Uzbekistan Short Tours


Uzbekistan which is Central Asia’s most visited tourist destination with some marvelous historical cities. The cities of Uzbekistan which are located along the Silk Road route make up for an excellent short tour. So if you’ve got few days off from your work schedule or your flights get cancelled and you have couple of days to spare, then consider taking one of our Uzbekistan short tour packages. Each tour covers one or two cities extensively for two days.

About Uzbekistan cities

The modern day Uzbekistan is one of the oldest inhabited regions in Central Asia and the earliest settlement dates back to 6th Century BC. The people were Iranian speaking nomads called Scythians who founded kingdoms of Khwarezm, Bactria, and Sogdia. As the region was strategically situated along the Great Silk Road route that facilitated trade between East and West, in the later years, the region got invaded by the like of Alexander, Genghis Khan, Chinese and Greek merchants. And from time to time, various Khanates and empires emerged out of Uzbekistan. As a result, there were numerous monuments made in various parts of Uzbekistan, especially in the cities along the Silk Road route, many of which stand tall to this day. A number of these are now World Heritage Sites designated by UNESCO.

Today Uzbekistan is a unitary constitutional republic with 12 provinces and one autonomous republic. Besides historical sites, there are many recreational and adventure sites for tourists to take advantage of on a one-day short tour.

The Main Cities Of Uzbekistan With Historical Significance Are:

  • Bukhara
  • Samarkand
  • Termez
  • Khiva
  • Nukus

Beyond that, you also have the option of taking short trips to tourist places like Aydarkul, Sarmishsay, Shahrisabz, Fergana Valley, Aral Sea, Gulkam Canyon et cetera.

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