Aksu-Zhabagly Reserve – amazing nature of Kazakhstan

aksu jabagly reserve in kazakhstan

If you ask tourists what they associate Kazakhstan with, you can hear a lot of interesting things: steppes, yurts, hospitality, koumiss, the flag. However, few people remember the amazing nature of the country. And very in vain!

With Minzifa Travel you will change your ideas about Kazakhstan. We are happy to introduce you to the oldest reserve in the country – Aksu-Zhabagly – and show you the Asian country from a completely different side.

The reserve was created in 1926, and since then the fauna and flora in this area have been strictly protected by the state. Rest in the reserve is treated by the authorities as a contribution to the preservation of the native nature.

Aksu-Zhabagly is a typical Kazakhstan: here, too, you can find everything a tourist could want. Vacationers can move around the entire territory of the reserve, except for specially protected ecological zones.

The reserve owes its name to two rivers of the same name. The Aksu Canyon, which was once inhabited by primitive people, deserves special attention: there are galleries with cave paintings. You don’t have to go down into the canyon at all: you can walk along the edge, and the view of the upper terrace will not disappoint you.

Inhabitants of the Aksu-Zhabagly Reserve

The real miracle of nature on the territory of the reserve is the flora and fauna. The foothills of snowy mountain ranges are decorated with a mosaic of alpine flowers. Algae, mushrooms, lichens and moss grow here.

There are also plants in Aksu-Jabagly which can be seen only here: Kaufman and Greig tulips, snowdrop iris, barberry, honeysuckle, currant, juniper, ferns. Some of the plants are included in the Red Book.

No less interesting for visitors to the reserve is the animal world. Here one can meet argali and wolves, mountain goats and porcupines, ermines and stone martens.

The Kazakhs are sure that Aksu-Zhabagly is the best place to watch birds. The reserves are home to wild birds, especially dangerous (white-winged woodpecker and corncrake) and rare birds listed in the Red Book. But most tourists come here because of the butterflies, which in the warm season flutter over the flower meadows.

If time permits, you should definitely visit the valley of streams and rivers. The water massifs are not the only assets: there are mountain deciduous forests – willow, apple trees, bird cherry, buckthorn.

Going to visit Aksu-Jabagly

  • The tourist season is from April to October. It is the hottest in the reserve in August and the coldest in January. You can come at any time of year, but it is important to remember that in spring and autumn there may be problems with the road. If there is a desire to participate in horseback riding, it is worthwhile to come in any month except the three winter months;
  • tours are accompanied by a guide or guide – one of the museum employees;
  • open fires are prohibited in the museum, so tourists are not allowed to light fires and smoke;
  • in the reserve there are roads designed for the passage of cars, but they are few. Most tourists move on foot or on horseback;
  • payment for entrance to the reserve is by the day.

Aksu-Jabagly is a magnificent panorama, healing mountain air, clean water, bright sun and mysterious fauna and flora. Enjoy pristine nature in a cultural setting!

The Kazakh Nature Reserve is a case where it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. Minzifa Travel organizes individual and group tours to Aksu-Zhabagly to make your experience in Kazakhstan even brighter. Contact us by WhatsApp e-mail travel@minzifatravel.com. We always welcome your messages and calls!

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