Welcome and farewell dinner at restaurant in Tashkent. Seminars and Master Classes. NOTE: Seminar for individual tours can not be arranged. [excludes_title] => [cost_excludes] => Charges for additional service in hotels Consular fee for Uzbek visa Personal insurance Personal beverage ( alcohol, beer and so on) TIPS to guides and drivers Camera/video fees during sightseeing ) [trip_facts_title] => [trip_facts] => Array ( [field_id] => Array ( [1] => Transportation [2] => Group Size [12] => Language [4] => Accomodation [5] => Fitness level [6] => Arrival on [7] => Departure from [8] => Best season [10] => Tour type [11] => Meals ) [field_type] => Array ( [1] => text [2] => text [12] => text [4] => text [5] => text [6] => text [7] => text [8] => text [10] => text [11] => text ) [1] => Array ( [1] => Train, car ) [2] => Array ( [2] => 8-12 ) [12] => Array ( [12] => Russian, English, Spanish, Turkish, German ) [4] => Array ( [4] => 3* ; 4* ) [5] => Array ( [5] => 5 ) [6] => Array ( [6] => Tashkent ) [7] => Array ( [7] => Tashkent ) [8] => Array ( [8] => Spring,summer, autumn ) [10] => Array ( [10] => Cultural, traditional, historical tour ) [11] => Array ( [11] => Half board ) ) [map_section_title] => [map] => Array ( [image_url] => [iframe] => ) [faq_section_title] => [trip_code] => WTE-514 [group] => Array ( [discount] => 1 [traveler] => Array ( [1] => 1 [1_1] => 1 [2] => 2 [2_2] => 3 [3] => 4 [3_3] => 5 [4] => 6 [4_4] => ) [cost] => Array ( [1] => 1979 [2] => 1817 [3] => 1457 [4] => 1266 ) [child] => Array ( [1] => 1 [1_1] => ) [child_cost] => Array ( [1] => 1740 ) [infant] => Array ( [1] => 1 [1_1] => ) [infant_cost] => Array ( [1] => 1740 ) ) [child-group] => Array ( [discount] => 0 ) [infant-group] => Array ( [discount] => 0 ) [trip_highlights] => Array ( [23858514] => Array ( [highlight_text] => Trips to legendary cities: Samarkand, Tashkent, Bukhara, Khiva ) [2179321] => Array ( [highlight_text] => Famous Madrassas and Mosques ) [93631538] => Array ( [highlight_text] => The Culture and Hospitality of the East ) [15765439] => Array ( [highlight_text] => Unique architecture ) [30912937] => Array ( [highlight_text] => History and sights from the times of Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great to the present day ) [42521715] => Array ( [highlight_text] => National cuisine, pilaf, samsa, lagman ) [59213646] => Array ( [highlight_text] => Seasonal Uzbek fruits, vegetables, berries ) ) [partial_payment_enable] => no [partial_payment_amount] => [wte_services_ids] => [tab_8_title] => )


Arrival to Tashkent. Our driver / guide will meet you at airport.
Accommodation at the hotel and rest after the flight.

The research of Uzbekistan will begin from visit to the Museum of Applied Arts. More than 7000 rare works of applied art are kept in depository of the museum.We invite you to have national dinner at one of the most famous restaurants in Tashkent.

Overnight In Tashkent.


Depart Tashkent, fly to Urgench - the capital of the Khorezm Province in order to get to Khiva (35 kms to the southeast), whose old city, known as Ichan Kala, is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Our driver / guide will meet you at airport. Transfer to the Hotel

Visit carpet workshop.

Guided Sightseeing Program In Khiva :

You will see palaces with the rich mosaic
Unique beautiful minarets

  • Madrassahs And Mosques Such As :
  • Kunya-Ark Fortress
  • Pahlavan Mahmud Complex
  • Tash-Khowli Palace (Harem)
  • Kalta-Minor Minaret
  • Islam Khoja Complex

Lunch In Chaikhana.

  • Visit woodcarving and ceramic workshop.

Continuation Of Sightseeing Program :

  • Juma Mosque and Minaret
  • Karavan-Saray
  • Minaret and Mosque of Khodja-Islam
  • Tim of Ala-Kulikhan
  • Madrassah of Abdulla-Khan
  • Seyyid Allauddin Mausoleum
  • Madrassah of Muhamad Amin-Khan
  • Madrassah of Muhamad Rakhim-Khan
  • Nurullbay Palace

Walls and gates.
Overnight In Khiva


Depart Khiva, drive to Bukhara (470 kms, 9-10hrs). Our driver / guide will meet you at lobby of your hotel.

You will take long trip through the Kyzyl Kum desert, the 11th largest desert in the world.During the trip you can admire Amu Darya River, as one third of the road is parallel to the course of this great Central Asian river, and communicate with a family of local shepherds that have installed their yurt (nomads' tent) close to the highway.

Lunch en route at teahouse.
Arrival To Bukhara.

Check in at the hotel. Evening at leisure.
Night At The Hotel In Bukhara.

NOTE : In case the flight Urgench-Bukhara is opened the transfer Khiva-Bukhara will be arranged by plane.


The fourth day of our trip will begin from visit to Embroidery workshop to meet with Arabov family-prominent Suzane craftsmen. Shahlo Abdullaeva, the member of Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan, will hold seminar, where you can learn the traditional embroidery patterns of Suzane in order to embroider by your own hands (4 hrs).

Lunch At Chaikhana.

Guided Sightseeing Tour In Bukhara:

Visit Ismail Samani - one of the most esteemed sights of central Asian architectures is the burial place of Samanid dynasty dated 9 century

  • Chashma Ayub (Job's well)
  • Arc Fortress
  • Kalon mosque and minaret
  • Madrassah Miri-Arab
  • Magoki-Attori mosque.
  • Master Class by famous Bukhara gold embroidery (1.30hrs)

Continuation Of Sightseeing Program:

  • Madrasah Ulugbek and Abdulazizkhan.
  • Trading domes.
  • Lyabi Hauz Complex.
  • Divan Begi Madrassah and Khanaqa
  • Madrassah Chor-Minor

Visit blacksmiths' museum- workshop. The museum-workshop is a living museum. Not only could one learn there the history of the ancient blacksmith's craft, but also participate in making blacksmith products.

The senior researcher of the museum is Usto Shokir Kamolov, who comes of a family of blacksmiths.

National dinner (Bukhara cuisine)

Night At The Hotel In Bukhara

Visit Carpet workshop. Seminar and master class will be held by Bukhara well-known craftsman Ulugbek Rahimov (2.30hrs)

And we will also visit several carpet workshops organized under the aegis of UNESCO.Visit world -famous Chor-Bakr Necropolis (8 km) -the burial place of the descendants of the prophet Muhammad.

Lunch At Chaikhana.

Trip to summer palace of Bukhara emir's Sitorai-Mokhi-Khosa and Central Asian Mecca- Bakhoutdin Naqshbandi mausoleum.

Visit miniature workshop. Master class by Medieval Eastern Miniature and calligraphy (2.30 hrs)Folklore fashion show will give you an idea about Uzbek traditional costume. As in all Muslim countries, Islamic values in Uzbekistan were reflected in the style of dress. At the end of the twentieth century, Western fashion dominated, but fashionable styles are still produced with native design elements and in traditional multi-colored textile patterns.

Night At The Hotel In Bukhara.

Depart Bukhara, drive to Nurata via Gijduvan (200 kms , 2.30 hrs)
A small town of Gijduvan is situated in 46 km northeast from Bukhara.

Gijduvan ceramics take the special place among the large number of crafts produced here.

Gijduvan embroidery is the other distinctive craft regenerated and developed by the master Mustabshira Barakayeva. The craftswomen of the Narzullaev family (Mustapshira Barakaeva, Gulbakhor Narzullaeva and Mavluda Narzullaeva) embroider in silk on cotton fabric in the style traditional to Gijduvan.

In Gijduvan we will visit the Ceramic workshop and the Museum of Ceramics founded by Narzullaev Family.

Nurata is one of the most important centers of traditional Uzbek embroidery.
Nurata embroidery cannot be mistaken for any other school of embroidery due to its unique styles.We will visit Village Embroidery (1.30 hrs)

Lunch At Chaikhana.

Continue driving to Yurt camp in Kyzyl Kum desert.
Arrive at Yurt camp, accommodation in Yurts.

Camel riding and free time. In the evening dinner near the camp fire with Kazakh akin singing folk songs.

Overnight At Yurt Camp.


Early in the morning depart Nurata, drive to Samarkand ( 130 kms ,2 hrs)

Check in to the hotel. Breakfast.

Visit Abdulla's carpet workshop "Hojom" - famous Samarkand carpet factory where 400 girls weave hand-made silk carpets. You will have the opportunity to see the full process of carpet making from the very beginning to the end and (2.30 hrs)

Lunch At Chaikhana.

Guided Sightseeing Tour Around Samarkand :

Visit fabulous Registan Square and Bibi-Khanum Mosques, the 15th century Ulugbek observatory, Guri-Emir mausoleum, Shakhi-Zinda Complex.
Visit Koni Gil paper mill (10 kms from Samarkand, 2 hrs) -revival of old technology paper production.
Visit Afrasiab - the oldest part and the ruined site of ancient Samarkand ( 7 km)
National dinner with Uzbek Fashion show.
Overnight At The Hotel In Samarkand.


Early in the morning depart Samarkand, drive to Shakhrisabz ( 160 kms, 4 hr)

  • Visit kilim workshop in Shakhrisabz.
    Sightseeing Tour Around Shakhrisabz :
  • Ak Sarai Palace, Kok Gumbaz Mosque and Doru Saodat Complex
    Crypt of Temur. The area is also famous for its distinctive embroidery style and the stalls around the Kok Gumbaz have excellent pieces considerably cheaper than Samarkand.
  • We will also visit craftsman's workshop of Iroki embroidery to watch different techniques of embroidery,

Dinner at local family is a good chance to learn more about customs of Uzbek family.

Back to Samarkand.
Overnight at the hotel In Samarkand.

Duration: 6 hour

Check in to the hotel. Breakfast at hotel.
Depart Samarkand to Tashkent ( 300 kms, 2.10 hrs) by fast train Afrosiyab

After lunch visit Rahimov's ceramic studio Rahimov's dynasty has over six generation of ceramic masters. A lot of great ceramic products created by the family are stored in museums around the world, including Hermitage and Museum of East ( 2 hrs).

Visit center of Tashkent, Amir Temur Square, Independence Square, Kukeldash Madrasah and of course Hast-Imam Complex which contains the most famous Koran in the world - the Othman Koran .It is considered to be the oldest in the world! The book written in the 7th century has traveled a lot: Medina, Damascus, Baghdad, Samarkand, St. Petersburg and Ufa. Now it is kept in the Library of Hast Imam.

Overnight At The Hotel In Tashkent.


Early in the morning depart Tashkent, drive to Margilan ( 350 kms, 5 hrs)

Today you will visit "Yodgorlik'? silk making factory with master class by weaving and dying fabrics (2.30 hrs)

National lunch in the open air.

After lunch we will visit Ikat fabric workshops: Abdurasul's (30 min) and Asadulo's (2.30 hrs)

Depart Margelan, drive to Rishtan ( 50 kms, 1 hr)
Visit hereditary ceramist R. Usmonov in Rishtan
Depart Rishtan, drive to Kokand ( 35 kms, 1 hr)

Check in at the hotel.
Overnight At The Hotel In Kokand.


After breakfast visit the 19th century Khudayar Khan's Palace. After losing rule over his city state, Khudayar Khan spent all of his money and energies beautifying his city with many graceful mosques, madrassahs and his great palace with its 113 ornately decorated rooms - 19 of which are now open as a museum.

We will also visit Jami Mosque, Narbuta-bey Madrassah, Modari-khan Mausoleum- the burial vault for all the women of the khan's kin.

After Lunch Depart Kokand, Drive To Tashkent (300 Kms, 4 hrs)

Overnight At The Hotel In Tashkent.

Visit Chor-Su Bazaar. We will get the market by Tashkent subway. Several stops will give you an idea about the beauty and unique design of its stations.

Lunch At Chaikhana.

Visit Museum of Fine Arts. Farewell dinner at well-known Tashkent restaurant.

The End of Tour.

Transfer to Tashkent  International Airport for further departure you homeland.


Courtyard by Marriott Tashkent
Courtyard by Marriott Tashkent

Timur Alimov

Dear friends!

My name is Timur Alimov, and I represent our group of travel experts in Uzbekistan and Central Asia. Our travel experts will guide you through Uzbekistan and Central Asia. For the past ten years we have been gathering and guiding groups of more then 10000 happy travelers. We can show the country through the eyes of the locals, as if you come not as a tourist, but as a guest visiting friends. We give to our travelers only the routes that we checked personally or it was checked by our guides. Some members of My team has traveled this route more than 10 times, and during these trips we have made a lot of friends in each cities who become our friends and help us.

Our travel company office is based in Bukhara, but our travel experts are set in each country we represent. Company is officially registered and has certificates and tourist licenses # T-0087 Unique Travel issued by state gov of Uzbektourism.

I look forward to seeing you as our clients!

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