Traveling through Tash-Rabat, Kyrgyzstan

Travel to Tash-Rabat

There are many interesting sights on the Great Silk Road, and one of them is Tash-Rabat. We offer to get acquainted with the mysterious fortress of Kyrgyzstan in the tour from Minzifa Travel!

Tash-Rabat: What to see?

The exact origin of Tash-Rabat is unknown: this is Kyrgyzstan, and here every ancient building is shrouded in a halo of mystery and mystery:

  • Some historians believe that Tash-Rabat is a former caravanserai. It was here that pilgrims, travelers and merchants rested, who decided to overcome the Silk Road. In the caravanserai traders could have dinner, sleep overnight, get warm in the winter evening and gain strength before a long journey. From here, most travelers went to the Fergana Valley and Issyk-Kul. This caravanserai was one of the most important in all of Central Asia;
  • Another version says that Tash-Rabat was created as a monastery where Nestorian monks lived. Historians suggest that one version does not exclude the other: originally the fortress could have been a monastery, and after spreading to the territory of Kyrgyzstan it turned into a caravanserai;
  • there is also a third version, according to which Tash-Rabat was built by Muhammad-khan. He was the ruler of the state of Mongols and Turks: Mongulistan was formed after the collapse of Genghis Khan’s empire. Historians do not exclude this theory either, as there is a number of written evidences.

Tash-Rabat also served as a protection against the raids of robbers. There are no similar buildings in all Kyrgyzstan that were of such great importance to several generations of people living here.

The architecture of the building is interesting for tourists. The structure is shaped like a square. Inside there is a long corridor leading to the main hall. There are apertures on the ceiling, through which the daylight enters inside. All the other rooms have no windows, so it is total darkness. In one room there are recesses in the corners for the convicts: in one of them the prisoner could only stand and in the other – only sit. Tourists can go inside and see the decoration of the fortress.

According to tradition, the facade of the fortress looks to the East, there are towers and a classic arch. Crowned by one large dome and two dozen small towers. Because of the remoteness Tash-Rabat looks mystical.

Most importantly, the fortress is surrounded by Tien Shan Mountains, high and impregnable. Therefore, upon arrival, tourists can admire not only the architecture, but also the beautiful nature.

Weather in Tash-Rabat area

The fortress is located in the Naryn region with a sharply continental climate. In summer it is dusty, the climate is characterized as arid, and the air temperature stays at +17 ° C. In winter it is very cold in the region – much more frosty than in all other regions of Kyrgyzstan. The average air temperature is -18 °С.

When is the best time to go to see Tash-Rabat?

In wintertime, it is not possible to see Tash-Rabat: in Naryn region it is cold and frosty, and the sightseeing cannot be called comfortable. The fortress is located in the mountains, so travel in bad weather may be prohibited.

Summer is the best time to visit the former caravanserai. At this time of year it is warm here, it almost does not rain, there are no problems with roads. If you wish, tourists can come in September or May: during this period there are fewer holidaymakers, so you can take beautiful pictures.

Tash-Rabat is one of the few preserved monuments and one of a kind historical monument of Kyrgyzstan. If you also want to touch the ancient history of Kyrgyzstan, write or call on WhatsApp, e-mail Minzifa Travel is always a fun adventure!

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