No matter how much fun a trip is, no matter how full the program is, and no matter how great the mood is, the impression of the country will not be complete until you get acquainted with its national cuisine. Fortunately, the gastronomy of Kyrgyzstan …
Национальная кухня Кыргызстана или вкусности Киргизии
Каким бы веселым не выдалось путешествие, какой бы насыщенной не была программа, и каким бы замечательным не оказалось настроение, впечатления о стране будут не полными, пока не познакомитесь с ее национальной кухней. К большому счастью гастрономия Кыргызстана умеет удивлять!Во время туров с Minzifa Travel ни …
Туры в Киргизию – отдых на Иссык-Куле «Жемчужине Кыргызстана»
Киргизия – настоящий алмаз в азиатской короне древнейших империй и страна, которую невозможно обойти стороной. Пока Киргизия недостаточно изучена туристами, поэтому у вас есть отличная возможность стать первооткрывателями!Кыргызстан изобилует культурными и природными достопримечательностями и широкими возможностями для горнолыжного спорта, оздоровления и пляжного отдыха. С Minzifa …
Tours in Kyrgyzstan – holidays in Issyk-Kul “Pearl of Kyrgyzstan”
Kyrgyzstan is a diamond in the crown of ancient Asian empires and a country which cannot be avoided. Kyrgyzstan has not yet been explored enough by tourists, so you have a great opportunity to become a pioneer! Kyrgyzstan abounds with cultural and natural attractions and …
Things To Do In Bishkek
Kyrgyzstan’s capital doesn’t seem to offer much as far as attractions until the point when you visit this place, you will start to find that this city is home to an entire slew of particular sights, popular bistros, unwinding parks, underrated attractions, and impeccable monuments.Places …
Things To Do In Naryn
Naryn has a picturesque gorge cutting through the town.The regional administrative centre of the Naryn Region in the central part of Kyrgyzstan. The banks of the Naryn River carves a pleasant canyon through the town. Things To Do In Naryn Salkin Tor National Park The …
Things To Do In Osh
When you visit Kyrgyzstan, the Central Asian architectural beauties in Osh are impossible to be overlooked. Osh serves as the briefing point en route Pamir Mountains, Dostyk crossing to Uzbekistan, Irkeshtam Pass to China and the newly discovered trek-roads through the Alay Mountains. Places to …
Things To Do In Karakol
Karakol is at the eastern edge of Issyk Kul Lake and foot of Terskey Ala-Too Mountain extend. In case you’re in Kyrgyzstan to discover the mountains, you will probably go through Karakol, so you ought to help yourself out and spend a couple of days …
Things To Do In Cholpon Ata
A resort town on the northern shore of Lake Issyk-Kul, Cholpon Ata is the centre for all administrative works in Kyrgyzstan. Cholpon Ata occupies the major part of Lake Issyk Kul’s shoreline. The imposing view of the Tian Shan Mountains across the Issyk Kul gorge …
Things To Do In Kyrgyzstan
Officially known as Kyrgyzstan Republic, it is one of the countries in Central Asia which for long served as a base for many empires and staging post to the Great Silk Road route. Located high above in the Tien Shan mountain range, Kyrgyzstan is home …