HomeNews & Reviews (Page 5)

Европейские СМИ назвали главные туристические «жемчужины» Узбекистана

Автор статьи также указал одну не туристическую, но бесценную достопримечательность страны, из-за которой ее стоит посетить. Австрийское издание Kurier выпустило статью, посвященную туризму в Узбекистане. Автор материала отметил, что у республики выгодное географическое расположение и нестандартный для европейцев климат. Интерес у иностранных туристов могут вызвать несколько мест, пишет газета. Прежде всего, …

Мировые СМИ оценили, способен ли Узбекистан стать “горнолыжной сказкой”

В 2019-м открылся горнолыжный курорт “Амирсой”, который признали новой жемчужиной Узбекистана. Британское издание Country and Town House опубликовало статью о горнолыжном досуге в Узбекистане.”Ищете новое место для катания на лыжах? Отправляйтесь на Восток, в Узбекистан” — так называется статья.Автор материала отмечает, что Узбекистан не ассоциируется у …

The world media assessed whether Uzbekistan is capable of becoming a “ski fairy tale


In 2019, the Amirsoy ski resort opened and was recognized as the new jewel of Uzbekistan. The British publication Country and Town House published an article about skiing in Uzbekistan.“Looking for a new place to ski? Head East to Uzbekistan.” – is the title of …

Uzbekistan is in the top 5 countries where it is worth celebrating the New Year

New Year

The Republic has overtaken in the ranking of such popular tourist destinations as France, Germany and Switzerland. Uzbekistan is in the top five most attractive places to spend New Year’s holidays.The ranking was compiled by the Polish newspaper Gazeta.pl.The republic was ranked third, right after …

British publication believes that the resort of Amirsoy is able to surpass Sochi in popularity


The British publication Country and Town House published an article about winter holidays in the Uzbek resort of Amirsoy. As essay author Felix Milnes writes, Uzbekistan is not the country that first comes to mind when planning a ski trip. However, after Amirsoy’s debut season …

Pilaw at 5 a.m. and PIN-code of a bank card: what surprises tourists in Uzbekistan

Tour to Uzbekistan

The stories of foreign guests are about what features of the way of life in Uzbekistan struck them most. Since the beginning of the year, about 1.2 million tourists have visited Uzbekistan. In addition to the ancient architecture and beautiful nature, they remember the original …

Tajikistan introduces unilateral visa-free travel for citizens of 52 countries

Tour to Uzbekistan "By the footsteps of Genghis Khan"

Foreigners will be able to take advantage of these preferences for 30 days from the beginning of next year. The Government of Tajikistan on January 1, 2022 introduces a unilateral visa-free regime for citizens of 52 countries to enter the republic. The government decree sets …

The number of tourists visiting Uzbekistan since the beginning of 2021 was named

Tour to Uzbekistan "By the footsteps of Genghis Khan"

Uzbekistan counted the number of tourists who arrived in the country since the beginning of the year. This is reported by a correspondent of UPL. According to available data, since the beginning of the year 1 million 135 thousand tourists visited Uzbekistan. The statistics published …

Gastronomic festival “Taste of France” will be held for the 6th time in the restaurants of Uzbekistan.


The Goût de/Good France/Taste of France is back and will take place from October 14 to 22, 2021. For the sixth time, it will be a grand celebration of French gastronomy in France and around the world. Once again, with this festival, on five continents …