Turkmenistan Official Holidays

Turkmenistan has eight official holidays that are also public ones. These nationwide holidays are:

1 January – New Year

12 January – Memorial Day

8 March – International Women’s Day

21-22 March – National Spring Festival

18 May – Constitution Day and National Flag Day

27 September – Independence Day

6 October – Day of Remembrance (of the victims of the earthquake in 1948)

12 December – Neutrality Day

The country also celebrates two major Islamic holidays – Eid al-Adha and Ramadan Bayram (end of Ramadan). Since both these dates are calculated according to the lunar Islamic calendar, the dates of their celebration calculated in advance and each year approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan. These days are also public holidays.

There are also Turkmenistan national holidays that do not change the working day’s schedule. They include:

27 January – Day of Fatherland Defenders

31 March – Day of Chemical Industry Workers

7 April – World Health Day

17 April – Day of Workers of the Migration Service of Turkmenistan

Last Sunday in April – Turkmen Racing Horse Festival

9 May – Victory Day

25 May – Ashgabat City Day

29 May – Day of Internal Affairs Officers

Last Sunday of May – Turkmen Carpet Day

1 June – International Children’s Day

5 June – World Environment Day

First Sunday in June – Day of Textile Industry

12 June – Science Day

18 June – Day of Workers of the Justice Ministry of Turkmenistan

26 June – Day of Workers of the Prosecutor’s Office of Turkmenistan

27 June – Day of Turkmen Workers of Culture and Art, and Day of Poetry of Magtymguly Fragi

5 July – Day of Judicial Service Workers of Turkmenistan

21 July – Day of Health and Medical Industry

11 August – Day of Frontiersmen

1 September – Day of Knowledge and Students

Second Saturday in September – Day of Energy Industry

30 September – Day of Workers of the National Security Service of Turkmenistan

1 October – International Day of Senior Citizens

9 October – Day of Naval Forces of Turkmenistan

4 November – Day of Customs Service of Turkmenistan

Second Sunday of November – Hasil Bayramy (Harvest Festival)

14 December – Day of the Workers of Oil, Gas, Power and Geological Industry

21 December – Day of Remembrance of the First President of Turkmenistan S.A. Niyazov (Saparmurat Turkmenbashi the Great)

Call us or visit our website to mark the complete list of holidays in Turkmenistan and to book your tour now.

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