We’ve met Uzbekistan – the inspiring Kyrgyzstan is next


Do you know what the main advantage of travel is? No, no, not the colorful pictures, national souvenirs and gastronomic diversity (although that’s great, too!). It is the broadening of personal horizons that each – even the shortest – trip provides.

We are very glad that you have had time to get acquainted with Uzbekistan within the framework of Minzifa Travel tour. Mysterious Bukhara, beautiful Tashkent, magic Samarkand – we believe that the emotions you got still make you smile and leave you wanting to come back again!

And if you feel that you are already back to new adventures, we suggest continuing the good tradition and go on an unforgettable journey to the unexplored Kyrgyzstan!

In 8 days we will visit:

  • Bishkek – the most interesting excursions in the vicinity of the capital;
  • Chon Kemin Valley – in this very place you will have a unique opportunity to feel the spirit of nomadic tribe;
  • the town of Cholpon Ata – here we will reveal to you the main historical secrets of inspiring Kyrgyzstan
  • Lake Issyk-Kul – is it worth telling about its beauty? Or maybe you should see it with your own eyes?
  • Jety Oguz Gorge – we assure you: the pictures taken in this place will be surely appreciated by all your friends.

So, are you already interested? Then hurry up and book your place (or places!) on a classic tour to Kyrgyzstan from Minzifa Travel. Get ready for endless inspiration!

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