Hazrat Daud Cave Tour


The cave of HazratDaud is deemed one of the most holiest and sacred places not only in Samarkand but in entire of Uzbekistan and Central Asia. Based on the legend of HazratDaud(also HazratDovud) or St. David, it draws pilgrims from around the globe to get the blessings. In the HazratDaud Cave Tour you can immerse yourself in the divinity and holiness of this place.

The history of this cave revolves around two distinct versions of legend on HazratDaud. One of it states that HazratDaud who was a Islamic preacher came to this place which was inhabited by Zoroastrians to spread the word of true faith. But they opposed his views and decided to eliminate him. Left with no other choice, the preacher prayed to God who in effect moved the stones of the cave apart which helped him escape.

Believers strongly support the existence of a powerful force that confines within the boundary of this cave. They claim their desires were listened to and fulfilled accordingly. To get your wishes and prayers fulfilled, according to the legend and followers, following steps must be met.

  • Reach to the top of the mountain by climbing a thousand three hundred steps.
  • Head to the mosque and pray sincerely.
  • Climb five hundreds steps down and you’ll reach the cave of HazratDawood.
  • Walk to the end of the dark cave where there are handprints and footprints of St. David.
  • Pray earnestly by touching the feet with your deepest desire.

Many people have claimed to have their prayers fulfilled by doing so which attracts pilgrims from around the world to seek the blessings and have their wish fulfilled.

Highlights Of HazratDaud Cave:

  • It is a shrine located 40 Km southwest from Samarkand.
  • It is based on a Muslim legend of HazratDawood or St. David who prayed to the almighty to escape from the wrath of Zaroastrian infields and his prayers were fulfilled, making it a spiritual place.
  • A significant pilgrimage site with 1,300 steps, a total of 2,600 steps to complete.
  • The roads paving the way are equally fun to traverse with options of horse or donkey riding.
  • Excellent scenic view from the top of the mountain.

If you happen to be around Samarkand, then planning a day trip to HazratDaud Cave is undisputedly a wise selection you can make. Kindly mail us at travel@minzifatravel.com to learn more about HazratDaud Cave tour package.

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