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                            [2] => itinerary
                            [3] => cost
                            [4] => dates
                            [5] => faqs
                            [6] => map

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                            [1] => Overview
                            [2] => Itinerary
                            [3] => Includes / Extra
                            [4] => Dates
                            [5] => FAQs
                            [6] => Map

                    [icon] => Array
                            [1] => fas fa-list
                            [2] => fas fa-map-location
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                            [1] => 1
                            [2] => 2
                            [3] => 3
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                            [8] => 8
                            [9] => 9
                            [10] => 10
                            [11] => 11
                            [12] => 12

                    [field_id] => Array
                            [1] => Vehicle
                            [2] => Group Size
                            [3] => Maximum Altitude
                            [4] => Accomodation
                            [5] => Fitness level
                            [6] => Arrival on
                            [7] => Departure from
                            [8] => Best season
                            [9] => Guiding method
                            [10] => Tour type
                            [11] => Meals
                            [12] => Language

                    [field_icon] => Array
                            [1] => fas fa-bus
                            [2] => fas fa-user
                            [3] => fas fa-mountain
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                            [7] => fas fa-plane-departure
                            [8] => fas fa-cloud-sun
                            [9] => fas fa-map-signs
                            [10] => fas fa-hiking
                            [11] => fas fa-utensils
                            [12] => fas fa-language

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                            [5] => 
                            [6] => 
                            [7] => 
                            [8] => 
                            [9] => 
                            [10] => 
                            [11] => 
                            [12] => 


            [email] => Array
                    [emails] =>,,,
                    [cust_notif] => 1
                    [booking_notification_subject_admin] => New Booking Order has been received ({booking_id})
                    [booking_notification_template_admin] => 

New Booking

Dear Admin,

A new booking has been made on your website. Booking details are listed below.

Booking Trips ({booking_trips_count})


Billing Details

Name {fullname}
Email {user_email}
Billing Address {billing_address}
City {city}
Country {country}
View booking on your website site
[sale_subject] => Payment has been received for {booking_id} [sales_wpeditor] =>

A Payment has been received for {booking_id}

Dear Admin,

A payment has been received for {booking_id}. The payment details are listed below.

Booked Trips ({booking_trips_count})


Billing Details

Booking Name {fullname}
Booking Email {user_email}
Billing Address {billing_address}
City {city}
Country {country}

Payment Details

Subtotal {subtotal}
Total {total}
Discount {discount_amount}
Paid amount {paid_amount}
Due {due}
Total {price}
View booking on your website site
[name] => [from] => [booking_notification_subject_customer] => New Booking Order has been received ({booking_id}) [booking_notification_template_customer] =>

Booking Confirmation

Dear {name},

You have successfully made the trip booking. Your booking information is listed below.

Booking Trips ({booking_trips_count})


Billing Details

Name {fullname}
Email {user_email}
Billing Address {billing_address}
City {city}
Country {country}
[subject] => Your payment has been confirmed for {booking_id} [purchase_wpeditor] =>

Your booking has been confirmed.

Dear {name},

Your booking has been confirmed. Your booking and payment information is listed below.

Booked Trips ({booking_trips_count})


Billing Details

Booking Name {fullname}
Booking Email {user_email}
Billing Address {billing_address}
City {city}
Country {country}

Payment Details

Subtotal {subtotal}
Total {total}
Discount {discount_amount}
Paid amount {paid_amount}
Due {due}
Total {price}
) [currency_code] => USD [currency_option] => symbol [thousands_separator] => , [default_gateway] => booking_only [paypal_id] => [trip_minimum_age_icon] => fas fa-male [trip_maximum_age_icon] => fas fa-male [payment_debug] => no [bank_transfer] => Array ( [title] => Bank Transfer [description] => Make your payment directly into our bank account. Please use your Order ID as the payment reference. Your order will not be shipped until the funds have cleared in our account. [instruction] => Please make your payment on the provided bank accounts. [accounts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [account_name] => "Unique Travel" [account_number] => 20208840500677150002 [bank_name] => AKB "Kapital Bank" Bukhara Branch [sort_code] => [iban] => [swift] => KACHUZ22 ) ) ) [check_payment] => Array ( [title] => Check payments [description] => Please send a check to Store Name, Store Street, Store Town, Store State / County, Store Postcode. [instruction] => Please send a check to Store Name, Store Street, Store Town, Store State / County, Store Postcode. ) [enable_checkout_customer_registration] => no [disable_my_account_customer_registration] => no [generate_username_from_email] => yes [generate_user_password] => yes [amount_display_format] => %CURRENCY_SYMBOL%%AMOUNT% [decimal_digits] => 2 [decimal_separator] => . [travelers_information] => yes [show_trip_facts_sidebar] => yes [hide_powered_by] => no [disable_fa_icons_js] => no [book_btn_txt] => Book Now [query_subject] => Enquiry received [person_format] => /person [confirmation_msg] => Thank you for booking the trip. Please check your email for confirmation. Below is your booking detail: [gdpr_msg] => By contacting us, you agree to our [feat_trip_num] => 3 [tax_images] => 1 [show_excerpt] => 1 [group] => Array ( [discount] => 1 [discount_availability] => [discount_guide_title] => [discount_guide_open_title] => ) [departure] => Array ( [section_title] => [hide_availability_section] => yes [section] => 1 ) [currency_converter] => Array ( [enable] => yes [sticky_enable] => yes [show_before_bkg] => yes [title] => Currency Converter [api_key] => 3bc40fead91a5255448b [key_type] => free [geo_locate] => 0 [auto_update] => yes [code] => Array ( [0] => USD ) [rate] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) ) [form_editor] => Array ( [grecaptcha_site_key] => [recaptcha_v2_secret_key] => ) [itinerary_downloader] => Array ( [enable] => on [mailchimp_api_key] => [download_button_main_label] => Want to read it later? [download_button_main_description] => Download this tour's PDF brochure and start your planning offline. [popup_form_main_label] => Almost there! [popup_form_main_description] => Please enter your email address and click the button below to get itinerary sent directly to your email address. [user_consent_info] => After signing up for the newsletter, you will occasionally receive mail regarding offers, releases & notices. We will not sell or distribute your email address to a third party at any time. [user_consent_always_required] => off [replyto_emailaddress] => [email_subject_text] => Please Find The Itinerary PDF Attached [email_body_message] => Hello, Please find the requested PDF of #trip attached. Thanks & Regards [pdf_content_logo] => 654 [email_contact_us_label] => Quick Questions? Email Us [pdf_content_email] => [company_address_label] => Address [pdf_company_address] => 70, Eshoni pir str., Bukhara city, Uzbekistan [pdf_base_theme_color] => [pdf_company_telephone_address] => +998936203300 [enable_talk_to_expert_section] => on [pdf_talk_to_expert_text] => Talk To an Expert [pdf_expert_email] => [pdf_content_expert_img] => 1912 [pdf_expert_telephone_address] => +998936591107 [whattsapp_available_for_contact] => on [pdf_company_info_last_page_bg_image] => [add_availability_into_pdf] => on ) [fsd_dates_layout] => dates_list [trip_dates] => Array ( [number] => 3 [pagination_number] => 10 ) [wte_advance_itinerary] => Array ( [chart] => Array ( [show] => 1 [alt_unit] => m [data] => Array ( [color] => #1be896 ) [bg] => ) ) [extra_service_title] => Extra services [trip_search] => Array ( [destination] => 0 [activities] => 0 [trip_types] => 0 [trip_tag] => 0 [difficulty] => 0 [duration] => 0 [budget] => 0 [apply_in_search_page] => 0 ) [user_history] => Array ( [cookie_consent] => Array ( [position] => bottom-left [layout] => block [banner_bg] => #000000 [button_bg] => #f1d600 [content_text_col] => #ffffff [button_text_col] => #000000 [learn_more_link] => [consent_message] => This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. [dismiss_button_text] => Got it! [policy_link_text] => Learn more ) ) [trip_reviews] => Array ( [summary_label] => Overall Trip Rating: [company_summary_label] => Overall Company Rating: [reviewed_tour_text] => Reviewed Tour: [excellent_label] => Excellent [vgood_label] => Very Good [average_label] => Average [poor_label] => Poor [terrible_label] => Terrible ) [trip_highlights] => [show_taxonomy_children] => no [partial_payment_enable] => yes [partial_payment_option] => amount [partial_payment_percent] => [partial_payment_amount] => 200 [file_downloads] => Array ( [wte_file_download_label] => [wte_file_download_global_check] => 1 [wte_file_download_click_download] => 1 [file_downloadable_max_count] => 0 ) [enquiry] => 1 [show_related_trips] => no [related_trips_section_title] => Related trips you might interested in [no_of_related_trips] => 3 [related_trip_show_by] => trip_types [wte_sticky_tabs] => yes [hide_term_description] => no [tax_enable] => no [tax_type_option] => exclusive [tax_percentage] => 13 [enable_social_login] => no [enable_facebook_login] => no [facebook_client_id] => [facebook_client_secret] => [enable_google_login] => yes [google_client_id] => [google_client_secret] => [enable_linkedin_login] => no [linkedin_client_id] => [linkedin_client_secret] => [booking] => 1 [set_duration_type] => nights [default_trip_facts] => Array ( [minimum-age] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Minimum Age [field_icon] => fas fa-child [field_type] => minimum-age [input_placeholder] => Minimum Age from Trip Settings [enabled] => yes ) [maximum-age] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Maximum Age [field_icon] => fas fa-male [field_type] => maximum-age [input_placeholder] => Maximum Age from Trip Settings [enabled] => yes ) [group-size] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Group Size [field_icon] => fas fa-user-group [field_type] => group-size [input_placeholder] => Minimum and Maximum praticipants from Trip Settings [enabled] => no ) [difficulties] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Difficulties [field_icon] => fas fa-shoe-prints [field_type] => difficulties [input_placeholder] => Trip Difficulty [enabled] => no ) [seasons] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Seasons [field_icon] => fas fa-person-hiking [field_type] => taxonomy:seasons [input_placeholder] => List of Seasons [enabled] => no ) [destination] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Destinations [field_icon] => fas fa-person-hiking [field_type] => taxonomy:destination [input_placeholder] => List of Destinations [enabled] => no ) [activities] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Activities [field_icon] => fas fa-person-hiking [field_type] => taxonomy:activities [input_placeholder] => List of Activities [enabled] => no ) [trip_types] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Trip Type [field_icon] => fas fa-person-hiking [field_type] => taxonomy:trip_types [input_placeholder] => List of Trip Type [enabled] => no ) [difficulty] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Difficulty [field_icon] => fas fa-person-hiking [field_type] => taxonomy:difficulty [input_placeholder] => List of Difficulty [enabled] => no ) [trip_tag] => Array ( [fid] => [field_id] => Trip Tag [field_icon] => fas fa-person-hiking [field_type] => taxonomy:trip_tag [input_placeholder] => List of Trip Tag [enabled] => no ) ) [display_new_trip_listing] => no [display_slider_layout] => 1 [show_featured_tag] => 1 [show_wishlist] => 1 [show_map_on_card] => 1 [show_difficulty_tax] => 1 [show_trips_tag] => 1 [show_date_layout] => 1 [show_available_months] => 1 [pricing_section_layout] => layout-1 [wte_sticky_booking_widget] => no [related_display_new_trip_listing] => no [show_related_trip_carousel] => 1 [show_related_featured_tag] => 1 [show_related_wishlist] => 1 [show_related_map] => 1 [show_related_difficulty_tax] => 1 [show_related_trip_tags] => 1 [show_related_date_layout] => 1 [show_related_available_months] => 1 [show_trip_facts] => yes [show_trip_facts_content_area] => no [hide_term_title] => no [show_featured_trips_on_top] => yes ) [post_meta] => Array ( [availability_title] => [departure_dates] => Array ( [flag] => 1 [availability] => [sdate] => Array ( [1] => 2021-06-20 [2] => 2021-07-18 [3] => 2021-08-15 ) [edate] => Array ( [1] => 2021-6-26 [2] => 2021-7-24 [3] => 2021-8-21 ) [cost] => Array ( [1] => 1045 [2] => 1045 [3] => 1045 ) [seats_available] => Array ( [1] => 12 [2] => 12 [3] => 12 ) [availability_type] => Array ( [1] => guaranteed [2] => guaranteed [3] => guaranteed ) [1] => Array ( [recurring] => Array ( [type] => DAILY [week_days] => Array ( [0] => MO [1] => TU [2] => WE [3] => TH [4] => FR [5] => SA [6] => SU ) [months] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 [2] => 3 [3] => 4 [4] => 5 [5] => 6 [6] => 7 [7] => 8 [8] => 9 [9] => 10 [10] => 11 [11] => 12 ) [limit] => 10 ) ) [2] => Array ( [recurring] => Array ( [type] => DAILY [week_days] => Array ( [0] => MO [1] => TU [2] => WE [3] => TH [4] => FR [5] => SA [6] => SU ) [months] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 [2] => 3 [3] => 4 [4] => 5 [5] => 6 [6] => 7 [7] => 8 [8] => 9 [9] => 10 [10] => 11 [11] => 12 ) [limit] => 10 ) ) [3] => Array ( [recurring] => Array ( [type] => DAILY [week_days] => Array ( [0] => MO [1] => TU [2] => WE [3] => TH [4] => FR [5] => SA [6] => SU ) [months] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 [2] => 3 [3] => 4 [4] => 5 [5] => 6 [6] => 7 [7] => 8 [8] => 9 [9] => 10 [10] => 11 [11] => 12 ) [limit] => 10 ) ) ) ) )

Tour to Kyrgyzstan (Horseback Riding 2024)

Days 7

Trip Facts

  • Vehicle
  • Group Size
  • Accomodation
    Hotel 3*; Yurt Camp
  • Fitness level
  • Arrival on
  • Departure from
  • Best season
    Spring, summer, autumn
  • Tour type
    Cultural, traditional, excursion, ecological tour
  • Meals
    Half board
  • Language
    English, German, Spanish, Russian, Turkish

Trip code: WTE-1680

    [id] => Array
            [1] => 1
            [2] => 2
            [3] => 3

    [field] => Array
            [1] => wp_editor
            [2] => itinerary
            [3] => cost
            [4] => dates
            [5] => faqs
            [6] => map

    [name] => Array
            [1] => Overview
            [2] => Itinerary
            [3] => Includes / Extra
            [4] => Dates
            [5] => FAQs
            [6] => Map

    [icon] => Array
            [1] => fas fa-list
            [2] => fas fa-map-location
            [3] => fas fa-check
            [4] => fas fa-calendar-days
            [5] => fas fa-circle-question
            [6] => fas fa-map-signs

    [enable] => Array
            [1] => yes
            [2] => yes
            [3] => yes
            [4] => yes
            [5] => yes
            [6] => no



Tour to Kyrgyzstan (Horseback Riding 2022). Kyrgyzstan is an amazing and unique in its beauty country. This small oasis in the heart of Central Asia impresses with its huge variety of landscapes and unique Son Kul Lake plays considerable role.

Often Kyrgyzstan is named “Asian Switzerland”. Culture and historical heritage of Kyrgyz people are not less interesting. Until now, the country retains all the attributes of nomadic life. Only in Kyrgyzstan during summer period you will see yurts – nomadic portable dwellings, decorated with felt carpets. Meet nomads, who will welcome you and invite to their yurt to try traditional Kyrgyz drink kymyz.

You will travel by horse and taste delicious national dishes.

Kyrgyzstan travel highlights

  • The Culture and Hospitality of the East
  • Unique architecture
  • History and sights from the times of Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great to the present day
  • National cuisine, pilaf, samsa, lagman
  • Seasonal Kyrgyz fruits, vegetables, berries
  • Tour-to-Kyrgyzstan-(Horseback-Riding-2022)
    [trip_code] => WTE-1680
    [trip_duration] => 7
    [trip_duration_unit] => days
    [trip_duration_nights] => 7
    [trip_cut_off_time] => 
    [trip_cut_off_unit] => days
    [trip_minimum_pax] => 
    [trip_maximum_pax] => 
    [overview_section_title] => Overview
    [tab_content] => Array
            [1_wpeditor] => Tour to Kyrgyzstan (Horseback Riding 2022). Kyrgyzstan is an amazing and unique in its beauty country. This small oasis in the heart of Central Asia impresses with its huge variety of landscapes and unique Son Kul Lake plays considerable role.

Often Kyrgyzstan is named "Asian Switzerland". Culture and historical heritage of Kyrgyz people are not less interesting. Until now, the country retains all the attributes of nomadic life. Only in Kyrgyzstan during summer period you will see yurts – nomadic portable dwellings, decorated with felt carpets. Meet nomads, who will welcome you and invite to their yurt to try traditional Kyrgyz drink kymyz.

You will travel by horse and taste delicious national dishes.

    [trip_highlights_title] => Kyrgyzstan travel highlights
    [trip_price_per] => per-person
    [trip_prev_price] => 1045
    [trip_price] => 
    [multiple_pricing] => Array
            [adult] => Array
                    [label] => Adult
                    [price] => 1045
                    [sale_price] => 
                    [price_type] => per-person

            [child] => Array
                    [label] => Child
                    [price] => 522
                    [sale_price] => 
                    [price_type] => per-person

            [infant] => Array
                    [label] => Infant
                    [price] => 209
                    [sale_price] => 
                    [price_type] => per-person

            [group] => Array
                    [label] => Group
                    [price] => 995
                    [sale_price] => 


    [group] => Array
            [discount] => 0
            [traveler] => Array
                    [1] => 1
                    [1_1] => 

            [cost] => Array
                    [1] => 

            [child] => Array
                    [1] => 1
                    [1_1] => 

            [child_cost] => Array
                    [1] => 

            [infant] => Array
                    [1] => 1
                    [1_1] => 

            [infant_cost] => Array
                    [1] => 


    [child-group] => Array
            [discount] => 0

    [infant-group] => Array
            [discount] => 0

    [wte_services_ids] => 
    [trip_itinerary_title] => Itinerary
    [itinerary] => Array
            [itinerary_title] => Array
                    [1] => Bishkek city. (30 km/45 min)
                    [2] => Bishkek city – Burana tower - Kyzart village (280 km/ 6-7 hours)
                    [3] => Kyzart – Chaar Archa – Tuz Ashuu (16 km on horseback/approx 4-5 hours)
                    [4] => Tuz Ashuu – Tulpar Tash (14 km on horseback / approx. 3-4hours)
                    [5] => Tulpar Tash – Kambar Ata – Tuulga Tash (18 km on horseback / approx. 5 hours)
                    [6] => Tuulga Tash – Bishkek (350 km / 6-7 hours)
                    [7] => Bishkek city – Airport “Manas”. (30 km/45 min)

            [itinerary_days_label] => Array
                    [1] => Day 1
                    [2] => Day 2
                    [3] => Day 3
                    [4] => Day 4
                    [5] => Day 5
                    [6] => Day 6
                    [7] => Day 7

            [itinerary_content] => Array
                    [1] => Arrival in Bishkek early in the morning. Upon arrival at the International Airport Manas you will be met by our tourist guide at arrival gates. Transfer to the hotel for early check-in.
Breakfast and rest till midday. Lunch in a local café. Afternoon city tour.

We visit Manas Monument, the main national hero of the Kyrgyz people. Walking tour around main Ala Too Square to watch ceremony of changing of the Guard of Honor, Kurmanzhan Datka Monument, main governmental buildings, and finish at the Old Square with Government House. Transfer to the Victory Square to finish the city tour by short excursion there. Visit of Osh market (closed on Monday). Return to the hotel. Dinner is not included.

(breakfast – hotel, Lunch – local café)
                    [2] => Drive to the village of Kyzart.

On the way visit Burana Tower (old minaret) near Tokmok town. That minaret was constructed in
Balasagyn town; one of the capitals of Karakhanid State existed in 11-12 centuries AD. Explore ruins of that important trading point at the Great Silk Road and visit a little local museum telling about that civilization. Also watch a collection of Balbals, Turkic ancient tombs.

Lunch on the way.

Upon arrival you will be accommodated in the house of local people.

You can have a walk in this typically Kyrgyz village.
Instructions and preparation for horse riding.
Dinner and overnight at the local homestay.
(Lunch – on the way, Dinner – homestay)
                    [3] => Today, after breakfast transfer by vehicle to the bridge (14 km) starting point of horse riding till Tuz Ashuu pasture. During the horse riding, we discover magnificent views of the pastures of Chaar Archa.

Picnic lunch with lunch boxes.
We take the height and arrive at Tuz Ashuu pass (3228m). We’ll stop there and enjoy beautiful Son Kul lake. Descent to the pastures of Tuz Achuu (3050m), crossing on our passages several herds of cattle and sheep with their shepherds.
Upon arrival, meeting with the family of shepherds who welcomes us for dinner in the yurt camp (4-6 person in a yurt).
Distance by car from village to starting point: 14 km
Horse riding distance: 16 km, including 1,100m uphill and 200m downhill

(Breakfast – hotel, Lunch – lunch box, Dinner – yurt camp)
                    [4] => After breakfast, we take the west direction of the lake and horse riding along the shore of the lake. Small climbs and descents (max 100 m) await you before arriving at Tulpar Tash yurt camp.

Lunch in a yurt camp.

The shore of the lake is beautiful with the herds of horses, cows, sheep and goats. Possibility to go to the shepherds and taste fermented mare's milk, kurut -cheese balls, and simply tea with cow's milk ...
Dinner and overnight at yurt camp (4-6 person in a yurt).
Horse riding distance: 14 km, including 100m uphill and 100m downhill

(Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner – yurt camp)
                    [5] => This day, we walk 18 km the landscape is beautiful with the yurts of shepherds. Although, there are no trees or even bushes around the Lake, the altitude and climatic variations allow watching an exceptional flora and fauna.

Lunch at Kambar Ata Yurt Camp.

Fields of edeilweiss and forgetenots will be present during the hike. Possibility to observe different species of birds, such as: ducks, cranes, storks, mergansers, coots, plovers, golden eagles, carmorans, and thousands of seagulls. Сontinue horse riding till Tuulga Tash pasture.

Dinner and overnight at yurt camp (2 persons in a yurt).
Horse riding distance: 18 km, including 0m uphill and 0m downhill

(Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner – yurt camp)
                    [6] => After breakfast we will take another beautiful drive to Bishkek city. We leave Song Kul Lake and will take the road in the morning through one of the most spectacular areas of Tien Shan, Kalmak Ashu Pass (3446m), towards Bishkek city. Lunch – en route.

Arrival in Bishkek, check-in.
If time permits, you may go shopping in the largest department store in the city – ZUM.

Farewell dinner in fine restaurant.
Optionally (for supplement ) : Folklore show at a local restaurant.

Especially for you musicians will play national melodies of Kyrgyz people and show you musical instruments. You will listen to a singing and enjoy the charming melodies of our ancestors.
Folklore show is possible if whole group participates.

(Breakfast – yurt camp, Lunch- local family, Dinner – traditional restaurant)
                    [7] => Breakfast. Morning transfer to the airport to catch your flight back home. End of tour


    [cost_tab_sec_title] => 
    [cost] => Array
            [includes_title] => Include
            [cost_includes] => Accommodation based on double/twin room sharing in hotel and homestay and 4-6 people sharing in yurts (except Tuulga Tash yurt camp, in this yurt camp accommodation is 2 pax in a yurt) – 7 nights ( with early check-in )
Meals : as per program (B- 7, L- 6, D- 5)
Transport services during all tour
Rent of horses for riding, horseman services and his assistant (s) on days 3, 4, and 5
Local english speaking guide   
Entrance and ecological fee according to the program 
Drinking water  (1 liter per person a day, please take your flask which you’ll use during horse riding part ) boiled water 
Horses for portering on days 3,4,5
            [excludes_title] => Exclude
            [cost_excludes] => Single supplement
Folklore show
Personal expenses 
Tips for driver and guide
International and domestic flights
Alcohol and soft drinks

    [trip_facts_title] => 
    [trip_facts] => Array
            [field_id] => Array
                    [1] => Transportation
                    [2] => Group Size
                    [4] => Accomodation
                    [5] => Fitness level
                    [6] => Arrival on
                    [7] => Departure from
                    [8] => Best season
                    [10] => Tour type
                    [11] => Meals
                    [12] => Language

            [field_type] => Array
                    [1] => text
                    [2] => text
                    [4] => text
                    [5] => text
                    [6] => text
                    [7] => text
                    [8] => text
                    [10] => text
                    [11] => text
                    [12] => text

            [1] => Array
                    [1] => Car

            [2] => Array
                    [2] => 4-12

            [4] => Array
                    [4] => Hotel 3*; Yurt Camp

            [5] => Array
                    [5] => 5

            [6] => Array
                    [6] => Bishkek

            [7] => Array
                    [7] => Bishkek

            [8] => Array
                    [8] => Spring, summer, autumn

            [10] => Array
                    [10] => Cultural, traditional, excursion, ecological tour

            [11] => Array
                    [11] => Half board

            [12] => Array
                    [12] => English, German, Spanish, Russian, Turkish


    [map_section_title] => 
    [map] => Array
            [image_url] => 
            [iframe] => 

    [faq_section_title] => 
    [trip_highlights] => Array
            [25887427] => Array
                    [highlight_text] => The Culture and Hospitality of the East

            [53931249] => Array
                    [highlight_text] => Unique architecture

            [63849251] => Array
                    [highlight_text] => History and sights from the times of Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great to the present day

            [2867439] => Array
                    [highlight_text] => National cuisine, pilaf, samsa, lagman

            [28850233] => Array
                    [highlight_text] => Seasonal Kyrgyz fruits, vegetables, berries




Arrival in Bishkek early in the morning. Upon arrival at the International Airport Manas you will be met by our tourist guide at arrival gates. Transfer to the hotel for early check-in.
Breakfast and rest till midday. Lunch in a local café. Afternoon city tour.

We visit Manas Monument, the main national hero of the Kyrgyz people. Walking tour around main Ala Too Square to watch ceremony of changing of the Guard of Honor, Kurmanzhan Datka Monument, main governmental buildings, and finish at the Old Square with Government House. Transfer to the Victory Square to finish the city tour by short excursion there. Visit of Osh market (closed on Monday). Return to the hotel. Dinner is not included.

(breakfast – hotel, Lunch – local café)

Lunch | Dinner

Drive to the village of Kyzart.

On the way visit Burana Tower (old minaret) near Tokmok town. That minaret was constructed in
Balasagyn town; one of the capitals of Karakhanid State existed in 11-12 centuries AD. Explore ruins of that important trading point at the Great Silk Road and visit a little local museum telling about that civilization. Also watch a collection of Balbals, Turkic ancient tombs.

Lunch on the way.

Upon arrival you will be accommodated in the house of local people.

You can have a walk in this typically Kyrgyz village.
Instructions and preparation for horse riding.
Dinner and overnight at the local homestay.
(Lunch – on the way, Dinner – homestay)

Lunch | Dinner

Today, after breakfast transfer by vehicle to the bridge (14 km) starting point of horse riding till Tuz Ashuu pasture. During the horse riding, we discover magnificent views of the pastures of Chaar Archa.

Picnic lunch with lunch boxes.
We take the height and arrive at Tuz Ashuu pass (3228m). We’ll stop there and enjoy beautiful Son Kul lake. Descent to the pastures of Tuz Achuu (3050m), crossing on our passages several herds of cattle and sheep with their shepherds.
Upon arrival, meeting with the family of shepherds who welcomes us for dinner in the yurt camp (4-6 person in a yurt).
Distance by car from village to starting point: 14 km
Horse riding distance: 16 km, including 1,100m uphill and 200m downhill

(Breakfast – hotel, Lunch – lunch box, Dinner – yurt camp)

Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner

After breakfast, we take the west direction of the lake and horse riding along the shore of the lake. Small climbs and descents (max 100 m) await you before arriving at Tulpar Tash yurt camp.

Lunch in a yurt camp.

The shore of the lake is beautiful with the herds of horses, cows, sheep and goats. Possibility to go to the shepherds and taste fermented mare's milk, kurut -cheese balls, and simply tea with cow's milk ...
Dinner and overnight at yurt camp (4-6 person in a yurt).
Horse riding distance: 14 km, including 100m uphill and 100m downhill

(Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner – yurt camp)

Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner

This day, we walk 18 km the landscape is beautiful with the yurts of shepherds. Although, there are no trees or even bushes around the Lake, the altitude and climatic variations allow watching an exceptional flora and fauna.

Lunch at Kambar Ata Yurt Camp.

Fields of edeilweiss and forgetenots will be present during the hike. Possibility to observe different species of birds, such as: ducks, cranes, storks, mergansers, coots, plovers, golden eagles, carmorans, and thousands of seagulls. Сontinue horse riding till Tuulga Tash pasture.

Dinner and overnight at yurt camp (2 persons in a yurt).
Horse riding distance: 18 km, including 0m uphill and 0m downhill

(Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner – yurt camp)

Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner

After breakfast we will take another beautiful drive to Bishkek city. We leave Song Kul Lake and will take the road in the morning through one of the most spectacular areas of Tien Shan, Kalmak Ashu Pass (3446m), towards Bishkek city. Lunch – en route.

Arrival in Bishkek, check-in.
If time permits, you may go shopping in the largest department store in the city – ZUM.

Farewell dinner in fine restaurant.
Optionally (for supplement ) : Folklore show at a local restaurant.

Especially for you musicians will play national melodies of Kyrgyz people and show you musical instruments. You will listen to a singing and enjoy the charming melodies of our ancestors.
Folklore show is possible if whole group participates.

(Breakfast – yurt camp, Lunch- local family, Dinner – traditional restaurant)

Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner

Breakfast. Morning transfer to the airport to catch your flight back home. End of tour




6 lunch, 6 dinner, 5 breakfast





  • Accommodation based on double/twin room sharing in hotel and homestay and 4-6 people sharing in yurts (except Tuulga Tash yurt camp, in this yurt camp accommodation is 2 pax in a yurt) – 7 nights ( with early check-in )
  • Meals : as per program (B- 7, L- 6, D- 5)
  • Transport services during all tour
  • Rent of horses for riding, horseman services and his assistant (s) on days 3, 4, and 5
  • Local english speaking guide
  • Entrance and ecological fee according to the program
  • Drinking water (1 liter per person a day, please take your flask which you’ll use during horse riding part ) boiled water
  • Horses for portering on days 3,4,5


“Please note that we use a local supplier for your arrival airport transfer. As tourism is a growing industry in Central Asia, your driver may not speak English.”

Timur Alimov

Dear friends!

My name is Timur Alimov, and I represent our group of travel experts in Uzbekistan and Central Asia. Our travel experts will guide you through Uzbekistan and Central Asia. For the past ten years we have been gathering and guiding groups of more then 10000 happy travelers. We can show the country through the eyes of the locals, as if you come not as a tourist, but as a guest visiting friends. We give to our travelers only the routes that we checked personally or it was checked by our guides. Some members of My team has traveled this route more than 10 times, and during these trips we have made a lot of friends in each cities who become our friends and help us.

Our travel company office is based in Bukhara, but our travel experts are set in each country we represent. Company is officially registered and has certificates and tourist licenses # T-0087 Unique Travel issued by state gov of Uzbektourism.

I look forward to seeing you as our clients!

How to reserve a seat

You can book your seat through the booking form , click on "Book now" and follow the process. You can also contact me or our team to get the consultation.

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