What is definitely worth a tourist to try in Kyrgyzstan?

What is definitely worth a tourist to try in Kyrgyzstan

To enjoy the main dishes of Kyrgyzstan, it is not necessary to go on a special gastronomic tour. Kyrgyzstan is a country of delicious, flavorful and nutritious food, so even the most standard trip is not without a visit to local restaurants and cafes. On …

What a tourist should take with him to Uzbekistan?

We can remind you of the hospitality of the inhabitants of Uzbekistan to infinity

In the pursuit of vivid impressions and new emotions it is not necessary to cross the entire globe. It is enough to go to Uzbekistan, a country where there is no language barrier and huge prices for tickets and entertainment, but there is delicious food …

What should a tourist take with him to Kyrgyzstan?

Senic View

Traveling to Kyrgyzstan is one of the most incredible things that can happen to a tourist. But even such a fascinating trip can turn into a headache if you do not take a responsible approach to collecting luggage. With the documents and money for vacationers …

Travel for the New Year Uzbekistan 2022-2023

New Year in Uzbekistan

Every trip is a bright emotion, an unforgettable experience, beautiful photos and plus another dream come true. But what happens if you combine an exciting trip with the meeting of the warmest and most beloved holiday of childhood – New Year? You will get an …

Travel to Penjikent – tours and attractions

Travel to Penjikent - tours and attractions

Pendjikent is that preserved piece of the past that blends harmoniously with the modern areas of Tajikistan. Here you will find buildings with petroglyphs, medieval citadels, and ancient settlements – all these wonderful sights, which you can get acquainted with during the tour from Minzifa …

Путешествие в Пенджикент – туры и достопримечательности

Пенджикент – это тот сохранившийся кусочек прошлого, который гармонично вписывается в современные районы Таджикистана. Здесь вы найдете здания с петроглифами, средневековые цитадели, древние поселения – все эти удивительные достопримечательности, с которыми вы сможете познакомиться во время тура от Minzifa Travel! Что посмотреть в Пенджикенте? Пенджикент …

Journey to the Seven Lakes – tours and attractions

Tour Tajikistan

You don’t have to know someone or something for very long to fall in love once and for all. Sometimes a glance or a fascinating one-day excursion is enough. Don’t believe me? Then go on an intense tour with Minzifa Travel! Seven Lakes: What to …

Путешествие к семи озерам – туры и достопримечательности

Чтобы влюбиться раз и навсегда, не обязательно знать кого-то или что-то очень долго. Иногда достаточно одного взгляда или увлекательной однодневной экскурсии. Не верите? Тогда отправляйтесь в насыщенный тур с Minzifa Travel! Семь озер: Что посмотреть? Есть и другие названия этой достопримечательности – Маргузорские озера или …