Travel to Kyrgyzstan

Travel in Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan is a place where all the tourist ideas about Asian holidays are dispelled, giving way to new and much more colorful experiences. With Minzifa Travel you will have an opportunity to see it for yourself!

There are no crowds of tourists in Kyrgyzstan, but at the same time tourism is actively developing. Vacationers are not forced to the banal Asian entertainment, but they can easily experience the whole range of smells and tastes of the country. In Kyrgyzstan, only you decide whether to visit in a modern car or on a donkey cart. This is the place where modernity and “that” pristine Asia meet and harmoniously coexist.

History of Kyrgyzstan

According to archaeological excavations, the first humans on the territory of modern Kyrgyzstan appeared in the Paleolithic period. They hunted, gathered, and made pottery.

In the 12th century, like many other peoples, the Kyrgyz fell under the yoke of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. Prior to the annexation of the Kyrgyz lands to Russia (which was particularly beneficial to the Russian state), which began in the 19th century, the Asian country was constantly falling under the rule of enemies – the Kazakhs, Chinese, Tajiks, Uzbeks, and the Kokand Khanate.

In 1924 the Kyrgyz ASSR was formed, which coincided with the active development of industry. The Kyrgyz received their long-awaited freedom only in 1991, but it also brought a serious economic crisis. So far, Kyrgyzstan has not fully recovered from the consequences of the collapse of the Soviet Union, but the country is gradually recovering, developing tourism and inviting dear guests from all over the world.

What to see in Kyrgyzstan?

It does not matter at all whether tourists want to spend time actively or just wander around the city, see a typical Asian country or dispel all known myths, enjoy the pristine nature or get closer to history – Kyrgyzstan has it all. We advise to start your acquaintance with the Kyrgyz Republic by visiting such places as:

  • Tien-Shan Mountains are a real magnet for tourists. The top of Victory Peak is especially attractive to climbers, but it will be interesting to look at the attraction and not the most daring vacationers. The mountains are surrounded by blue firs, carpets of juniper and endless flowers;
  • Issyk-Kul is a great idea for a beach vacation. The lake is deep, so water sports and swimming are comfortable. The attraction brings the most money to the economy of Kyrgyzstan, so no money is spared for the development of the resort. Around the lake there are sun loungers, umbrellas, there are bars and cafes;
  • Altyn-Arashan Gorge – the atmosphere of wildlife. Here tourists can swim in the mineral springs with different healing waters, which have a beneficial effect on the bones, kidneys, heart, nervous system;
  • Sulaiman-Too Mountain is included in the list of UNESCO. According to legend, this particular mountain was the refuge of Suleiman, the Muslim prophet. Therefore, the Kyrgyz believe in its magical and religious properties. Tourists can both climb the mountain and look into one of the caves to study ancient petroglyphs.

Kyrgyzstan’s Climate

Kyrgyzstan has a sharply continental climate. There are three reasons for its aridity: close proximity to deserts, remoteness from major water bodies, and location in the center of Eurasia in the Northern Hemisphere.

The Kyrgyz have a significant reason to rejoice – at least 247 sunny days a year. But it is difficult to call the climate stable: in summer the temperature reaches +44 ° C, and in winter (in the mountains) was recorded -53 ° C. Spring and autumn rarely give surprises: mostly in the off-season it is warm and still sunny.

When is the best time to go to Kyrgyzstan?

To travel to Kyrgyzstan is not necessary to adjust your vacation: Asian country will please you at any time of the year. But buying a tour to the Kyrgyz Republic, it is worth remembering that each season is not like the previous one, and therefore the vacation will be different.

Spring in Kyrgyzstan

Despite the hospitable spring, March in Kyrgyzstan is the season of heavy rains. But this does not mean that acquaintance with the country should be postponed. On the contrary! In springtime in the Kyrgyz Republic, trees and flowers bloom, so even in the city you will have the feeling of being close to a pristine nature. You can wander through museums or take beautiful pictures outside: the main thing is not to forget an umbrella or raincoat.

Summer in Kyrgyzstan

This time of year in Kyrgyzstan is warm, but not stiflingly hot, so walks will be comfortable in the morning or evening. In June, music festivals begin, and being in the mountains becomes the main item on the tourist’s wishlist.

Autumn in Kyrgyzstan

Unlike the spring months, autumn in Kyrgyzstan cannot boast prolonged rainfall. But golden leaves and soft light – for sure! At this time of year, you can go rafting, horseback riding, or go on excursions.

Winter in Kyrgyzstan

The winter months in Kyrgyzstan can be spent classically, going to conquer the mountain peaks. But because of the smaller influx of tourists there are discounts in all hotels, so you can relax in a first-class hotel with a bathhouse and delicious food.

No matter how much is said about Kyrgyzstan, it will never be enough. That is why we suggest you to see for yourself that Kyrgyzstan corresponds to all those compliments, which are given to it. For questions about booking tours, please contact Minzifa Travel on WhatsApp, e-mail Enjoy your vacation!

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