Uzbekistan Family Tour Package


Uzbekistan which was part of the former Soviet Union and located in the heart of Central Asia has incredible amount of surprising tourist destinations hidden up under its sleeves. Centrally located along the iconic Silk Road route which facilitated transcontinental trade between East and West, it has rich historical and cultural monuments all signifying its glorious past.

History Of Uzbekistan In Brief

Officially known as Republic of Uzbekistan, it is a doubly landlocked country surrounded by former Soviet Union countries like Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, along with Afghanistan in the south. The only significant shoreline it has is along the coast of drying-up Aral Sea which is actually a lake. It was the birthplace of various civilizations including Khwarezm, Bactria, Fergana which were founded by Iranian nomads which got subjugated under Mongol and Timurid Empire after Persian invasion. Amir Timur, founder of the Timurid Empire, is especially highly regarded for the prosperity and development of ancient Uzbekistan. Later because of the trading along the Silk Road, some Chinese, Buddhist preachers also got settled here and built their own monuments. Lately it was the rule of Soviet Union of Russia which later got dismantled and individual states like Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan were created. Because of the existence of multiple cultures and dynasties, monuments and artifacts with different cultural influences can be observed in here, Islam being prevalent among others.

Our Uzbekistan Family tour will exclusively cover three cities which are deemed jewels on the Silk Road route. These are:

Tashkent. Tashkent is the capital city of Uzbekistan and also among the oldest in entire Central Asia. Located along the Silk Road route and in the well-watered plain in the west of Altai Mountains, it became an ideal commercial hub for both traders and rulers alike. Here are the major sightseeing spots in Tashkent you’ll visit in the family tour:

Old City Tashkent.

Khast-Imam Complex.

This is an ensemble of other ancient buildings like Madrasah of Barak Khan, Tilla Sheikh Mosque, Mausoleum of the Saint Abu BakrKaffalShashi and the Islamic Institute of Imam al-Bukhari.

Tashkent Polytechnical Museum.

Tashkent is also one of the only cities in Uzbekistan where you’ll get to enjoy many recreational activities with the likes of Tashkent Zoo, Disneyland, and Aqualand, Lokomotiv Amusement Park.


It is also among the oldest cities in Central Asia with insurmountable amount of historical monuments. Samarkand was the ancient capital of Timur dynasty and contains his mausoleum. The city of Samarkand is now added in the World Heritage List and is named as “Crossroad of Cultures.” The Ulugh Beg observatory which was built in 1420s is one of the finest ancient observatories in the world, something ideal for your kids and whole family.

Sightseeing stops in Samarkand include:

  • KoniGhil village
  • Registan Square
  • BibiKhanum Mosque
  • Ulugh Beg Observatory
  • Shakhi-Zinda Necropolis
  • Gur Emir Mausoleum


Bukhara is a city-museum in Uzbekistan with over 140 architectural monuments. It has long served as a center of trade, scholarship, religion, and culture. With history dating back at least five millennia and located ideally in Silk Road route, the city seems teeming with tombs, madrasas and other oriental Muslim architectures. Because of all of the above, it has been inscribed as an UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Sightseeing destination in Bukhara include:

  • Old Part of Bukhara
  • Sitorai-Mokhikhosa
  • Bakhoutdin Naqshbandi Mausoleum
  • Chor-Bakr Necropolis

Uzbekistan does promises a wonderful holiday experience to all categories of travelers with their own unique interest, and it holds true for holiday goers who are with their family as well. Kindly visit our Contact Us page to get in touch with us regarding Uzbekistan Family Tour packages.

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