

Cholpon Ata travel guide

The exhaustive list of local attractions in the happening city of Cholpon Ata includes both- cultural points and historical sites. A resort town on the northern shore of Lake Issyk-Kul, Cholpon Ata is the centre for all administrative works in Kyrgyzstan. Cholpon Ata occupies the major part of Lake Issyk Kul’s shoreline.

Cholpon Ata grounds large and small sanatoria, guesthouses and hotels to accommodate its visitors. Kyrgyzstan has been attracting demanding foreign tourists lately. The imposing view of the Tian Shan Mountains across the IssykKul gorge is very impressive.

Places of tourist overflow in Cholpon Ata


Hippodrome is a large open-air stadium that occasionally hosts events and concerts but is majorly known for the competitions held in full swing during the World Nomad Games festival.


The supermarket sells a wide variety of canned and packaged goods and also has a decent collection of drinks and snacks suitable for a self-catered beach picnic with family and friends. Narodni lies in the nub of the town and is an excellent place for vacation shoppers.

The Nomad Museum

The Nomad museum is a well curated and perfectly displayed art and artefact exhibition. The exhibition displays traditional Kyrgyz clothing, culture and history in the yurt inspired airy-space of the museum.

The museum has separate space for all the Turkic nomadic cultures. The museum lies on the outskirts of the Chon-Sary-Oi village that is 15 km to the west of the Cholpon Ata bus station.


The Barashek is a chain restaurant all over Kyrgyzstan. The Cholpon-Ata branch of Bishkek serves reliable local dishes and some of the European Favourites. Barashek is one of the restaurants that functions all year round.

The Regional Museum

The museum contains copies of locally found Saka or Scythian gold jewellery, Kyrgyz bards, underwater archaeology, displays on ethnography, textiles and a 3D model of The Issyk-Kol showing how very deep the lake bottom is.

Rukh Ordo

Lying on the shoreline of Lake IssykKul, RukhOrdo in the city of Cholpon-Ata is a cultural centre that is dedicated to five major religions of the world- Islam, Catholicism, Buddhism, Judaism and Orthodox Christianity. The cultural centre and museum was a briefing place for interreligious peace and understanding.

Entrance ticket: 400 soum per person ~2 hours

Open: 9 am to 5 pm.

The Ferris Wheel

The sixteen-minute Ferris wheel ride gives enough time to admire the IssykKullake and the mountains in the backdrop. The Ferris wheel lies on the waterfront beyond Cholpon-Ata’s best hotel- the Dolphin Hotel.

Cholpon-Ata awakens from its offseason doze to become the nub of a remote beach scene. Zipping jet skis, tan bodies and ice cream licking kids can be seen all along the shoreline. Night time witnesses thumping discos, open-air cafes and young lovers breaking social taboos.

Visit Cholpon Ata for a refreshing vacation with your family and friends. Call us or visit our website to book your trip.


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