Is Uzbekistan Safe to Travel? A Guide to Staying Safe While Exploring This Fascinating Country

Uzbekistan is a country that is rich in culture, history, and natural beauty. But, like any destination, safety is a concern for travelers. Here’s a guide to help you understand how safe it is to travel in Uzbekistan and what you can do to stay safe while exploring this fascinating country.

Crime and Safety in Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan is generally a safe country for travelers. The crime rate is relatively low, and violent crime is rare. However, like any destination, there are some safety concerns that travelers should be aware of. Pickpocketing and theft are the most common crimes that tourists may encounter, especially in crowded areas such as markets, bus and train stations, and tourist attractions. It’s also important to be cautious when traveling alone at night, as there have been reports of muggings and robberies.

Terrorism and Political Unrest

Uzbekistan has experienced political instability in the past, but the situation has improved in recent years. The government has taken measures to combat terrorism, and the security situation has improved significantly. However, travelers should still be aware of the risk of terrorism and political unrest. It’s important to stay informed about the situation in the country and avoid any large gatherings or demonstrations.

Health and Medical Care

Uzbekistan has a relatively good healthcare system, but medical facilities outside of major cities may not meet Western standards. Travelers should ensure they have adequate medical insurance and seek medical advice before traveling to Uzbekistan. It’s also important to take precautions to prevent illness, such as drinking only bottled water and avoiding street food.

Tips for Staying Safe in Uzbekistan

To stay safe while traveling in Uzbekistan, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Be aware of your surroundings and keep an eye on your belongings, especially in crowded areas.
  • Avoid walking alone at night, especially in unfamiliar areas.
  • Stay informed about the security situation in the country and avoid any large gatherings or demonstrations.
  • Be cautious when using public transportation, especially taxis. Only use licensed taxis, and agree on a price before getting in.
  • Take precautions to prevent illness, such as drinking only bottled water and avoiding street food.
  • Keep a copy of your passport and other important documents with you at all times.


Uzbekistan is generally a safe country for travelers, but like any destination, it’s important to be aware of potential safety concerns. By following the tips above and staying informed about the security situation in the country, you can enjoy a safe and enjoyable trip to this fascinating country. Minzifa Travel can help you plan your trip to Uzbekistan and provide guidance on staying safe while exploring this beautiful country. Contact us today to learn more about our tours and packages.