National cuisine of Uzbekistan

uzbek pilaf

What is the national cuisine of Uzbekistan? Do you think plov and shurpa? Is that where your experience of tasting one of the world’s most delicious cuisines ends? We will show you that Uzbekistan has a lot of highlights that will stay in the memory of your taste buds, at the mention of them you will feel light exhaustion. Ready to dive into a textual description of Uzbekistan’s deliciousness? Let’s go! 

Thinking about the topic: “Uzbekistan, cuisine, national dishes” most of us have an association with pilaf, lepeshkas and green tea. And that’s the right thought. Uzbekistan is unthinkable without plov, lepeshkas and green tea are an integral part not only of the region’s cuisine but also part of centuries-old culture of hospitality. The set table for the guest always begins with them. Round sunny scones and refreshing green tea are the first to appear on the table to prepare the guest for the main course. What can surprise the sophisticated gourmets in Uzbekistan? We can proudly say that when you come to Uzbekistan the national meal, besides pilaw, begins with lagman, and it is Uyghur lagman! You can find it in Bukhara!

Handmade noodles, drowning in gravy, with tomato-garlic flavor, and of course, the secret ingredient that you can still find out by attending a master class from the chef, remain unchanged for many years! The taste of this dish is impossible to describe in words! What about such a dish as tuy-kabob? You never heard of it? When in Samarkand you will definitely find a place where they cook tui-kabob – meat stewed with tomatoes and spices, sour-sweet bliss melt in your mouth flavored with local spices.  And if you are lucky, you may get to the season when they start cooking khalisa – the dish of bogatyrs (polvon – as they are called in Uzbek).

The dish is cooked in a large cauldron overnight. For almost 10 hours in the cauldron, constantly stirring, they toast the meat, which breaks down into fibers, wheat, and onions, and at dawn the bogatyr dish is ready.  In general, of course, the street food of Uzbekistan, differs in its ability to quench hunger. This is also due to the fact that the Uzbek cuisine is based on meat, cereals. dough, anything that can satiate a person for a long time, because the Uzbek nation has its roots in the nomadic and settled tribes who inhabited the territory.

Hence the traditional food of Uzbekistan, which satiates for a long time of the day. And if you do not eat meat and wonder – what to eat in Uzbekistan from vegetarian dishes? The region is very rich with vegetables and fruits, and ripe and fresh, not collected at the ripening stage and sent in trucks for export. The abundance of edible products is a feast for the eyes!

You can talk about Uzbek cuisine endlessly, there are always supporters and opponents, but what can be said when you can come and try everything yourself! For example, in gastronomic tour you can organize master-classes of any dishes of Uzbek cuisine, you can cook and taste it yourself!

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