Lenin Peak Tour


Lenin Peak is situated on the border amongst Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan in the Pamir mountain framework. The Lenin Peak is the most astounding pile of the Trans-Alay mountain range and one of the three seventhousanders of Kyrgyzstan. The two different seventhousanders – Pobeda Peak (7439 m) and Khan Tengri (7010 m) are additionally very mainstream among climbers of the world, yet the Lenin Peak is the most reachable one for the extensive variety of mountain climbers. There are no unique specialized challenges and climate conditions at the Pamir are very ideal.

Be that as it may, bear in mind that the Lenin Peak is after all one of the seventhousander. The fundamental challenges that the climbers can look while in transit to the best are the elevation, low temperatures and times of terrible climate. On the off chance that you have never been to high mountains, you should begin with lower heights, for example, Mount Elbrus, Kazbek or Kilimanjaro so as to know how your body can respond.

For the most part, Lenin Peak is the beginning stage for those climbers endeavouring the “Snow Leopard” program. It is an especially most loved place of both experienced mountain climbers and skiers. The traditional course doesn’t include steep rock or ice climbing. To achieve the best effectively one must have a perfect physical condition, great stamina, acclimatization and proper climbing gear. The fundamental challenges, for mountain climbers rising the pinnacle are the elevation, low temperatures, times of terrible climate and, obviously, chilly hole

SECURITY: Your guide will have all the essential aptitudes and gear to guarantee the wellbeing of the climbers on the course. He will have a medical aid unit and a radio to speak with the mountain save benefit situated in the lower camps. There are proficient specialists at the lower camps who can give vital medicinal treatment.

REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION: Citizens of most nations needn’t bother with a visa to enter Kyrgyzstan. In any case, there is additionally a rundown of nations whose residents need to get a visa before landing in the nation. It would be ideal if you check ahead of time. The Lenin Peak is situated in the outskirt region where a special permit is required. It takes a couple of months to prepare this special permit. One will likewise require mountaineering insurance covering the helicopter transportation.

LIMITATIONS: Only climbers over 18 years of age are permitted. Heart illnesses, asthma, diabetes, mental clutters are fatal contraindications for moving high mountains.

List Of Required Equipment:

  • 1. Backpack – 85 litres
  • 2. Sleeping bag – 1
  • 3. Sleeping pad – 1
  • 4. Harness – 1
  • 5. Carbines – 4
  • 6. Jumar – 1
  • 7. Crampons– 1
  • 8. Repshnur (6-7 mm) – 5 m
  • 9. Ice axe – 1
  • 10. Sunglasses – 1 or 2
  • 11. Torch (headlamp) – 1 + set of spare batteries
  • 12. Ice screw – 2
  • 13. Folding knife – 1
  • 14. Down jacket/parka – 1
  • 15. Gortex: pants, jacket – 1 suit
  • 16. Polartec: jacket 200 -1; pants – 1
  • 17. Thermal underwear – 1 suit
  • 18. Polartec 100 – 1 suit (jacket, pants)
  • 19. Polartec gloves – 1
  • 20. Overmitts – 1.+ windproof -1
  • 21. Warm hat – 1
  • 22. Balaclava – 1
  • 23. Warm socks – 2 pairs
  • 24. Socks
  • 25. Gamache
  • 26. Sun protection crèam
  • 27. Figure-8 descender – 1
  • 28. Telescopic Sticks (poles). – 1
  • 29. Avalanche shovel –1
  • 30. High altitude boots – 1
  • 31. Trekking boots -1

Company name special central Asia tour package takes you on a hassle-free holiday around the beautiful cities of Kirgizstan. The tour is handcrafted to offer you a memorable holiday, with travel and accommodation taken care of well in advance.

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