

Turkmenbashi travel guide

The port-city of Turkmenbashi is the main significant port in whole Central Asia. From the east, it is encompassed by low mountains, in the West the city is circumscribed by the waters of the Caspian Sea. The shore of the Caspian Sea is well known for its noteworthy sandy shorelines, unadulterated straightforward water, a wealth of ocean greenery.

Balkan Velayat Landmarks – Dekhistan

Dekhistan developed in the late eighth and mid-ninth centuries, the time of its bloom fell on the time of Khorezmshak rule. Dekhistan, TurkmenistanTowering over perfectly flat, waterless and mud plain of Balkan velayat which prior was known as Misrian Valley are the baffling and enchanted ruins of antiquated Dekhistan – the most remote and segregated city.

When it was a flourishing medieval city on the caravan route amongst Khoresm and Persian Hyrcania.

The full zone of the city was around 200 hectares and was secured by a double ring of walls. The history specialists of that time detailed: “Dekhistan is a city with a substantially large mosque, being the boundary fortress remaining in transit of Turks-Oguz”.

Dekhistan did not keep going for long. However, after the Mongolian attack, the life in the city went on in the thirteenth – the fourteenth centuries, and in the 15th century, the life in Dakhistan-Misrian vanished for good.

Shir-Kabir Mausoleum

Six km from Dekhistan lies the old Mashad burial – a Muslim necropolis with the notable tomb of Ali ibn Sukkari or “Shir – Kabir” in the inside. Shir-Kabir is also called as a mosque “on wooden columns”.

The structures of the Shir-Kabir sepulchre mosque are identified with esteemed Serakh architectural school. The walls of the building from square mud blocks were decorated from the premise up to its vault with cut ganch with twists, verdurous patterns and Kufi engravings, painted in dull blue, red and pistachio-green hues.

Caravanserai Tasharvat

Balkanabat close Tasharvat water spring is found the magnificent remnants of caravanserai Tasharvat. It remains on one of the antiquated troop route – various branches of the Great Silk Road.

The building of the caravanserai is a rectangular stronghold with a stone wall with the remains of a private working inside. Close to the caravanserai, there was an elm forest of 100 trees. The researchers trust that the building was as yet inhabited at the end of the nineteenth century.

Balkan Velayat Landmarks – Parau-Bibi

Parau-Bibi was the patroness of pregnant women and children in Turkmen mythology. A little white mosque Parau-Bibi is a standout amongst the most regarded explorer spots of Turkmenistan. It is situated the Kopet Dagh rocks.

As per a legend, Parau-Bibi was a wonderful young lady who lived in a village. One day the general population chose to purchase their safety and hand her to the approaching enemies. She figured out how to get away.

Parau-Bibi stowed away in the mountains and began praying. In the long run, the stone opened and concealed her for eternity. This place presently is set apart by a mosque.

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