Journey to the Petroglyphs in Cholpon-Ata, Kyrgyzstan

Journey to the Petroglyphs in Cholpon-Ata

Petroglyphs in Cholpon-Ata are one of the most significant sites in Central Asia. It is the most mysterious and mystical place of Kyrgyzstan, an open-air museum and Stone Garden. And Minzifa Travel invites you on a fascinating and informative tour to explore the most ancient …

Traveling through the Irkeshtam Pass, Kyrgyzstan

travel to Irkeshtam

The Irkeshtam Pass is an amazing and undiscovered destination that tourists are sure to love. This border, connecting Kyrgyzstan and China, has something to surprise vacationers, and Minzifa Travel will be happy to tell and show you where to start exploring the pass. What to …