Tajikistan Sights

Tajikistan has them all. Be it the old jewels of the Wakhan Valley or the recently opened parks, conventional fortresses, and monuments or chic bazaars, Tajikistan offers its visitors a complete holiday Package.The country has a lot of surprise and amusements in store for them. Here’s a list of major Tajikistan sights.

Kalai Thumb

Kalai-Khumb (Qal’ai Khumb, Qal’a-I-Khum) is a little town on the Panj river and one of the primary settlements on the course to Pamir Highway after Dushanbe. The abnormal name of the town is interpreted from Persian as “Fortress on the Khumb” as there is an Obikhumboi river streaming into Panj river. Kalai-Khumb is an administrative centre of the Darvaz area in Gorno-Badakhshan autonomous region.

Situated on the stature of 1200 m above ocean level, Kalai-Khumb has a peaceful atmosphere for such extreme region as Pamir.


Julander is a hot spring, high altitude resort that offers a wonderful climb behind the springs.

Jisev valley

The Jisev Valley is a beautiful briefing point of an adventurous hike. The hike begins with the suspension bridge.


It is a hot mineral spring situated at an elevation of 2,325 m above sea level. Garm-Chashma runs through the Ishkashim District of Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Province in Tajikistan. It is located on the western slope of the Shakhdara Range.

The spring is a few thousand years old. This is the minimum duration required for the disposition of such enormous travertine sediments. The deposits further cascade down to the Garm-Chashma River.

The Ismail Somoni monument

Located on the left bank of Syrdarya, this new monument stands on top of a hill surrounded by fountains. The main feature of the monument includes the light, music and colour show displayed every evening.

The Masjid Jami mosque

The Masjid Jami Mosque is used for its religious purposes. The Masjid and the Madrassas are located on Bazaar Square.

The Ruins of the X century citadel

The city of Khujand is a proud owner of a small renovated part which contains a museum that displays and describes the region’s history.

The Lenin Statue

The Lenin Statue stands on the grounds once occupied by the Ismail Somoni Statue. The largest Lenin statue not only in Tajikistan but in all of Central Asia is now found in an unmarked park in Khujand. The park lies next to the Tajik war monument after the bridge.

Vahdat Palace

The Vahdat Palace also referred to as The Palace of Unity in Dushanbe is used to host international conferences and is also the headquarters of the ruling People’s Democratic Party.

Dushanbe Flagpole

The second tallest free-standing flagpole in the world, the Dushanbe Flagpole is a flagpole located in front of the Palace of Nations in Dushanbe with a height of 165 metres.

The 30 m × 60 m Flag of Tajikistan weighing 700 kilograms flies on the Flagpole.

St. Nicholas Cathedral

Located close to the Central city cemetery or the Russian Cemetery as the locals call it, St. Nicholas Cathedral is the main Pravoslav church of Dushanbe.


Yamchun is one of the jewels of the Wakhan Valley and the Pamirs. The Citadel is a bit of scramble from the street, however, it is certainly worth the inconvenience. It was doubtlessly constructed to watch over the trade caravans coming from China. The close-by Bibi Fatima Hot Springs is an awesome place for a picnic.


Langar is the foremost village one experiences while diving through the Khargush Pass from the Pamir Plateau and Murghab. Fortunate gatherings will see marmots, brilliant birds, vultures, and once in a while ibex, Marco Polo sheep, and trailing snow panthers. The stretch of street between the pass and Langar is effectively the most beautiful on this course.

Hisor Fortress

30km away from the city is the Hissar Fortress. In addition to the fortress, there are two plain madrassahs, one dating from the eighteenth century and the other nineteenth, and past them is the museum of the sixteenth century.

Ayni Opera And Ballet Theatre Dushanbe

The place regularly has free or cheap concerts sponsored by embassies and traveling companies.

The Ismail Somoni monument

Located on the left bank of Syrdarya, this new monument stands on top of a hill surrounded by fountains. The main feature of the monument includes the light, music and colour show displayed every evening.

The country has been attracting people from far and wide to its supermarkets, teahouses and the well-stocked bazaars. One of the best parts of a visit is sitting in the beautiful, tree-filled park where you are a part of the usual sense of well-being.

Relax after the already completed long journey and organise the onward travels while you spend a day or two in the ideal place. Call us or visit our website now to book your tour to Tajikistan sights and to know more.

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