Kolsay – the blue necklace of the Northern Tien Shan (Kazakhstan)

Kolsai Lakes

Everyone knows that there are many picturesque places in the world. But not everyone is aware of the majestic beauty that’s right next door. Minzifa Travel Company is ready to solve the mystery and introduce you to one of these sights. Meet Lake Kolsay!

The lake is often called the pearl in the north of Tian-Shan. And the reason is that the lakes, like necklaces, surround gorges: they are hidden in them like a pearl. The lakes are often compared to the beauties of the Alps, which you can personally see.

Kolsay is a group of three lakes that are located at different elevations above sea level. The river takes its source from the glaciers and flows into the lakes: the water in them is crystal clear and fresh. The reason for the formation of the lakes is the landslides at the bottom of the gorge. Their depth reaches 80 meters.

Everyone can reach the First lake: because of the blue-blue water the lake merges with the sky. It takes another couple of hours to get to the Second lake, Mynzholka, because the time passes quickly as there are a lot of edible mushrooms in the forests. Only the most purposeful tourists can get to the Third lake, because its shores are less adapted for hiking.

Around the lakes grow Tien Shan firs, so the air is filled with a pleasant fragrance of pine. Juniper bushes, which can be found a little higher up, also look charming in the photos.

What to see in Kolsai?

Kolsai is great for outdoor activities. In this area is developed mountain hiking and has everything you need for trekking, but the routes are easy and accessible even to beginners. In their spare time from climbing, holidaymakers can ride horses or bikes.

Despite all the activities, the mountains are first of all contemplation. So you don’t have to put any efforts in order to spend your time on Kolsay with benefits and pleasure: all you have to do is to admire the beauty of the wonderful place and breathe the cleanest mountain air.

Want to diversify your leisure? Then it’s time to go on a picnic. A picnic is always a good idea, and in the company of lakes, mountains and trees – even more so. If you decide to get close to nature, take a ride on a catamaran or a boat: you can clearly see your reflection in the water.

A popular destination for recreation at Kolsai is fishing. There are a lot of rainbow trout in the lakes, so you won’t have to get bored with a fishing rod on the shore. But it is important to take care about getting a license, otherwise tourists can be mistaken for poachers.

As in most natural resorts, the season for recreation on the coast of Kolsai lakes lasts from May to October. But if you want vacationers can come in other months: less people, a stronger sense of unity with nature.

Problems with accommodation in this area of Kazakhstan tourists will not have. Minzifa Travel organizes tours around the country, and an important part of most of them is a visit to Kolsay Lakes. We will be glad to pick for you a hotel or guest house to make your rest not only rich, but also comfortable. The most courageous and romantic tourists can sleep overnight directly in tents. It’s enough to camp and admire the natural panorama of Kolsai landscapes before going to bed.

There are no cultural and historical attractions: monuments, temples, museums, theaters, shopping centers in the area of Kolsai Lakes. But there is no need for that here. Kolsai is one big natural monument, which tourists from all over the world come to worship.

Tranquility, silence, splendor – that’s why vacationers come to Kolsai Lakes. Also dreaming of slowing down and taking a break from the daily hustle and bustle? Then write to us on WhatsApp or e-mail travel@minzifatravel.com. We are happy to answer all your questions!

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