Is it safe to visit Central Asia?

Central Asia

The answer is a resounding yes. Central Asia, in particular Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, is one of the safest places in the world to visit. The region has been known for its political stability and lack of terrorism, making it an ideal vacation destination for travelers looking for a safe place to see some amazing sights.

Visiting Central Asia is not only safe, but very rewarding! The region has a long history of welcoming visitors and travelers alike.

There are many places you can explore in Central Asia, but these are some of the highlights:

  • The city of Tashkent in Uzbekistan, a modern metropolis with an interesting history and beautiful architecture. -The ancient cities of Samarkand and Bukhara, with their impressive mosques and citadels.
  • The Khiva oasis and its ancient city, which was once the capital of an empire of the same name. The town is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. -The most famous mountain in Central Asia, Khan Tengri Peak in Kyrgyzstan, with its breathtaking views of the region.
  • The Altyn-Emel National Park in Kazakhstan, a nature reserve that is home to many endangered species of animals. -The Aral Sea and the surrounding area, which was once one of the largest lakes in the world but has shrunk considerably due to overuse of water for irrigation.

Are there any festivals or events that would be good for me to plan my visit around?

There are a number of festivals and events on the calendar throughout Central Asia. The most popular event is the Bukhara Festival in Uzbekistan, which takes place every year in April or May. It features music, dance, art exhibitions and more. If you’re interested in horsemanship or horse breeding then you can also check out the Kyrgyzstan Horse Festival (held each June) or Kazakhstan’s Festival of Music and Dance (held each September).

If you are visiting Central Asia in early spring, consider attending the Nowruz celebration.

Should I hire a guide or can I wing it with an app on my phone/online guidebook download?

Guides are often the best way to learn about the region’s history and culture. They can also help organize your itinerary in areas where English isn’t widely spoken and point out highlights on a map that might otherwise be missed by tourists who rely solely on their phones’ GPS features (which are generally not accurate enough).


I hope this post has helped you to decide whether or not to visit Central Asia. The truth is, it’s a very safe place and if you do your research and plan ahead, you will have an amazing time. Plus there are so many things to do and see that even if you only have one week in the region, there will still be plenty of new experiences for everyone! So what are some of your favorite things about travelling here? Share them with us in the comments below!

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