Lost Khorezm. Mysteries of Grandiose Structures (Kyzylkum Desert)

Kyzylkum Desert

Many centuries ago, unknown architects erected impregnable fortresses on the territory of Khorezm. To this day, these grandiose structures never cease to amaze scientists and travelers alike. Now let’s speak about the mysteries of the grandiose structures of Kyzylkum Desert (Lost Khorezm). Kyzylkum Desert The …

Frequently Asked Questions Before Traveling to Uzbekistan

Frequently Asked Questions Before Traveling to Uzbekistan

When going on a trip, people often ask a lot of questions about the trip. In this article we will try to answer the frequently asked questions, as well as to help all those who are going to visit Uzbekistan. What you need to know …

Trade Routes of Maverannahr in the Great Silk Road System. Varakhsha

Trade Routes of Maverannahr in the Great Silk Road System. Varakhsha

The routes were lively, but also very difficult, because they went through the desert. Their main routes are described in the eastern roadbooks. There are several routes, the passage of which depended on the time of year and the state of vegetation – the forage …

Peoples of Uzbekistan. (Kalmyks)

Peoples of Uzbekistan

Self-name is khalyig. The people, the main population of Kalmykia. The language is Kalmyk of the western subgroup of the Mongolian group of the Altai family. Believers – Buddhists, there are Orthodox. Kalmyks in Uzbekistan: 1926 г. – 18. Sarty-Kalmaks – 233 1979 г. – …

Rest in Uzbekistan or 7 reasons to drop everything and come to Uzbekistan!

Men capturing a photo

Vacation in Uzbekistan is a journey into history. Do you live in a big metropolis?Are you tired of the daily hustle and bustle?You want a break from the noise of the city?Especially for you, we have put together7 reasons to leave everything and go to …

Cathedral Mosque of St. Petersburg and the Emir of Bukhara

Cathedral Mosque of St. Petersburg and the Emir of Bukhara

In 1881, the son of Bukhara emir visited Moscow and St. Petersburg and attended the coronation of Emperor Alexander III (1881-1894). In May of the same year the Muslim community appealed to the government for permission to build a mosque in St. Petersburg, but this …

The benefits of traveling with your family

If you suffer from a passion for travel as much as we do, the excitement of exploring different countries, immersing yourself in an unfamiliar culture, and enjoying a new cuisine is the epitome of intoxication. There is nothing that can compare to the feeling of …

The story of how a tourist from Kazakhstan fell in love with Tashkent

The story of how a tourist from Kazakhstan fell in love with Tashkent

A journalist from a neighboring country, who is visiting Tashkent for the first time, told about the deed of the Yakkasaray district khokim on her Facebook page. More than 1,300 people have already shared this publication. Below we publish the full text of Danara Kurmanova’s …