Khujand – Tours and attractions


What traveler doesn’t dream of seeing the beauty of the Great Silk Road at least once? The trade route passed through many cities and villages, and Khujand is one of them. With Minzifa Travel tours, you will surely get to know this amazing sight.

What to see in Khujand?

Khujand is the same age as Samarkand and Bukhara: this city remembers the glorious Alexander the Great, who helped strengthen it. Here live Uzbeks, Tajiks, and Kyrgyz – each nation has left its mark and continues to transform the city in its own way. 

When you come to Khujand, be sure to check it out:

  • The Kayrakkum Reservoir is Tajikistan’s main natural attraction. It is often called the Tajik Sea: recreation centers for all tastes, sandy beaches, lots of fish;
  • Khujand Fortress – the main architectural landmark, erected in honor of the liberation struggle of Tajiks against Genghis Khan;
  • Masjidi Jami Mosque, the most beautiful attraction of the city, built in the 16th century. The openwork aivan, carvings with remnants of paintings, geometric motifs, arched openings, domed lanterns, and a gorgeous panoramic view – one can clearly trace the influence of Central Asian culture here;
  • The west of the Fergana Valley is the most picturesque place in all of Tajikistan. The most interesting part of the depression is the Hungry Steppe: there is no water or other conditions for existence. Magnificent scenery and abundance of colors annually attracts tourists;
  • Sheikh Massal Madrassah – a memorial ensemble consisting of a mosque, ancient tombs, and a minaret. It is not only a burial place of the Sheikh: pilgrims come here to pray and hold rituals. Of particular interest for tourists is a wooden tombstone, which is decorated with inlays and floral designs;
  • historical museum of local history. Whichever city in the world the tourist comes to, he is still sure to be sent to the museum. Why is it necessary? To get acquainted with the culture of the country. Specifically in this museum, travelers will see entire collections, which will tell about the life, nature, ethnography of the Tajiks: only the most interesting information, so you definitely will not get bored.

Weather in Khujand

Khujand is located in the northern part of Tajikistan. Since the city is located in the lowlands, it falls under the influence of hot air masses – an arid and hot climate. Summers are warm and long, with an average temperature of +30 ° C. Winters are cold and long, but snow is rare: the thermometer rarely falls below 0 ° C. Spring and fall weather is pleasant: there is almost no precipitation, but most of the time it is warm.

When is the best time to go to Khujand?

In Khujand, tourists are welcome at any time of the year: this applies to both the locals and the weather, which is as if to dispose of travel.

  • Spring means beautiful scenery. Stay in the city or go outside to admire the beauty of the mountains.
  • Summer may seem hot to tourists, but for Asian countries the temperature is quite bearable. If it gets quite stuffy in the city, you can always go to the valley.
  • In the fall, Khujand is the most comfortable – with golden leaves, a rich harvest, and comfortable weather.
  • In winter it can be dangerous outside the city, but if you want a cultural program, you are welcome.

If you want to see atypical and at the same time classic Tajikistan, come to Khujand. It is a very colorful, distinctive and controversial city – the oldest in the country – which will not leave anyone indifferent. To book a tour please call or write to WhatsApp, e-mail See you in Khujand!

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