Travel to Chon-Kemin, Kyrgyzstan

Travel to Chon-Kemin

There are many unique natural sights in Kyrgyzstan, which amaze even the most sophisticated tourists with their beauty. And one of them is Chon-Kemin. If you also want to walk in the national park of Kyrgyzstan, we invite you on a tour together with Minzifa Travel!

What to see in Chong-Kemin?

Since 1997, Chon-Kemin is a national park of Kyrgyzstan. The main purpose of this step is to preserve the nature of Kyrgyzstan for cultural and recreational use. What attracts tourists to Chon-Kemin is its pristine nature. Landscapes are preserved untouched and there is a feeling that no man has ever set foot in this area.

Almost half of the plants found on the territory of the national park are Central Asian endemics. Most of them are listed in the Red Book and are strictly protected by the staff of the park. The main attraction of Chon-Kemin is the plantation of Tien-Shan firs. Beautiful and majestic spruces grow on the northern slopes and effectively retain moisture, affecting the climate of the region. Alpine meadows are no less interesting for vacationers. The fauna of the national park is also rich: many birds and animals are included in the Red Book.

Visiting the national park, tourists can see:

  • Lake Chelek or Jashyl-Kel. It is located high in the mountains, has a rubble origin. Its main peculiarity is its bright emerald water. The water in the lake is very clear, but in the sun it acquires that particular mesmerizing hue;
  • Kel-Ter Lake. It is located in the picturesque forests of Chong-Kemin. The lake has a bright bluish hue, so it seems to merge with the sky;
  • Choktal Mountain, which is crowned by a snow massif;
  • Dzhindi-Suu Canyon, which arose due to a break in the lake;
  • Shabdan-Ata memorial;
  • the house of the composer Kurenkeev.

Chon-Kemin has developed hiking trails to the mountain passes that connect the national park with Kyrgyzstan’s main lake, Issyk-Kul. On the territory of the reserve, vacationers can enjoy long hikes or ride bicycles or horses.

Weather in Jong-Kemin

Chon-Kemin has a sharply continental climate: the steeper and higher the slope, the higher the humidity and precipitation, the lower the temperature. The first snow falls in late October and begins to melt in mid-April. The average air temperature in January is -14 ° C.

When is the best time to go to Chong-Kemin?

The best time of year to vacation in Chon Kaemin is summer. From May to September, tourists have access to all passes and have the opportunity to see the most beautiful scenery.

In May, there are fewer tourists in the national park than in July or August, but vacationers may not enjoy all the delights of the trip. In the spring there are still no yurt camps, which often become the main goal of travelers.

Fans of extreme recreation will find much to enjoy in Chon-Kemin at any time of year. The main points of attraction for extreme tourists are steep slopes and turbulent mountain rivers on which you can raft.

Chon-Kemin is a true fairy tale of Kyrgyzstan and a separate world, so different from the usual Asia. Once in the national park, tourists forget what country they are in: this unique place is unlike any other resort. Here it doesn’t matter where you are – in Kyrgyzstan, a European country or Russia. Here there is only you and unspoilt nature. Intrigued? Then go to Chon-Kemin together with Minzifa Travel! We are always waiting for you on WhatsApp, e-mail Pleased to meet you!

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