Kunya Urgench

kunya urgench

Kunya Urgench travel guide

An architectural reserve found 480 km toward the north from Ashgabat. In the past it was the old capital of Northern Khorezm in the primary century A.D. Amidst the eighth century it was vanquished by Arabs and in the time of 995 it was renamed Gurgandzh and turned into the residence of Khorezm Shah and the second-biggest city after Bukhara – the capital of Samanid Empire.

The Main Places Of Interest In Kunya-Urgench Are:

Mausoleum of KhoresmshakhTekesh

Close to the minaret of Kutlug-Timur, there is the tomb of KhoresmshakhTekesh – one of a couple of survived landmarks of pre-Mongol Urgench. The general populace calls it Gyok-Gumbez and Sherepbaba. Together with the sepulchre of Il’- Arslan they constitute the necropolis of one of the ruling Khoresm clans.


The sacred slope KyrkMolla is found in Kunya-Urgench. It is situated toward the upper east of the city, close to the Sultan Tekesh Mausoleum.

Mausoleum of Nadzhimetdin Kubra

The founder of the dervish order “Kubraviya” in Islam, a Sufi sheik – the principal landmark in the memorial complex “360”. This place is viewed as blessed. Explorers from all world pay visits there.

As per the legend, Horesmshakh Mohammed II executed of a standout of one of the best Kubra’s pupils after by a false reprimand. The blessed man got irritated and doomed Khoresm. The perdition soon came true – the relentless state fell under destructive Mongol intrusion.

Mausoleum of Tyurabek-khanym

Tyurabek-khanym was a chronicled figure, a Mongolian princess, the most loved girl of the Governor of Golden Horde – Uzbek-khan and the wife of his representative in KhoresmKutlugTimur. In the long run, she was sanctified and announced saint. The name of Tyurabek-khanym was constantly encompassed by various romantic legends

The Minaret of Kutlug-Timur

60 – meter high minaret of Kutlug-Timur is the most noteworthy landmark in Central Asia even in comparison with the catacomb of Sultan Sandzhar.

The minaret is formed like a conic segment. The thin decreased round trunk is partitioned by eighteen belts (strips) painted by an adornment and three belts of engravings in Kufi. Before, the minaret had a wooden Iranian lamp which had burned amid a fire.

Sultan Ali Mausoleum

The Sultan Ali Mausoleum has neither one of the rich stucco designs, nor complex Arabic engravings, nor walls and entries, brightened with majolica. This is on the grounds that the building, matured more than five centuries, was never finished. It was because of the consistent internecine wars led by Turkmen khans, and to the intrusion of BukharianAbdullakhan to Khorezm. Along these lines, there was no opportunity to finish it, however, the catacomb was planned to become the most compelling Turkmen khans of the time, who even possessed Urgench amid his lifetime.

Most of the Kunya Urgench historical sites are included into the UNESCO World Heritage List. Call us or visit our website to learn more of these sites and to book your tour to the city of Kenya-Urgench now.


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