Uzbekistan 2-Week Itinerary: Exploring the Best of Central Asia

uzbekistan tours

Day 1-4: Discovering Tashkent

If you’re starting your Uzbekistan adventure from Tashkent, you’re in for a treat. Spend your first few days exploring the capital city’s many museums, monuments, and mosques. Must-visit sites include the Khast-Imam Complex, Chorsu Bazaar, and Independence Square. You can also take a day trip to the nearby mountains or the Charvak Reservoir.

Day 5-6: Samarkand’s Regal Beauty

On day 5, take the high-speed train to Samarkand, a city known for its stunning architecture and rich history. You can spend two days exploring its many attractions, including the Registan, Bibi-Khanym Mosque, and Shah-i-Zinda. Don’t miss the chance to wander the city’s streets and get lost in its markets and tea houses.

Day 7-9: Bukhara’s Ancient Charm

Bukhara is another ancient city that should not be missed. It’s just a short train ride from Samarkand, and you can easily spend three days here exploring its many mosques, madrasas, and caravanserais. The Ark Fortress, Kalyan Minaret, and Po-i-Kalyan complex are just a few of the many sights you can explore.

Day 10-11: Exploring Khiva’s Old Town

From Bukhara, take an early morning train to Urgench and then travel to Khiva, a city known for its well-preserved old town. Spend two days exploring the many mosques, madrasas, and minarets of this UNESCO World Heritage Site. Don’t miss the chance to climb to the top of the Islom-Hoja Minaret for panoramic views of the city.

Day 12-14: Relaxing in Nukus and the Aral Sea

After all that sightseeing, it’s time to relax and enjoy some of Uzbekistan’s natural beauty. Take a flight to Nukus, the capital of Karakalpakstan, and explore the region’s unique culture and history. You can also take a day trip to the nearby Aral Sea, once the world’s fourth-largest lake. Take a dip in the water or just relax on the beach before heading back to Tashkent for your flight home.

Uzbekistan 2-Week Itinerary: Tips for Travellers

  • Book train tickets in advance to avoid long lines at the stations.
  • Dress appropriately for visiting mosques and other religious sites.
  • Carry enough cash as credit cards are not widely accepted.
  • Don’t miss out on sampling Uzbek cuisine, especially plov and shashlik.
  • Always carry a scarf to cover your head or shoulders in case you need to enter a religious site.