
gonur tepe

Gonur-Tepe travel guide

Not so long ago, in the 90’s, among the sands of the eastern Karakum desert, antiquarianism researchers found an enormous necropolis going back to the 3-2 centuries B.C. in the desert of Mary is the capital city, called today as Gonur Tepe (what Turkmen called as “Grey hill”).

Unearthings of this place drove researchers and historians to stunning discoveries. The temple town kept its puzzles in the sands of the desert for a few a large number of years. Gonur Tepe was the biggest settlement in the whole Margiana. Unearthings proceed up to now, archaeologists still don’t know how enormous the territory is.

Ancient Temple Town

The architecture of Gonur Tepe

Archaeologists figured out how to find persuading facts regarding profound ceremonies and customs demonstrating that Gonurians believed in Zoroastrianism.

In the center of the town, there was a royal residence with numerous huge rooms encompassed with solid, thick walls and few square towers. The chief Priest most presumably lived there. Around the royal residence, there were temple constructions from every one of the 4 sides associated with one wall. In the corners, the wall was invigorated with square towers, however not as large in measure as in the outside mass of the royal palace.

Archaeologists discovered pieces of the façade part of the structures affirming that it was stone mosaic utilized for the decoration of walls. The system of the Gonur aces is one of a kind: at first, the picture on the wall was drawn in paints and just later finished with stones. Any comparable innovation of mosaic preparing hasn’t been found on the planet yet. A whole column of ceramics was found on the domain of Gonur Tepe, ensuring that stoneware was in high demand.

Findings in Gonur Tepe

Unique amongst the most fascinating discoveries is the entombment underground premises found in the eastern piece of the enormous pool. Everything there demonstrated this was the internment of nearby elites of that period. Archaeologists dug 5 tomb-vaults altogether; every one of them resembled a house with a few rooms. Two of the tombs had burials of a few people. Most presumably bodies belonged to the servants or slaves, who, as per antiquated traditions, should escort their lord to the next world. It was likewise as indicated by conventions that the burial place was loaded up with important things that once belonged to the perished.

Together with the internments, an establishment pit, 2.5m profound and 5m in distance across, was found not a long way from the tomb. This place turned out not to be ransacked and archaeologists excavated many intriguing things and mortal stays of old individuals and creatures there. In any case, the archaeologists figured out how to discover few silver and gold vessels and some gems pieces. Aside from the gems, researchers found more fragments of mosaic creations in the tombs.

Number 7, both ancient Zoroastrians and modern Turkmens considered digit 7 as sacred. Families of the antiquated Gonurians still have an abnormal attitude towards dogs – they are feared and respected at the same time.

The Necropolis of Gonur Tepe

Necropolis of Gonur Tepe still holds numerous secrets for archaeologists, historians and researchers. This place is one of the imperative touristic objects of Turkmenistan, visited by a huge number of visitors consistently. Find this brilliant and puzzling sight to unravel the mysteries of Turkmens’ predecessors.

Call us or visit our website to learn more about the amazing cultural town Gonur Tepe and book your tour now.


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