Where to eat the most delicious pilaf in Tashkent?


Pilaw is one of the oldest dishes, which supposedly appeared in India or the Middle East more than 2 thousand years ago. Nowadays, plov is considered one of the most popular dishes in Central Asia, Asia Minor, Transcaucasia, Turkey and the Middle East. Even Alexander …

Five Vegetarian Dishes You Must Try in Uzbekistan

The national bread of Uzbekistan

Uzbek cuisine is very rich and abundant in many delicious and flavorful dishes. Every sophisticated gourmet will find a dish to his liking, whether he is a meat-eater or a vegetarian. Today we want to tell you about five dishes that are great for vegetarians …

Kurash is a national competition in Uzbekistan

Kurash is legendary wrestling!

The kind of national belt wrestling, officially included in the world network of non-Olympic sports and supported by UNESCO, is Kurash. Kurash in translation means “to reach the goal by the fair way”. This type of martial art appeared on the territory of present Uzbekistan …

Hospitality in Uzbekistan is a centuries-old tradition

Hospitality in Uzbekistan is a centuries-old tradition

Hospitality is a vital principle of all the peoples of the East and one of the characteristic features of the people of Uzbekistan. Not accepting a guest or not giving him due respect means to disgrace the family, clan, and makhalla. Uzbek families in the …

Mahalla – Uzbek Quarter or Guzar

Mahalla - Uzbek Quarter or Guzar

A whole system of relations between residents of the same neighborhood, existing in Uzbekistan for hundreds of years and significantly influenced the development of the Uzbek way of life and traditions. The center of a makhalla is usually a mosque or teahouse. In ancient times, …

Folk games in Uzbekistan – Kupkari

Folk games in Uzbekistan - Kupkari

The equestrian competition among the peoples of Central Asia – kupkari – (In translation from Turkic “kup” means “many” and Persian “kari” – “deed, work”, i.e. “deed of many”). In Uzbekistan the kupkari competition is also called ulak, buzkashi. In this game, skillful riders compete …

Presentation of the rope-walkers – darbozov. Traditions of Uzbekistan.

Presentation of the rope-walkers - darbozov. Traditions of Uzbekistan.

Among the various traditions of the peoples of Central Asia we can single out into a separate category the traditional entertainment during the festivities. These are, of course, dances, songs, but also include puppet shows, wrestling, races and performances of rope-walkers – darbozes, as they …

Beshik-tui – the first swaddling of a baby

Beshik-tui - the first swaddling of a baby

Joyful and important event – a new person was born! The appearance of a baby in an Uzbek family is accompanied by the ancient ritual celebration “Beshik tui” – “Wooden cradle”. The ritual has survived in the culture of the Uzbeks from time immemorial and …

Fatiha tui – Uzbek Rite of Wooing or Engagement

Fatiha tui - Uzbek Rite of Wooing or Engagement

Fatiha tui. An interesting custom with a simple meaning is engagement or matchmaking. According to tradition, the parents of the groom, most often the aunts, less often the mother, find the bride themselves. However, today’s young people tactfully advise in which direction it is better …

Nikoh tui or Uzbek wedding

Nikoh tui or Uzbek wedding

One of the most magnificent and colorful Uzbek ceremonies is the nikokh tuyi or wedding. The biggest event that is celebrated noisily, richly and with many guests. Everyone is invited: relatives, neighbors, colleagues, friends and acquaintances. On the wedding day, the ceremony begins early in …

Morning pilaf is one of the old and obligatory Uzbek rituals

Morning pilaf is one of the old and obligatory Uzbek rituals

Morning pilaf is one of the long-standing and obligatory Uzbek rites, in which only men participate. This meal is usually timed to coincide with large celebrations, at the birth of a child, on the occasion of circumcision, in honor of the return from military service, …