If you are tired of the usual trips and want bright emotions, come to Gissar. You will not have any difficulties with booking tours, finding hotels and making an entertainment program – trust your vacation to Minzifa Travel.
What to see in Gissar?
The history of Gissar began 40000 years ago: it is the main historical attraction and pride of Tajiks. In ancient times the city was the center of Samanid state. Until the 1920s it was the capital of Eastern Bukhara. When you come to Gissar, you should definitely get acquainted with such sights as:
- Gissar fortress is the largest architectural monument not only of Tajikistan but also of the whole Central Asia. The fortress was built by hand more than two thousand years ago. Its main decoration is the gate in the form of an arch created in the 16th century;
- An ancient madrasah was built in the 16th century and is still one of the main architectural landmarks of the country;
- Caravanserai Hotel. The guest house was built of brick in the early 19th century. At that time the state was ruled by Saidbi Atolik;
- stone mosque Chashmai Mohien was built in the VIII century, and in the XIV century it was completed with a tower and two porches;
- Sangin Mosque is a domed mosque, half of which is made of stone. Under the dome there are ceramic jars without bottoms. The building has original resonators to improve the acoustics;
- Mausoleum of Makhdoomi A’zam – located next to the old madrasah and was erected in the 16th century. The name of the mausoleum translates as “The Greatest Master”: it is not a name, but a nickname or title. There are several complexes in Central Asia that have this name: it is associated with religious and state figures. Who exactly is buried in the mausoleum is still unknown.
Weather in Gissar
Gissar has a sharply continental climate. Winters are cloudy, snowy and cold, with temperatures dropping to -7 ° C. Summers are clear, arid and hot, with temperatures hovering around +39 ° C. Autumn is dry and sunny, and long winds often blow in the spring.
When is the best time to go to Gissar?
Gissar is available for travel at any time of year: it all depends on what tourists want to see:
- Summer is the season for classic vacations. Most workers have vacations during this period, and therefore there is a large flow of tourists. Summer in Gissar is very hot, for trips with children is better to choose another time. But if you dream of a beautiful tan and are ready for long walks in the sun, you can come to Gissar in June, July and August;
- Autumn – there is almost no rain in September and October: all wetness falls in November. Tourist season lasts until mid-October: a great time for long walks and beautiful photographs;
- Winter is cold and snowy in Gissar. Therefore, like summer, winter is not the best time to travel with children. But adults will love this season in Tajikistan – ancient monuments are covered with snow and everything looks mystical;
- Spring – in March the air begins to warm up, and at the same time the flow of tourists increases. In April and May it is windy, but that is not a reason to refuse a trip: a lot of greenery, sun and the main Tajik holiday Navruz.
Gissar is created for the most daring and curious travelers who crave new discoveries: ancient monuments, architectural complexes and mosques with unexplored mysteries. For tour bookings, please contact Minzifa Travel at travel@minzifatravel.com, WhatsApp. This is an adventure you will remember forever!
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