Tajikistan Classic Cultural Tour


The lifestyle of Tajikistan has advanced over numerous thousand years. Tajik culture may be divided into regions, Metropolitan and Kohistan. Tajikistan continues to be a developing country, off the nicely-worn vacationer trail.

Shopping In Tajikistan

As such, it’s far a cheap place to shop for thrilling and unusual gadgets, accessories mainly textiles and cotton. Tajik padded coats, first-rate worn with a hat and sash, are uniquely conventional items that make comfy and realistic souvenirs. Tajikistan’s many colourful bazaar markets are the pleasant places to pick up mementos or try nearby produce. Vodka is some other nearby uniqueness, with Ruski preferred usually considered to be the satisfactory.

Which City To Explore To Witness The Culture Of Tajikistan?


Khujand, positioned near to Syr Darya River within the Fergana Valley, is Tajikistan’s 2nd large city. Panjshanbe Bazaar is the primary food market and far strictly a neighbourhood market which completely reflect the real colours of Tajikistan’s culture. The bazaar is located on a massive, open rectangular area next to which the sixteenth century Muslihiddin Khujandi Mosque and Mausoleum are located.


Istaravshan is a small town to the southwest of Khujand that is domestic to the most effective Timurid architecture. It makes a great day ride from Khujand, and also can be visited at the way to or from Dushanbe, Iskander Kul, or Penjikent.

Blacksmiths at the bazaar promote decorative conventional knives crafted from animal bone, horns, and diverse sorts of wood. they are quite stunning and looking the blacksmiths at paintings is interesting, those knives are well-known in the course of Tajikistan.


Murghab is largely a Kyrgyz town. the encompassing panorama view of the Pamir Plateau is extraordinarily scenic view and photos of the region appearance more like the moon than everywhere else. Yaks are the precept supply of meat and dairy merchandise. The metropolis’s very small market, the Yak residence mementos are keep selling generally dairy goods.

Top Historical Sites To Be Covered In Tajikistan Cultural Tour.

Tajikistan is full with friendly and hospitable neighbourhood people who always offer a good way to make a conversation with their guests. The journey through the modern country becomes a real adventure and guarantees the real evolution of Tajikistan.

  • Boghi Poytakht Park
  • Stele with the Emblem of Tajikistan
  • Delfin Aquapark
  • Ayni Opera & Ballet Theatre
  • Green Bazaar
  • Gurminj Museum of Music Instruments
  • Mevlana Yakub Charki Mosque
  • Historical Local Lore Museum of Archeology and Fortification
  • National Museum of Antiquities
  • Hisor Fortress
  • National Library of Tajikistan

Call us or visit our website to book your Tajikistan Cultural Tour to explore the cultural beauties of Tajikistan.

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