Is it worth going to Uzbekistan? Explaining the question


When planning a vacation, vacations, vacations, we wonder about the direction to travel, weighed the pros and cons, we calculate the budget, prices, hotels, flights, and describe everything in detail, and thus calculate whether it is worth it to go to a particular country. Uzbekistan, for vacation, is not an exception.

Here in detail:

Recreation in Uzbekistan – it is mainly sightseeing tours – excursions to the legendary cities, Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva, Uzbek streets, famous madrassas, mosques and secrets of the country in Russian with a guide of the highest category.

Also in certain seasons you can go to the mountains, trekking or skiing, to the Aral Sea, to Yurts – lovers of extreme sports in Uzbekistan, there is room to unravel.

The main tourist season in Uzbekistan is New Year, Spring and Autumn. (Art and Craft Tour in Uzbekistan,
Golden Road of Uzbekistan, Trip to ancient cities Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva. 
Classic Tour Around Uzbekistan) summer is not considered a season, because of the heat. However, take 2021, summer, the weather was cool and pleasant for excursions and walks.

At different times of the year you can taste fruits, vegetables, berries such as:
Spring: strawberries, mulberries, green alcha, dutcha, cherries
In fall: grapes, melon, watermelon, tomato, figs, persimmons, quinces
Summer: apricot, cherry, strawberry, apricot, mulberry, boysenberry, red alcha, cherry, melon

You will visit sunny and fabulous country where you will be heartily welcomed in every home, where you will be smiled at and you will be offered a rich dinner, we will dive into the ancient history of Khorezm and Sogdiana, we will visit the palace of Bukhara Emir and we will rub the statue of Khoja Nasreddin for good luck, We will try on the clothes of merchants and brides of the Khanate period, take selfies on Registan Square in Samarkand (daytime and nighttime) and in front of Kalyan Minaret in Bukhara, taste the fruits of juicy and fragrant melons, watermelons and take home the recipe of the real Uzbek pilaf.

Choosing Uzbekistan you should also keep in mind that every year the country loses (in spite of the efforts of the state) its valuable heritage, which makes you so happy and inspires visitors with new emotions of acquaintance with culture, traditions, history and unique architecture of the country. Time is merciless…

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