Altyn-Arashan, Kyrgyzstan

Altyn-Arashan, Kyrgyzstan

It would seem, what else in the XXI century can nature surprise? Mountains, forests, lakes, rivers, canyons – so much beauty, but everything has already been seen and studied. As soon as you have such thoughts, come to Altyn-Arashan, and reacquaint yourself with pristine nature and Kyrgyzstan. And Minzifa Travel will be happy to keep you company!

Altyn-Arashan translates as “Golden Spring” which is not surprising at all. Visa free regime and unimaginable beauty attracts more and more tourists to this place every year.

What to see in Altyn-Arashan?

Since 1963, the gorge is under the protection of the state and has the status of a nature reserve. Therefore, you can come to Altyn-Arashan “just for fun” – to see everything that surrounds you. But if you still want to make an approximate route of the trip, it is worth seeing:

  • Tian Shan spruce. This is a very rare plant, which has survived only in single locations on the entire planet. And there is a relic dense forest in the reserve in Kyrgyzstan. Thousand-year-old spruces are not only beautiful to look at, but also contribute to the diversity of fauna – badgers, wild boars, snow leopards;
  • hot springs are located at an altitude of 2,600 meters. Their main feature is the content of hydrogen sulfide and radon. The water temperature varies year-round in the range of 35-41 degrees: it has a healing effect. Some springs are considered wild and located in grottoes, others are cultivated and surrounded by covered pools;
  • Aksui Wall. Because of its trapezoidal shape, it is called Tent Peak. The height of the snowy peak reaches 5 km: the locals call the wall a magnet for tourists, because it really magically attracts the eye of every vacationer. And there is also a wonderful energy in the area of the Aksu wall: clean air, fresh milk, delicious koumiss, horseback riding;
  • Lake Ala-Kel. The location will especially interest fans of long walks and hiking. To get to the lake is long and not very easy, but the view is worth all the effort and time spent. If you climb the pass, you can see Ala-Kel in all its glory. The lake looks like a turquoise bowl, and its name is translated as “motley lake. Water is clean, but very cold, so only the bravest and hardened tourists can swim in it. It is impossible to get used to the icy lake water, the only way out is to dive in and dive out.

Weather in Altyn-Arashan

The territory where the nature reserve is located has a moderate continental climate. In July, the air temperature rarely rises above 12 ° C, and in January, it drops below -10 ° C. Rains are not frequent, but it is windy in spring and autumn.

When is the best time to go to Altyn-Arashan?

The best time to explore the nature reserve of Kyrgyzstan is in summer, late spring or early autumn. The cold time of the year is not the best solution, because you have to drive off-road, and snow and rain can wash out the road. The water in the springs is always warm, so you can swim regardless of the weather. In the warm season, you can have a picnic and spend the whole day in nature.

Altyn-Arashan is not without reason called a place of strength and concentration of good energy of the mountains of Kyrgyzstan. Here you can recover your strength – both physically and mentally – and get a huge charge of inspiration for future achievements.

If you also want to see and feel what Altyn-Arashan is, then write or call us: Minzifa Travel on WhatsApp See you soon!

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