Travelling to Jalal-Abad, Kyrgyzstan

Travel to Jalal-Abad

If suddenly one day you want to go to warm and quite exotic places, come to Jalal-Abad. It is one of the biggest cities in Kyrgyzstan, which will never let travelers go without colorful emotions and impressions. Ready to be amazed with Minzifa Travel?

The Kyrgyz city is quiet, so at first glance it may seem that there are no tourists here at all. But it is not. Jalalabad has a special energy, which is sure to draw every vacationer who ever dares to visit here.

What to see in Jalalabad?

Contrary to popular belief, Jalal-Abad is not a staging post for travelers, but a destination for a full trip. Therefore, if time permits, it is worth spending at least a few days here to see:

  • Sary-Chelek reserve. Mountain lakes, nut and fruit forests, rich flora and fauna – it is best to come to the resort place with an overnight stay. There are no hotels in the reserve, so you can spend the night in a tent;
  • Toktogul water reservoir. It is surrounded by mountain peaks and clay hills: when looking at this beauty it is impossible not to marvel. But the resort attracts not only by marvelous views, but also by the opportunity to bathe in warm waters, go fishing and fly on paraglider;
  • Kara-Suu. The peculiarity of the lakes is that at different times of the day the water has different color. On the shore you can find spruces, rowanberries, barberry, and here they put up tents to stay overnight;
  • Shah Fazil. The attraction was created in the Medieval period, in the XI century. The complex is often referred to as a Muslim shrine, and it is protected by UNESCO. Next to the mausoleum there is a popular teahouse that makes the most delicious Kyrgyz pilaf;
  • Chychkan. This is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Jalal-Abad, it has all the conditions for vacationers. Admire the Saz-Kel, conquer the mountains over 3000 meters high, enjoy horseback riding and kumysotherapy;
  • Saimaluu-Tash. Only the most adventurous tourists can get to the national park, as it is located in a remote area. This is a unique place, which is considered the largest gallery of rock art. Ancient pagans left to descendants images of fishing, hunting, gathering.

Weather in Jalalabad

Jalal-Abad is located in the Kogarta Valley in the subtropical zone. Because of its remoteness from water sources, the city has an arid continental climate. In July, the temperature reaches +27 ° C, and in the sun reaches up to +43 ° C. Winter is warm, in January the temperature rarely drops below -5 ° C. In spring and autumn, as in other Central Asian countries, it is warm and dry.

When is the best time to come to Jalalabad?

One of the striking features of Jalalabad is the sudden change in the weather. On the way to the city through the pass, tourists will have time to visit all seasons simultaneously because of the sun, fog, rain, and sometimes snow.

Dzhalal-Abad is located in the south of Kyrgyzstan, so the temperature here in the summer is extremely high. You can come, but you should definitely take a hat, sunscreen and sunglasses.

The rest of the time the climate is mild enough, and tourists can wander the most popular attractions even in winter. The most comfortable time to travel is April-May and September-October.

Jalal-Abad is an amazing place that takes a long time to get to know. If you do not manage to see all the sights in one visit, do not worry: it is a great motivation to come to Kyrgyzstan again. Contact Minzifa Travel on WhatsApp, e-mail to book tours. Enjoy your travels!

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