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                            [1] => Overview
                            [2] => Itinerary
                            [3] => Includes / Extra
                            [4] => Dates
                            [5] => FAQs
                            [6] => Map

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                            [1] => fas fa-list
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                            [11] => 11
                            [12] => 12

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                            [2] => Group Size
                            [3] => Maximum Altitude
                            [4] => Accomodation
                            [5] => Fitness level
                            [6] => Arrival on
                            [7] => Departure from
                            [8] => Best season
                            [9] => Guiding method
                            [10] => Tour type
                            [11] => Meals
                            [12] => Language

                    [field_icon] => Array
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                            [2] => fas fa-user
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                    [booking_notification_subject_admin] => New Booking Order has been received ({booking_id})
                    [booking_notification_template_admin] => 

New Booking

Dear Admin,

A new booking has been made on your website. Booking details are listed below.

Booking Trips ({booking_trips_count})


Billing Details

Name {fullname}
Email {user_email}
Billing Address {billing_address}
City {city}
Country {country}
View booking on your website site
[sale_subject] => Payment has been received for {booking_id} [sales_wpeditor] =>

A Payment has been received for {booking_id}

Dear Admin,

A payment has been received for {booking_id}. The payment details are listed below.

Booked Trips ({booking_trips_count})


Billing Details

Booking Name {fullname}
Booking Email {user_email}
Billing Address {billing_address}
City {city}
Country {country}

Payment Details

Subtotal {subtotal}
Total {total}
Discount {discount_amount}
Paid amount {paid_amount}
Due {due}
Total {price}
View booking on your website site
[name] => [from] => [booking_notification_subject_customer] => New Booking Order has been received ({booking_id}) [booking_notification_template_customer] =>

Booking Confirmation

Dear {name},

You have successfully made the trip booking. Your booking information is listed below.

Booking Trips ({booking_trips_count})


Billing Details

Name {fullname}
Email {user_email}
Billing Address {billing_address}
City {city}
Country {country}
[subject] => Your payment has been confirmed for {booking_id} [purchase_wpeditor] =>

Your booking has been confirmed.

Dear {name},

Your booking has been confirmed. Your booking and payment information is listed below.

Booked Trips ({booking_trips_count})


Billing Details

Booking Name {fullname}
Booking Email {user_email}
Billing Address {billing_address}
City {city}
Country {country}

Payment Details

Subtotal {subtotal}
Total {total}
Discount {discount_amount}
Paid amount {paid_amount}
Due {due}
Total {price}
) [currency_code] => USD [currency_option] => symbol [thousands_separator] => , [default_gateway] => booking_only [paypal_id] => [trip_minimum_age_icon] => fas fa-male [trip_maximum_age_icon] => fas fa-male [payment_debug] => no [bank_transfer] => Array ( [title] => Bank Transfer [description] => Make your payment directly into our bank account. Please use your Order ID as the payment reference. Your order will not be shipped until the funds have cleared in our account. [instruction] => Please make your payment on the provided bank accounts. [accounts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [account_name] => "Unique Travel" [account_number] => 20208840500677150002 [bank_name] => AKB "Kapital Bank" Bukhara Branch [sort_code] => [iban] => [swift] => KACHUZ22 ) ) ) [check_payment] => Array ( [title] => Check payments [description] => Please send a check to Store Name, Store Street, Store Town, Store State / County, Store Postcode. [instruction] => Please send a check to Store Name, Store Street, Store Town, Store State / County, Store Postcode. ) [enable_checkout_customer_registration] => no [disable_my_account_customer_registration] => no [generate_username_from_email] => yes [generate_user_password] => yes [amount_display_format] => %CURRENCY_SYMBOL%%AMOUNT% [decimal_digits] => 2 [decimal_separator] => . [travelers_information] => yes [show_trip_facts_sidebar] => yes [hide_powered_by] => no [disable_fa_icons_js] => no [book_btn_txt] => Book Now [query_subject] => Enquiry received [person_format] => /person [confirmation_msg] => Thank you for booking the trip. Please check your email for confirmation. Below is your booking detail: [gdpr_msg] => By contacting us, you agree to our [feat_trip_num] => 3 [tax_images] => 1 [show_excerpt] => 1 [group] => Array ( [discount] => 1 [discount_availability] => [discount_guide_title] => [discount_guide_open_title] => ) [departure] => Array ( [section_title] => [hide_availability_section] => yes [section] => 1 ) [currency_converter] => Array ( [enable] => yes [sticky_enable] => yes [show_before_bkg] => yes [title] => Currency Converter [api_key] => 3bc40fead91a5255448b [key_type] => free [geo_locate] => 0 [auto_update] => yes [code] => Array ( [0] => USD ) [rate] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) ) [form_editor] => Array ( [grecaptcha_site_key] => [recaptcha_v2_secret_key] => ) [itinerary_downloader] => Array ( [enable] => on [mailchimp_api_key] => [download_button_main_label] => Want to read it later? [download_button_main_description] => Download this tour's PDF brochure and start your planning offline. [popup_form_main_label] => Almost there! [popup_form_main_description] => Please enter your email address and click the button below to get itinerary sent directly to your email address. [user_consent_info] => After signing up for the newsletter, you will occasionally receive mail regarding offers, releases & notices. We will not sell or distribute your email address to a third party at any time. [user_consent_always_required] => off [replyto_emailaddress] => [email_subject_text] => Please Find The Itinerary PDF Attached [email_body_message] => Hello, Please find the requested PDF of #trip attached. Thanks & Regards [pdf_content_logo] => 654 [email_contact_us_label] => Quick Questions? Email Us [pdf_content_email] => [company_address_label] => Address [pdf_company_address] => 70, Eshoni pir str., Bukhara city, Uzbekistan [pdf_base_theme_color] => [pdf_company_telephone_address] => +998936203300 [enable_talk_to_expert_section] => on [pdf_talk_to_expert_text] => Talk To an Expert [pdf_expert_email] => [pdf_content_expert_img] => 1912 [pdf_expert_telephone_address] => +998936591107 [whattsapp_available_for_contact] => on [pdf_company_info_last_page_bg_image] => [add_availability_into_pdf] => on ) [fsd_dates_layout] => dates_list [trip_dates] => Array ( [number] => 3 [pagination_number] => 10 ) [wte_advance_itinerary] => Array ( [chart] => Array ( [show] => 1 [alt_unit] => m [data] => Array ( [color] => #1be896 ) [bg] => ) ) [extra_service_title] => Extra services [trip_search] => Array ( [destination] => 0 [activities] => 0 [trip_types] => 0 [trip_tag] => 0 [difficulty] => 0 [duration] => 0 [budget] => 0 [apply_in_search_page] => 0 ) [user_history] => Array ( [cookie_consent] => Array ( [position] => bottom-left [layout] => block [banner_bg] => #000000 [button_bg] => #f1d600 [content_text_col] => #ffffff [button_text_col] => #000000 [learn_more_link] => [consent_message] => This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. [dismiss_button_text] => Got it! [policy_link_text] => Learn more ) ) [trip_reviews] => Array ( [summary_label] => Overall Trip Rating: [company_summary_label] => Overall Company Rating: [reviewed_tour_text] => Reviewed Tour: [excellent_label] => Excellent [vgood_label] => Very Good [average_label] => Average [poor_label] => Poor [terrible_label] => Terrible ) [trip_highlights] => [show_taxonomy_children] => no [partial_payment_enable] => yes [partial_payment_option] => amount [partial_payment_percent] => [partial_payment_amount] => 200 [file_downloads] => Array ( [wte_file_download_label] => [wte_file_download_global_check] => 1 [wte_file_download_click_download] => 1 [file_downloadable_max_count] => 0 ) [enquiry] => 1 [show_related_trips] => no [related_trips_section_title] => Related trips you might interested in [no_of_related_trips] => 3 [related_trip_show_by] => trip_types [wte_sticky_tabs] => yes [hide_term_description] => no [tax_enable] => no [tax_type_option] => exclusive [tax_percentage] => 13 [enable_social_login] => no [enable_facebook_login] => no [facebook_client_id] => [facebook_client_secret] => [enable_google_login] => yes [google_client_id] => [google_client_secret] => [enable_linkedin_login] => no [linkedin_client_id] => [linkedin_client_secret] => [booking] => 1 [set_duration_type] => nights [default_trip_facts] => Array ( [minimum-age] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Minimum Age [field_icon] => fas fa-child [field_type] => minimum-age [input_placeholder] => Minimum Age from Trip Settings [enabled] => yes ) [maximum-age] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Maximum Age [field_icon] => fas fa-male [field_type] => maximum-age [input_placeholder] => Maximum Age from Trip Settings [enabled] => yes ) [group-size] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Group Size [field_icon] => fas fa-user-group [field_type] => group-size [input_placeholder] => Minimum and Maximum praticipants from Trip Settings [enabled] => no ) [difficulties] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Difficulties [field_icon] => fas fa-shoe-prints [field_type] => difficulties [input_placeholder] => Trip Difficulty [enabled] => no ) [seasons] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Seasons [field_icon] => fas fa-person-hiking [field_type] => taxonomy:seasons [input_placeholder] => List of Seasons [enabled] => no ) [destination] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Destinations [field_icon] => fas fa-person-hiking [field_type] => taxonomy:destination [input_placeholder] => List of Destinations [enabled] => no ) [activities] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Activities [field_icon] => fas fa-person-hiking [field_type] => taxonomy:activities [input_placeholder] => List of Activities [enabled] => no ) [trip_types] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Trip Type [field_icon] => fas fa-person-hiking [field_type] => taxonomy:trip_types [input_placeholder] => List of Trip Type [enabled] => no ) [difficulty] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Difficulty [field_icon] => fas fa-person-hiking [field_type] => taxonomy:difficulty [input_placeholder] => List of Difficulty [enabled] => no ) [trip_tag] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Trip Tag [field_icon] => fas fa-person-hiking [field_type] => taxonomy:trip_tag [input_placeholder] => List of Trip Tag [enabled] => no ) ) [display_new_trip_listing] => no [display_slider_layout] => 1 [show_featured_tag] => 1 [show_wishlist] => 1 [show_map_on_card] => 1 [show_difficulty_tax] => 1 [show_trips_tag] => 1 [show_date_layout] => 1 [show_available_months] => 1 [pricing_section_layout] => layout-1 [wte_sticky_booking_widget] => no [related_display_new_trip_listing] => no [show_related_trip_carousel] => 1 [show_related_featured_tag] => 1 [show_related_wishlist] => 1 [show_related_map] => 1 [show_related_difficulty_tax] => 1 [show_related_trip_tags] => 1 [show_related_date_layout] => 1 [show_related_available_months] => 1 [show_trip_facts] => yes [show_trip_facts_content_area] => no [hide_term_title] => no [show_featured_trips_on_top] => yes ) [post_meta] => Array ( [availability_title] => [departure_dates] => Array ( ) ) )

Uzbekistan Tour 2024 (7 regions and 10 historical cities)

Days 13

Trip Facts

  • Vehicle
    Train, car
  • Group Size
  • Accomodation
    3*; 4*
  • Fitness level
  • Arrival on
  • Departure from
  • Language
    English, German, Spanish, Russian, Turkish
  • Best season
    Spring,summer, autumn
  • Tour type
    Cultural, traditional, excursion tour
  • Meals
    Half board

Trip code: WTE-531

    [id] => Array
            [1] => 1
            [2] => 2
            [3] => 3

    [field] => Array
            [1] => wp_editor
            [2] => itinerary
            [3] => cost
            [4] => dates
            [5] => faqs
            [6] => map

    [name] => Array
            [1] => Overview
            [2] => Itinerary
            [3] => Includes / Extra
            [4] => Dates
            [5] => FAQs
            [6] => Map

    [icon] => Array
            [1] => fas fa-list
            [2] => fas fa-map-location
            [3] => fas fa-check
            [4] => fas fa-calendar-days
            [5] => fas fa-circle-question
            [6] => fas fa-map-signs

    [enable] => Array
            [1] => yes
            [2] => yes
            [3] => yes
            [4] => yes
            [5] => yes
            [6] => no


13 Day Tour of Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan Tour 2024 (7 regions and 10 historical cities). The 13 Days Uzbekistan Tour includes 7 regions and 10 the most important historical cities of Uzbekistan. The tour is covering not only architectural but also cultural heritage sites of Central Asia. You will meet locals and can see how different people from each region, try a different cuisine and famous national dishes. During the tour you will be accompanied by professional and certified Guide in every city.

You will get 24/7 support from our tour manager

Uzbekistan travel highlights

  • Trips to legendary cities: Samarkand, Tashkent, Bukhara, Khiva
  • Famous Madrassas and Mosques
  • The Culture and Hospitality of the East
  • Unique architecture
  • History and sights from the times of Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great to the present day
  • National cuisine, pilaf, samsa, lagman
  • Seasonal Uzbek fruits, vegetables, berries
    [trip_duration] => 13
    [trip_duration_unit] => days
    [trip_duration_nights] => 12
    [trip_cut_off_time] => 
    [trip_cut_off_unit] => days
    [trip_minimum_pax] => 
    [trip_maximum_pax] => 
    [overview_section_title] => 13 Day Tour of Uzbekistan
    [tab_content] => Array
            [1_wpeditor] => Uzbekistan Tour 2024 (7 regions and 10 historical cities). The 13 Days Uzbekistan Tour includes 7 regions and 10 the most important historical cities of Uzbekistan. The tour is covering not only architectural but also cultural heritage sites of Central Asia. You will meet locals and can see how different people from each region, try a different cuisine and famous national dishes. During the tour you will be accompanied by professional and certified Guide in every city.

You will get 24/7 support from our tour manager

    [trip_highlights_title] => Uzbekistan travel highlights
    [trip_itinerary_title] => Itinerary
    [itinerary] => Array
            [itinerary_title] => Array
                    [1] => Tashkent
                    [2] => Tashkent-Fergana Valley
                    [3] => Fergana-Margilan-Tashkent
                    [4] => Tashkent-Samarkand
                    [5] => Samarkand
                    [6] => Samarkand
                    [7] => Samarkand-Shahrisabz-Termez
                    [8] => Termez
                    [9] => Termez-Bukhara
                    [10] => Bukhara
                    [11] => Bukhara-Khiva
                    [12] => Khiva-Urgench-Bukhara
                    [13] => Tashkent-Homeland

            [itinerary_days_label] => Array
                    [1] => Day 1
                    [2] => Day 2
                    [3] => Day 3
                    [4] => Day 4
                    [5] => Day 5
                    [6] => Day 6
                    [7] => Day 7
                    [8] => Day 8
                    [9] => Day 9
                    [10] => Day 10
                    [11] => Day 11
                    [12] => Day 12
                    [13] => Day 13

            [itinerary_content] => Array
                    [1] => Departure from Homeland. (Our Tour Consultant can arrange your flight, please ask them)

15:55 Arrival In Tashkent.

For customs clearance it will take you about 1 hour. At the airport exit you will meet with our driver who will take you to hotel.

Transfer to hotel, accomodation, rest

Night In Hotel Of Tashkent
                    [2] => 09:00 Breakfast. Check Out Of The Hotel

10:00 Transfer To Fergana , Through The Kamchik Mountain.

On our way we visit Kokand city, excursion in palaces of Kokand Khan, further Rishtan city which is famous with its ceramic , we go to the one workshop to see the whole process of producing ceramics.

18:00 Arriving To Fergana , Accommodation And Leisure At Hotel.

Overnight At Fergana Hotel
                    [3] => In morning drive to Margilan to see the famous workshops of adras fabric (Ikat)

And hand made carpets. Visit Edgorlik factory of silk hand made fabric. And a visit to sunday Ikat market where you will see the whole variety of different uzbek fabrics at very reasonable prices.

Transfer to Margilan train station

Departure from Margilan

Arrival in Tashkent

Transfer to hotel, accomodation , rest

Night In Hotel Of Tashkent
                    [4] => Breakfast in hotel

10:00 Sightseeing Program Around The Center Of Tashkent.

Visit Independence Square, Amir Timur Square, Opera and Ballet Theatre named after Alisher Navoi, the Museum of Applied Arts.
Visit old city and Chor-Su market (the one of the biggest bazaar in Tashkent). We will go there by Tashkent metro (subway).
Hasti Imam complex - historical sight where we will see the oldest Othman Koran in world.
17:30 Transfer To The Tashkent Railway Station

18:50 Departure From Tashkent

20:58 Arrival To Samarkand. Transfer To The Hotel, To Leave The Luggage.

Night In Hotel Of Tashkent
                    [5] => Breakfast in hotel

10:00 Excursion Program In Samarkand

Visit to the famous Mausoleum of Amir Timur - "Gur Emir" and his family tomb - a masterpiece of architecture of the 14th century.
Visiting the legendary Registan Square, Madrassah of Ulugbek - the 15th century, Sher-Dor-17th century medrese (1619-1636), Tilya Kori 17th century (1646-1660) - Madrasah and Mosque. Dinner
The Bibi-Khanum Mosque (1399-1404), erected in honor of the wife of Amir Timur.
Famous Samarkand Sieb Bazaar. where you can buy dried fruits and national sweets.
During the tour you will visit the Shahi Zinda Necropolis of the Timurid times
Visiting the Ulugbek Observatory is a unique 15th century building for studying astronomy.
The duration of the excursion program is 5 - 6 hours.

Additionally In Samarkand :

Silk carpets factory "Khodzhom"
Museum of winemaking at the wine factory of Khovrenko
Night In The Hotel Of Samarkand
                    [6] => Breakfast at the hotel.

10:00 Country Excursion 30 Km From Samarkand:

The paper factory of Cunha Meros (a re-created manual production of ancient paper from the mulberry tree, here you will see the entire process of paper production)
The Ulugbek Observatory is a unique structure of the 15th century, at the moment there is a fragment of the measuring instrument "Sulce Fakhri"
The Mausoleum of the Prophet Daniel is a holy place of worship for the three religions of the Muslim, Christian and Jewish
Museum Afrosiyeb - Ancient city of Samarkand. Lunch in Chayhana
The duration of the excursion program is 3-4 hours.

Free time in Samarkand

Museum of winemaking at the wine factory of Khovrenko

Additionally In Samarkand :

Folk show in the Sherdor Madrassah
Art Gallery "Happy Bird"
Silk carpets factory "Khodzhom"
Night In The Hotel Of Samarkand
                    [7] => Breakfast in the hotel

08:00 Transfer Samarkand Shakhrisabz Termez (486 km)

Stop in the "Devil's Valley". The valley is remarkable for the unusual shapes of rocks and rocks.

In Shakhrisabz, an excursion around the city:

Ak Saroy - the ruins of the palace of Amir Timur of the 14th century. A colossal building, imposing dimensions and amazing beauty are the architecture of the portal entrance to the palace.

Dorut Saodat - the family necropolis of Timurids, burial of two sons of Timur and the sarcophagus of Timur (14th century). Khoja Imam Mosque and the tree of the plane trees (750 years old to this tree)

Dorut Tilyavar - the complex consists of two mausoleums, the Mausoleum of Emir Taragay (Timur's father) and his spiritual mentor Mir Kulol. Also in the complex there is a 15th-century Kuk Gumbaz mosque and a madrasah with a small minoret.

Duration of the excursion program is 4 hours.

In addition: (it is required to agree in advance)

Road to Termez ( 4, 5 hours by car)

Arrival in Termez in late evening, accommodation at the hotel, rest

Night In The Hotel Of Termez
                    [8] => Breakfast in the hotel

Early morning Excursion in the ancient center of Buddhism - the city of Termez. You will visit the Kokildor-Ota Khanaka, the Kirk-Kyz Fortress, the summer residence of the rulers of the Samanid dynasty, the Sultan Saodat and Zurmalu ensemble (the Buddha's stupa). Then you will see the Buddhist archaeological sites of Karatep * and Fayaztepa, as well as the mausoleum of Al-Hakim at-Termezi.

Night In The Hotel Of Termez
                    [9] => Breakfast in the hotel

Departure from Termez and road to Bukhara. It will take 7 - 8 hours of drive

Arrival to Bukhara

Accommodation at hotel, rest

Additionally In Bukhara:

Bozori Kord Telpakfurushon-Eastern men's bath.
Hamam Kunzhak - Eastern women's bath near the Kalyan Minaret.
Folklore show in Madrasah Nodir sofa Begi
Puppet theater and workshop.
Master class for cooking pilaf in the guest house
Bukhara Carpet workshop, handmade
Workshop for the production of scrawl
Suzani Embroidery Workshop
Night In The Hotel Of Bukhara
                    [10] => Breakfast at the hotel

10:00 Start Of The Excursion Program In Bukhara.

Visit to the Mausoleum of Ismail Samani
The mausoleum of Chashma Ayub (the well of Job), is located near the Samanid Mausoleum.
Visit the Bolo House mosque of the 18-20th century.
Fortress Ark-Citadel of Emir of Bukhara.
Lunch in the local teahouse

Continuation Of The Sightseeing Tour:

The Poi Kalyan complex includes the Kalon Mosque and the Kalyan Minaret, the Mir-Arab Madrassah,
Madrasah of Ulugbek and Abdulazizhan,
Ancient trading domes,
The Magoki-Attori Mosque of the 12th century
Lyabi Hauz Complex, consisting of three architectural monuments: Kukeldash Madrasah, Nodir Divan-Begi and Khanaka Madrasah of the 17th century.
Continuation of the excursion program: 5 - 6 hours

In Addition In Bukhara :

Bozori Kord Telpakfurushon-Eastern men's bath.
Hamam Kunzhak - Eastern women's bath near the Kalyan Minaret.
Folklore show in Madrasah Nodir sofa Begi
Puppet theater and workshop.
Master class for cooking pilaf in the guest house
Bukhara Carpet workshop, handmade
Workshop for the production of scrawl
Suzani Embroidery Workshop
Night In The Hotel Of Bukhara
                    [11] => 8:00 Breakfast In The Hotel

9:00 Departure To Khiva

The road to Khiva through the Kyzylkum Desert (Red Sands) is the 11th largest desert in the world. During the journey, a stop will be made near the Amu Darya River so that you can enjoy the magnificent scenery.

17:00 Arrival To Khiva, Arrival To The Hotel, Rest

Free Time In Khiva

Stay Overnight In Khiva Hotel
                    [12] => Breakfast in the hotel

10:00 Khiva - Excursions To The Sights Of Khiva

Ichan-Kala (12-19 centuries), the inner city of Khiva, which has preserved more than 50 memorials and ancient houses.
Fortress Kunya Ark,
Ensemble Pakhlavan Mahmud,
The stone estate is the palace of Tash-Hoveli,
The Minaret of Kalta-Minor is a symbol of the city,
The complex of Islam Hoxha.
Lunch in the teahouse.
Further along the route;
The Juma Mosque,
Mosque of Khodja-Islam,
MosqueTim Ala-Kulihan,
Madrassah of Abdullah-Khan
Mausoleum of Seyyed Allauddin,
Madrasah Muhammad Amin-Khan,
Madrasah Muhammad Rahim-Khan,
The Nurullbaya Palace.
Duration of the tour 4 - 5 hours

19:00 Transfer To Urgench Airport (30 Km, 40 Min)

21:00 Departure From Urgench

22:30 Arrival At Tashkent

Transfer to hotel, accommodation, rest

Night In Tashkent Hotel
                    [13] => Early breakfast at hotel

07:00 Transfer To Tashkent Airport

10:00 Departure From Tashkent

The End Of Tour!


    [trip_price_per] => per-person
    [trip_prev_price] => 1730
    [trip_price] => 
    [multiple_pricing] => Array
            [adult] => Array
                    [label] => Adult
                    [price] => 1730
                    [sale_price] => 
                    [price_type] => per-person

            [child] => Array
                    [label] => Child
                    [price] => 865
                    [sale_price] => 
                    [price_type] => per-person

            [infant] => Array
                    [label] => Infant
                    [price] => 346
                    [sale_price] => 
                    [price_type] => per-person

            [group] => Array
                    [label] => Group
                    [price] => 1525
                    [sale_price] => 


    [cost_tab_sec_title] => 
    [cost] => Array
            [includes_title] => Include
            [cost_includes] => Entrance tickets to museums and sightseeing
Transport throughout the Itinerary,
Transfers; Meeting, seeing off.
Guides - Guided Tours in the support (1 or category 2). ESG - English speaking guide.
Accommodation at the hotel, according to the order.
Local Flights tickets: Urgench - Tashkent economy class
Train tickets (Margilan - Tashkent, Tashkent - Samarkand, economy class)
Breakfast at the hotel.
            [excludes_title] => Exclude
            [cost_excludes] => International tickets to Uzbekistan and back
Meals: Lunch, dinner (local Chayhona and restaurants serving national Uzbek cuisine)
Additional amenities at the hotel
Fee for photo and video capture, charged separately in museums
Tips for guides and drivers are welcomed!
Additional services.

    [trip_facts_title] => 
    [trip_facts] => Array
            [field_id] => Array
                    [1] => Transportation
                    [2] => Group Size
                    [4] => Accomodation
                    [5] => Fitness level
                    [6] => Arrival on
                    [7] => Departure from
                    [12] => Language
                    [8] => Best season
                    [10] => Tour type
                    [11] => Meals

            [field_type] => Array
                    [1] => text
                    [2] => text
                    [4] => text
                    [5] => text
                    [6] => text
                    [7] => text
                    [12] => text
                    [8] => text
                    [10] => text
                    [11] => text

            [1] => Array
                    [1] => Train, car

            [2] => Array
                    [2] => 8-12

            [4] => Array
                    [4] => 3*; 4*

            [5] => Array
                    [5] => 6

            [6] => Array
                    [6] => Tashkent

            [7] => Array
                    [7] => Tashkent

            [12] => Array
                    [12] => English, German, Spanish, Russian, Turkish

            [8] => Array
                    [8] => Spring,summer, autumn

            [10] => Array
                    [10] => Cultural, traditional, excursion tour

            [11] => Array
                    [11] => Half board


    [map_section_title] => 
    [map] => Array
            [image_url] => 
            [iframe] => 

    [faq_section_title] => 
    [trip_code] => WTE-531
    [trip_highlights] => Array
            [53687375] => Array
                    [highlight_text] => Trips to legendary cities: Samarkand, Tashkent, Bukhara, Khiva

            [44580476] => Array
                    [highlight_text] => Famous Madrassas and Mosques

            [62750617] => Array
                    [highlight_text] => The Culture and Hospitality of the East

            [58323088] => Array
                    [highlight_text] => Unique architecture

            [96441408] => Array
                    [highlight_text] => History and sights from the times of Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great to the present day

            [32908800] => Array
                    [highlight_text] => National cuisine, pilaf, samsa, lagman

            [57185103] => Array
                    [highlight_text] => Seasonal Uzbek fruits, vegetables, berries


    [wte_services_ids] => 
    [partial_payment_enable] => no
    [partial_payment_amount] => 


Departure from Homeland. (Our Tour Consultant can arrange your flight, please ask them)

15:55 Arrival In Tashkent.

For customs clearance it will take you about 1 hour. At the airport exit you will meet with our driver who will take you to hotel.

Transfer to hotel, accomodation, rest

Night In Hotel Of Tashkent

09:00 Breakfast. Check Out Of The Hotel

10:00 Transfer To Fergana , Through The Kamchik Mountain.

On our way we visit Kokand city, excursion in palaces of Kokand Khan, further Rishtan city which is famous with its ceramic , we go to the one workshop to see the whole process of producing ceramics.

18:00 Arriving To Fergana , Accommodation And Leisure At Hotel.

Overnight At Fergana Hotel

In morning drive to Margilan to see the famous workshops of adras fabric (Ikat)

And hand made carpets. Visit Edgorlik factory of silk hand made fabric. And a visit to sunday Ikat market where you will see the whole variety of different uzbek fabrics at very reasonable prices.

Transfer to Margilan train station

Departure from Margilan

Arrival in Tashkent

Transfer to hotel, accomodation , rest

Night In Hotel Of Tashkent

Breakfast in hotel

10:00 Sightseeing Program Around The Center Of Tashkent.

Visit Independence Square, Amir Timur Square, Opera and Ballet Theatre named after Alisher Navoi, the Museum of Applied Arts.
Visit old city and Chor-Su market (the one of the biggest bazaar in Tashkent). We will go there by Tashkent metro (subway).
Hasti Imam complex - historical sight where we will see the oldest Othman Koran in world.
17:30 Transfer To The Tashkent Railway Station

18:50 Departure From Tashkent

20:58 Arrival To Samarkand. Transfer To The Hotel, To Leave The Luggage.

Night In Hotel Of Tashkent

Breakfast in hotel

10:00 Excursion Program In Samarkand

Visit to the famous Mausoleum of Amir Timur - "Gur Emir" and his family tomb - a masterpiece of architecture of the 14th century.
Visiting the legendary Registan Square, Madrassah of Ulugbek - the 15th century, Sher-Dor-17th century medrese (1619-1636), Tilya Kori 17th century (1646-1660) - Madrasah and Mosque. Dinner
The Bibi-Khanum Mosque (1399-1404), erected in honor of the wife of Amir Timur.
Famous Samarkand Sieb Bazaar. where you can buy dried fruits and national sweets.
During the tour you will visit the Shahi Zinda Necropolis of the Timurid times
Visiting the Ulugbek Observatory is a unique 15th century building for studying astronomy.
The duration of the excursion program is 5 - 6 hours.

Additionally In Samarkand :

Silk carpets factory "Khodzhom"
Museum of winemaking at the wine factory of Khovrenko
Night In The Hotel Of Samarkand

Breakfast at the hotel.

10:00 Country Excursion 30 Km From Samarkand:

The paper factory of Cunha Meros (a re-created manual production of ancient paper from the mulberry tree, here you will see the entire process of paper production)
The Ulugbek Observatory is a unique structure of the 15th century, at the moment there is a fragment of the measuring instrument "Sulce Fakhri"
The Mausoleum of the Prophet Daniel is a holy place of worship for the three religions of the Muslim, Christian and Jewish
Museum Afrosiyeb - Ancient city of Samarkand. Lunch in Chayhana
The duration of the excursion program is 3-4 hours.

Free time in Samarkand

Museum of winemaking at the wine factory of Khovrenko

Additionally In Samarkand :

Folk show in the Sherdor Madrassah
Art Gallery "Happy Bird"
Silk carpets factory "Khodzhom"
Night In The Hotel Of Samarkand

Breakfast in the hotel

08:00 Transfer Samarkand Shakhrisabz Termez (486 km)

Stop in the "Devil's Valley". The valley is remarkable for the unusual shapes of rocks and rocks.

In Shakhrisabz, an excursion around the city:

Ak Saroy - the ruins of the palace of Amir Timur of the 14th century. A colossal building, imposing dimensions and amazing beauty are the architecture of the portal entrance to the palace.

Dorut Saodat - the family necropolis of Timurids, burial of two sons of Timur and the sarcophagus of Timur (14th century). Khoja Imam Mosque and the tree of the plane trees (750 years old to this tree)

Dorut Tilyavar - the complex consists of two mausoleums, the Mausoleum of Emir Taragay (Timur's father) and his spiritual mentor Mir Kulol. Also in the complex there is a 15th-century Kuk Gumbaz mosque and a madrasah with a small minoret.

Duration of the excursion program is 4 hours.

In addition: (it is required to agree in advance)

Road to Termez ( 4, 5 hours by car)

Arrival in Termez in late evening, accommodation at the hotel, rest

Night In The Hotel Of Termez

Breakfast in the hotel

Early morning Excursion in the ancient center of Buddhism - the city of Termez. You will visit the Kokildor-Ota Khanaka, the Kirk-Kyz Fortress, the summer residence of the rulers of the Samanid dynasty, the Sultan Saodat and Zurmalu ensemble (the Buddha's stupa). Then you will see the Buddhist archaeological sites of Karatep * and Fayaztepa, as well as the mausoleum of Al-Hakim at-Termezi.

Night In The Hotel Of Termez

Breakfast in the hotel

Departure from Termez and road to Bukhara. It will take 7 - 8 hours of drive

Arrival to Bukhara

Accommodation at hotel, rest

Additionally In Bukhara:

Bozori Kord Telpakfurushon-Eastern men's bath.
Hamam Kunzhak - Eastern women's bath near the Kalyan Minaret.
Folklore show in Madrasah Nodir sofa Begi
Puppet theater and workshop.
Master class for cooking pilaf in the guest house
Bukhara Carpet workshop, handmade
Workshop for the production of scrawl
Suzani Embroidery Workshop
Night In The Hotel Of Bukhara

Breakfast at the hotel

10:00 Start Of The Excursion Program In Bukhara.

Visit to the Mausoleum of Ismail Samani
The mausoleum of Chashma Ayub (the well of Job), is located near the Samanid Mausoleum.
Visit the Bolo House mosque of the 18-20th century.
Fortress Ark-Citadel of Emir of Bukhara.
Lunch in the local teahouse

Continuation Of The Sightseeing Tour:

The Poi Kalyan complex includes the Kalon Mosque and the Kalyan Minaret, the Mir-Arab Madrassah,
Madrasah of Ulugbek and Abdulazizhan,
Ancient trading domes,
The Magoki-Attori Mosque of the 12th century
Lyabi Hauz Complex, consisting of three architectural monuments: Kukeldash Madrasah, Nodir Divan-Begi and Khanaka Madrasah of the 17th century.
Continuation of the excursion program: 5 - 6 hours

In Addition In Bukhara :

Bozori Kord Telpakfurushon-Eastern men's bath.
Hamam Kunzhak - Eastern women's bath near the Kalyan Minaret.
Folklore show in Madrasah Nodir sofa Begi
Puppet theater and workshop.
Master class for cooking pilaf in the guest house
Bukhara Carpet workshop, handmade
Workshop for the production of scrawl
Suzani Embroidery Workshop
Night In The Hotel Of Bukhara

8:00 Breakfast In The Hotel

9:00 Departure To Khiva

The road to Khiva through the Kyzylkum Desert (Red Sands) is the 11th largest desert in the world. During the journey, a stop will be made near the Amu Darya River so that you can enjoy the magnificent scenery.

17:00 Arrival To Khiva, Arrival To The Hotel, Rest

Free Time In Khiva

Stay Overnight In Khiva Hotel

Breakfast in the hotel

10:00 Khiva - Excursions To The Sights Of Khiva

Ichan-Kala (12-19 centuries), the inner city of Khiva, which has preserved more than 50 memorials and ancient houses.
Fortress Kunya Ark,
Ensemble Pakhlavan Mahmud,
The stone estate is the palace of Tash-Hoveli,
The Minaret of Kalta-Minor is a symbol of the city,
The complex of Islam Hoxha.
Lunch in the teahouse.
Further along the route;
The Juma Mosque,
Mosque of Khodja-Islam,
MosqueTim Ala-Kulihan,
Madrassah of Abdullah-Khan
Mausoleum of Seyyed Allauddin,
Madrasah Muhammad Amin-Khan,
Madrasah Muhammad Rahim-Khan,
The Nurullbaya Palace.
Duration of the tour 4 - 5 hours

19:00 Transfer To Urgench Airport (30 Km, 40 Min)

21:00 Departure From Urgench

22:30 Arrival At Tashkent

Transfer to hotel, accommodation, rest

Night In Tashkent Hotel

Early breakfast at hotel

07:00 Transfer To Tashkent Airport

10:00 Departure From Tashkent

The End Of Tour!



Train, car



  • Entrance tickets to museums and sightseeing
  • Transport throughout the Itinerary,
  • Transfers; Meeting, seeing off.
  • Guides - Guided Tours in the support (1 or category 2). ESG - English speaking guide.
  • Accommodation at the hotel, according to the order.
  • Local Flights tickets: Urgench - Tashkent economy class
  • Train tickets (Margilan - Tashkent, Tashkent - Samarkand, economy class)
  • Breakfast at the hotel.


“Please note that we use a local supplier for your arrival airport transfer. As tourism is a growing industry in Central Asia, your driver may not speak English.”

Timur Alimov

Dear friends!

My name is Timur Alimov, and I represent our group of travel experts in Uzbekistan and Central Asia. Our travel experts will guide you through Uzbekistan and Central Asia. For the past ten years we have been gathering and guiding groups of more then 10000 happy travelers. We can show the country through the eyes of the locals, as if you come not as a tourist, but as a guest visiting friends. We give to our travelers only the routes that we checked personally or it was checked by our guides. Some members of My team has traveled this route more than 10 times, and during these trips we have made a lot of friends in each cities who become our friends and help us.

Our travel company office is based in Bukhara, but our travel experts are set in each country we represent. Company is officially registered and has certificates and tourist licenses # T-0087 Unique Travel issued by state gov of Uzbektourism.

I look forward to seeing you as our clients!

How to reserve a seat

You can book your seat through the booking form , click on "Book now" and follow the process. You can also contact me or our team to get the consultation.

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